No. 58.
Mr. Partridge to Mr. Fish.
Rio de Janeiro, April 24, 1874. (Received May 22.)
Sir: There is very little change to be reported in the aspect of the relations between Brazil and the Argentine Republic.
The journals here still insist that the republic is only awaiting the arrival of their expected steamers and armaments to begin; and that the feeling of hostility there has increased since the failure of the late Argentine intrigue at Asuncion to displace by a revolution there the Paraguayan President, Zovellanos, who, the Argentines declare, is only a Brazilian proconsul.
It appears, in fact, that the superior Brazilian influence in Paraguay is the root of bitterness for the Argentines, and that the late revolt attempted at Asuncion (where there is still a Brazilian garrison) was plotted across the river, in the Chaco, (Villa Occidental,) still occupied by an Argentine force.
In conversation to-day with the director-general of the foreign office I learned that they are still awaiting a reply from Dr. Tejedor, the minister of foreign relations at Buenos Ayres, to the last Brazilian note; and I suppose from some expressions that they still think war may come, and that it is even probable.
This has been so long and so often threatenend, however, during the last three years, that many think it will pass now, as heretofore, without any further consequence than an increase of the old hostile feeling; and I should imagine, from what several persons here from Buenos Ayres, with whom I have conversed have told me, that the Argentine government is hardly rash enough to undertake such business.
The armaments here continue, and Brazil has already a respectable force in those waters.
I am, &c.,