No. 229.
Mr. Evarts
to Sir Edward Thornton.
Washington, August 5, 1879.
Sir: I have the honor to acquaint you with the purpose of this government, in view of the importance of the pending questions respecting the fisheries of Newfoundland and the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, and for the better obtaining of the latest accessible information with respect to those fisheries, to send a naval vessel of the United States to the maritime provinces and ports of the Dominion and the adjacent fishing-grounds, for the purpose of making a careful examination of the conduct of those inshore fisheries by the American fishing fleet, which, under the Treaty of Washington, may visit those waters, and also of the treatment which our fishermen and their industry receive at the hands of the local authorities and population.
The United States steamer Kearsarge, under the charge of Commander Henry F. Picking, U. S. N., has been detailed for the assigned duty, and is now in the Gulf, with orders to await at Shediac, New Brunswick, the arrival of the agent, who has been directed to embark at that place. This agent is instructed to make inquiry and report as to the operation of the treaty stipulations and local laws, and the general condition of affairs in that locality, so far as the fishing interests of citizens of the United States are concerned, with a view to a better understanding of the questions involved, and the adjustment of points of difference between the two governments, if practicable.
I have, &c.,