No. 249.
Mr. Langston to Mr. Evarts.
Port au Prince, Hayti, June 30, 1879.
Sir: During the night of the 20th of last month, Cape Haytian was the theater of another of those oft-occurring insurrectionary movements which disturb and injure the government and country of Hayti.
In the Moniteur, the organ of the government, issued on the 26th ultimo, the President of the republic makes proclamation to the people and army, with regard to this occurrence, declaring that the government reports a new triumph over the enemies of order.
The object of this movement has not yet been made public, nor has its political complexion been defined. Nationals as well as Liberals were found among the insurgents; although, it is reported, that a considerable number of the latter party, including, several prominent men, have been imprisoned by reason of their real or supposed connection with this affair.
The leader of this movement was General Théophile Parisien, assisted by General Badeau and Mr. Tassy. The three are men of prominence, holding official positions, civil or military, of importance and honor.
Advantage it is said was taken of the absence of the commandant of the place, General Dumesle Garçon, as well as that of General Béléard, who commanded the volunteers, to make this movement, and attack was made upon the Hotel de l’Arrondissement, which it was believed, without doubt, under the circumstances could be taken with little effort. The resistance, however, seems to have been earnest and determined, and the insurgents were repulsed with loss in killed and wounded.
General Montpoint, supported by Generals Duvivier and Osgar, commanded and led the forces of the government. His conduct seems to have been gallant and successful, though it is said that in single-handed combat with General Parisien he received a wound, perhaps only slight.
It was near the Hotel de l’Arrondissement and upon the Place de la Cathédrale that the principal fighting was done.
At daylight the insurgents were put to flight, and as they went they left their dead and wounded upon the scene of action in the hands of the vanquishers.
In closing his proclamation the President expresses the liveliest felicitations to the generals, the soldiers, and citizens whose energy saved the Capital; and he promises the government will take all the steps necessary to punish the authors of such attempts. But he seems to forget, [Page 560] when he promises so much, that it was only on the 23d of last April that, after a military commission had condemned to death certain persons engaged with General Louis Tanis in his famous insurrectionary movement in this city on the 14th day of March, 1878, the criminal tribunal of the capital, with its jury of twelve good and true men, all Haytians, of course, found that there was no taking of arms, as charged, and released all the men on trial. In other words still, the courts of this country are not always certain to sustain the findings of the military commissions nor to sustain the promises of the President with regard to bringing insurgents to condign punishment.
I am, &c.,