No. 268.
Mr. Preston to Mr. Evarts.

The undersigned, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of Hayti, has the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the note which was addressed to him by the honorable Secretary of State of the United States, under date of the 19th of April last, in reply to his of the 4th of the same month, relative to the license law. As soon as he shall have received from Hayti certain advices which he expects from the department [Page 595] of foreign affairs, he will hasten to reply to the honorable Secretary of State.

The undersigned had the honor, to write to the honorable Secretary of State of the United States on the 4th of February last in relation to consular visas. As his government desires to settle this question definitely with the federal cabinet and with other foreign governments to whose representatives have recently joined in the action of the minister resident of the United States concerning the Haytian law of August 23, 1877, the undersigned desires hereby to request the honorable Secretary of State to inform him whether the Federal Government, after re-examining the subject, has accepted the considerations set forth in his aforesaid note in behalf of the fiscal law of Hayti, which, as is shown in that note, is in contravention with no provision of the law of nations, nor with any stipulation of the international convention existing between the United States and the Republic of Hayti.

The undersigned avails himself of this occasion to renew to the honorable Secretary of State of the United States the assurances of his highest consideration.