No. 213.
Mr. Drummond to Mr. Evarts.

Sir: Lord Salisbury has transmitted to Sir Edward Thornton a copy of a dispatch from Her Majesty’s ambassador at Berlin upon the subject of the funeral of Mr. Bayard Taylor, late United States minister at the court of Berlin. As it may be of interest to the United States Government to know the opinion of one of his former colleagues in respect to the estimation in which he was held by all who knew him in Germany, I give myself the pleasure of inclosing to you a copy Lord Odo Russell’s dispatch.

I have the honor, &c.,


Lord Odo Russell to Lord Salisbury.

My Lord: The diplomatic body, including myself and the other members of Her Majesty’s embassy, attended to-day the funeral services for the late American minister, Mr. Bayard Taylor, at the United States legation.

The ministers of state, von Billow and von Philipsborn, represented the German Government. The Emperor sent his aide-de-camp, General Count Scherdorff, and the Crown Prince, Colonel von Panvitz. There were, besides, several distinguished representatives of the Reichstag and of German literature and science. Almost all the Americans in Berlin were present, and an impressive and eloquent oration was delivered by the Rev. Mr. Thompson, followed by a speech from Berthold Auerbach, who had been one of Mr. Bayard Taylor’s oldest friends in Germany.

His death has caused sincere regret to all who knew him or his works.

I have the honor, &c.,