No. 287.
Mr. Stevens to Mr. Evarts.
Tokei, Japan, February 5, 1879. (Received March 13.)
Sir: I beg to transmit herewith, for your information, the report of Japanese exports and imports from 1868 to 1878, inclusive. The imports for the ten years amounted in value to yen 246,001,729.02, the exports to yen 190,412,539.24, a difference in favor of imports of yen 55,589,189.77.
The amount of coin and bullion exported during the ten years was yen 54,505,691.37; the amount imported was yen 19,368,311.32—an excess in the export of yen 35,137,380.05.
The average rate of duties collected by the Japanese Government on imports is shown by this report to have been a little over 4 per cent, only.
In but two years, viz, 1868 and 1876–’77, were the exports in excess of the imports; during the remainder the balance of trade has been largely against Japan. The year 1877–’78 shows the largest aggregate foreign trade, the total of exports and imports being yen 58,841,960.55, and the excess of exports yen 5,024,744.71.
I have, &c.,