No. 725.
Mr. Hall to Mr. Davis.

No. 304.]

Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt, yesterday evening, of the following telegram:

Washington, November 13.

Repeat from. “those reported” to end, in telegram to-day.


To which I replied this morning as follows:

Havana, November 14.

Substitute the following: “Before instruction to the consul could reach Santiago de Cuba, those reported yesterday were also shot. Evidently it was determined to carry out the massacre before instructions could reach there from Spain to spare life.”

[Page 1067]

I also transmitted to-day the following telegram to the Department, giving the substance of a communication received yesterday evening from the captain-general, (copy and translation of which I inclose:)

Havana, November 14.

The superior political governor, replying to my communication asking for confirmation or denial respecting the execution of captain and crew of Virginius, refers to his communication of 7th instant, and says, substantially that the facts are transmitted to the government of Spain, near which the United States has a representative, from whom you will receive, without doubt, all the information asked for in my communication.


The communication above referred to is in reply to mine of 13th instant, a copy of which accompanied my No. 303 of 12th instant, and I beg to call the Department’s attention thereto, as going to confirm much that I stated in said dispatch No. 303.

I am, &c,



I have received your dispatch dated to-day, informing me that you had telegraphic instructions from the Secretary of State of the United States, asking confirmation of the news referring to the steamer Virginius and to its crew.

You are already informed of the contents of the dispatch which, referring to this subject, I addressed you on the 17th instant. Rest, therefore, completely assured that everything relating to this subject, and whatever may result from the proceedings instituted before the tribunals of justice, I duly transmit to the government of this nation, near which that of the United, States has its duly accredited representative, and through whose authorized medium it will undoubtedly receive all data whatever referring to your last attentive communication, considering the cordial and friendly delations which exist between both countries.


Havana, November 12, 1873.

The Consul-General of the United States in this city, &c., &c.