No. 257.
Mr. Langston to Mr. Evarts.
Legation of
the United States,
Port au Prince,
Hayti, July 25, 1879.
(Received August 7.)
No. 186.]
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith inclosed
copies of two dispatches, with translations, and the replies made thereto,
addressed to me by the Haytian Government.
These dispatches, according to the request made, were brought by me at once
to the attention of the diplomatic corps, and upon its approval the replies
returned were made.
The subjects treated in these dispatches are so grave, the attitude assumed
by the government so remarkable, and the style and manner adopted by the
writer, especially in the closing portions to the dispatch of the 10th
instant, so unusual, that it has been deemed prudent to bring them with the
replies to the attention of the department.
I am, &c.,
[Inclosure 1 in No.
Mr. Ethéart to Mr.
Port au
Prince, July 3,
Mr. Minister: As you know, I addressed
yesterday a circular to the members of the diplomatic corps to ask them
the names of the refugees which they had received at their residences,
and what disposition they were going to take in that behalf. Not having
received any response to my circular I have the honor to ask you to
convoke them, and to inform them that the government has decided to
embark said refugees upon the English steamer which will leave this port
to-day. It is necessary, then, to have an understanding in order that
all necessary measures may be taken in the premises.
Be pleased to accept, Mr. Minister, the assurance of my very high
The secretary of state of foreign relations.
[Page 577]
[Inclosure 2 in No. 186.]
Mr. Langston to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Port au Prince, Hayti, July 8, 1879.
Sir: I have the honor to state that your
dispatch of this date, in which you ask me to convoke the corps
diplomatique and inform them that the government has decided to embark
the refugees referred to by you in a circular addressed yesterday to
them, has been received.
The diplomatic and consular corps have been convoked and the contents of
your dispatch made known to them according to your request.
The members of this body have either answered your circular already, as I
am assured, or will do so as soon as practicable.
By the way, it appears that several gentlemen who wese present have not
received your circular.
I have, &c.,
[Inclosure 3 in No.
Mr. Ethéart to Mr.
Port au
Prince, July 10,
Mr. Minister: I desire to ask you, in the name
of my government, to have the goodness to convoke, in the shortest
possible time, the diplomatic and consular corps. The English man-of-war
Boxer being in the harbor, the government desires that the refugees in
the different consulates may be embarked as soon as possible. They may
await on board of her the arrival of the royal mail, which comes here
to-morrow or the day after to-morrow.
You will be kind enough, Mr. Minister, to consult with the corps over
which you preside, as to the proper means of securing this result
agreeably to the promise made when the embarkation of these persons on
board of the Ailsa was refused. The legations of France and Spain, as is
known, alleged as the ground of their refusal to permit said embarkation
the fact that they had themselves taken measures to have the refugees
placed on board of some vessel, and that they were awaiting, with this
view, the arrival of a man-of-war.
This condition being to-day fulfilled by the presence of the Boxer in our
waters, and the near arrival of the royal mail, no obstacle can
hereafter be opposed to the execution of the promise which has been made
I believe it my duty to advise you, Mr. Minister, that if the members of
the diplomatic and consular corps neglect this favorable opportunity for
the embarkation of the individuals whom they have received at their
residences, the government can no longer guarantee the security of the
persons who have sought refuge under the protection of the different
flags; and it would leave, with reason, the responsibility of the
possible consequences of so dangerous a situation with those who have
provoked it by their obstinacy.
I avail myself of this occasion, Mr. Minister, to offer you the assurance
of my most distinguished consideration.
The secretary of state of foreign affairs.
[Inclosure 4 in No. 186.]
Mr. Langston to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Port au Prince, Hayti, July 10, 1879.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the
receipt of your dispatch, dated this day, and having reference to the
embarkation of refugees said to be in the different legations and
The contents of this dispatch have been brought, according to your
request, to the attention of the members of the corps diplomatique et
So far as the use of the English man-of-war Boxer is concerned, for any
purpose for which your government might need it, you will permit me to
suggest that you should correspond with the representative of Her
Britannic Majesty.
[Page 578]
I may be permitted to suggest, also, that I apprehend, from information
which I have received both directly and indirectly, that any promise
made by the representatives of the English and Spanish Governments to
yours will be duly observed.
As to your suggestion with regard to not guaranteeing protection in case
the refugees referred to by you are not embarked according to your
request, I have only to say that responsibility in such case will attach
to such party as may be eventually shown to be at fault; it is generally
believed, however, that a refugee seeks shelter beneath the flag of a
legation or consulate to which he flees because there he finds
I beg to suggest, Mr. Minister, in the most respectful manner, that so
far as my colleagues of the corps diplomatique and consulaire are
concerned, your use of the French expression “obstination” is, in our
judgment, not quite in accordance with diplomatic usage.
I am, &c.,