It is a satisfaction to my colleagues and myself to know that
Rachid-Pasha, who has so efficiently performed the duties of
minister of foreign affairs, has been re-appointed to office.
I inclose a newspaper account of the installation of the new grand
vizier, which may be found interesting to the Department.
[From the Levant Timas and Shipping Gazette,
Constantiople, Monday, February 16, 1874.]
installation of the new grand
On Friday last, immediately after the usual reception, the Sultan
ordered Ferid Pasha, marshal of the palace, to withdraw the
seals of office from Mehmed Rushdi Pasha and deliver them to
Hussein Avni Pasha. On Saturday the new grand vizier,
accompanied by a brilliant suite, proceeded to the palace to
thank His Majesty for the high distinction which he had bestowed
upon him in appointing him to the highest post in the state.
Toward 11 o’clock the troops in full uniform lined both sides of
the street leading from Sirkedji Iskelessi to the principal
entrance of the Porte. In spite of the mud and the inclement
weather, a large crowd had assembled behind the two lines of
soldiers to greet the new grand vizier, who is immensely
popular. It was not until half-past one, however, that the
trumpeters announced the starting of the vize-rial cortege. The
master of the ceremonies, in full gala costume, headed the
procession, followed by the principal functionaries of the
Porte, also en grande tenue. They were
followed by the prefect of Stamboul and the Sultan’s first
chamberlain. A few steps behind came the new grand vizier
Hussein Avni Pasha, mounted on a magnificent
[Page 1153]
charger and followed by the
Sheikh-ul-Islam in the new uniform introduced by Fuad Pasha,
followed by Abd-ul-Kerim Pasha Nadir, and by the rest of the
suite. His Highness wore his marshal’s uniform and the grand
cordon of the medjidieh with the plaque in brilliants; the
Sheikh-ul-Islam a large white bournous trimmed with gold, and
the grand cordon of the medjidieh, and a small white turban
which formed a striking contrast with his black eyebrows. As
soon as the grand vizier dismounted from his horse he Was
saluted by the acclamations of the people, and the military band
struck up the artillery march. In the grand saloon of the grand
vizier’s department were assembled the ministers, the
magistracy, the members of the council of state, the members of
the dari shoura and the first dragomans of the legations. On
entering the saloon the grand vizier took up his position at the
right corner of the room, having on his right Shefket Pasha,
first chamberlain of the Sultan, on his left the
Sheikh-ul-Islam. A circle was formed round his highness and the
musteshar of the grand vizierate advanced and read the imperial
hatt, which was couched in the following terms:
“My Illustrious Vizier: You know
that, in our ardent desire for the good of the country, we
have never ceased to ordain that every possible effort
should be made to-release the reforms which are necessary
both in civil and military departments, and that we have
given every possible encouragement and recommendation to the
transforming of these efforts into deeds. You are the
faithful servant of the empire, and your tried capacities,
your proved devotion, your loyalty, and your indefatigable
zeal, qualities which are essential for the carrying out of
the work begun by us, have decided us to confide to you the
high post of graud vizier. You are at the same time charged
with the duties connected with this important department,
(the grand vizierate,) and with the general control of the
affairs of the war department, which are of the highest
importance for the empire. We have confided the details of
the duties of the ministry of war, with the title of
Caïmacam, to Abd-ul-Kerim Pasha, who has already given
proofs of his military knowledge. These being our decisions,
we command that these nominations be officially
“May the Most High bless our efforts.”
The reading of the hatt having been concluded, the mufti of the
Porte recited a prayer for the preservation of his highness’s
life, in which all present joined. The final amin having been
pronounced amidst a profound silence, broken only by the murmur
of the acclamations of the crowd outside, the Sheikh-ul-Islam
gave the signal and the various functionaries present tendered
their congratulations, which consisted in profound salaams,
given in the usual manner. This portion of the ceremony being
over, the whole of the persons present, with the exception of
the ex-ministers, retired, and coffee and chibouks were served,
after which the grand vizier gave audience to the embassy,
dragomans and other notabilities who had assembled todo honor to
his highness.
Hussein Avni Pasha is the tenth grand vizier since the accession
of the present Sultan to the throne, and the second who has been
seraskier. His highness speaks French.
As a soldier and statesman, Hussein Avni Pasha has been long and
favorably known, and he will nodoubt achieve an equally good
reputation as grand vizier.
After entering on his post the grand vizier telegraphed to all
the governors-general of the provinces, announcing his
appointment, and Rashid Pasha, minister of foreign affairs, also
telegraphed to the Ottoman representatives abroad, informing
them, at the same time, that the change in the grand vizierate
did not imply any change in the administrative or financial
policy of the Sultan’s government.