No. 166.
Mr. Everett to Mr. Evarts.

No. 67.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose the resolutions on the death of the late minister passed at the meeting of American residents in Berlin, [Page 359] held in the American chapel on the 22d December, 1878. A duplicate copy of the same is in the archives of the legation.

I am, &c.,


to the memory of bayard taylor.

At a meeting of the Americans in Berlin, on Sunday, December 22, 1878, after public worship in the American Chapel—during which the Rev. Charles Wood had made a fitting allusion to the loss sustained in the removal by death of Mr. Taylor—Dr. Joseph P. Thompson being chosen president and Francis Brown secretary, the following resolutions were proposed by Prof. William D. Whitney, of Yale College, New, Haven, and, according to the motion of Hon. Herrmann Kreismann, consul-general of the United States, supported by Messrs. Everett and Coleman, secretaries of the United States legation in Berlin, were unanimously adopted by a rising vote of the ladies and gentlemen present:

Resolved, That we, the Americans in Berlin, deeply deplore the death of Bayard Taylor, our minister at this court, the distinguished traveler, orator, and author, whose deeds and words have made him dear to our whole people, and famous wherever the English language and its literature are known, in whose character and repute his countrymen have felt a just pride, and at whose elevation to the high station he has lately filled all rejoiced, most of all we, who promised ourselves from his presence among us, both in an official and in a private character, greatly increased enjoyment and profit in this foreign land;

That we feel with all those who, at home and abroad, are now lamenting his untimely loss; and especially with his family, to whom we tender the expression of our respectful and heartfelt sympathy.

It was further voted that copies of these resolutions be transmitted to the family of Mr. Taylor, to the State Department at Washington, to the United States legation and to the United States consulate in Berlin.

  • Francis Brown,