No. 569.
Mr. Cushing to Mr. Fish.

No. 71.]

Sir: I transmit herewith, in translation, extracts from a preamble and regulations published by the ministry of war in the “Gaceta de Madrid” of the 9th instant.

You will perceive by this that the government contemplates sending to Cuba a military re-enforcement of twelve thousand men, chiefly of the new levies.

Most of the regulations regard matters of detail only, which would be of no interest to the Department, and they are therefore omitted.

I have, &c,

[Page 904]

Extracts from preamble and regulations on the subject of re-enforcements for Cuba.

[Translated from the “Gaceta de Madrid “of August 9, 1874.]

Ministry of War.—The country not only needs the concourse of all her sons to conclude the civil war which is causing so many and such transcendental evils in the peninsula, but it is also necessary to carry their co-operation to the island of Cuba, where another war no less sanguinary and cruel is desolating its fertile and rich settlements. The present captain-general has dictated and is carrying into execution most important measures to terminate at once the campaign and to restore the peace which that beautiful An till a so much needs, to the end that it may develop the grand elements of wealth which it comprehends; but in order that those measures maybe efficacious, and of immediate results, it becomes indispensable to carry there at once 12,000 men, who ought to embark in the briefest time. With the object, therefore, of collecting this number, the President of the executive power of the republic has been pleased to dictate the following rules:

As soon as the coming into quarters of the youths of the extraordinary reserve, decreed on the 18th of last month, begins, exploration shall be made among them, and before they are distributed in the battalions of their respective demarcations, as to the wish of those who desire to enlist to serve in the infantry corps of the island of Cuba.
The individuals who desire to enlist shall engage to serve in Cuba for the time that campaign shall last, and shall receive the bounty of 250 pesetas ($50) for each complete year they serve in the said Antilla; which sum shall be delivered to them at the termination of each year, or, if they prefer it, when they are adischarged. Besides, there shall be delivered to them at once, in the act of enrollment, other 250 pesetas, ($50;) and finally, there shall be given them 2 pesetas 50 centimos (50 cents) of daily pay, from the date of their ingress until that of their embarkation direct for Cuba. Said individuals may leave assigned to their families from 4 to 5 reals daily, (20 to 25 cents,) which will be collected through means of the general treasury of ultramar, in accordance with what has been heretofore practiced and is ordained in article 10 of the royal decree of October 2, 1872.
The war in that island terminated, an absolute discharge shall be given to the individuals of this enlistment who do not desire to re-enlist; they remaining free from the reserve service, even though they shall not have served the three years in activity prescribed in article 2 of the same royal decree.
Recruiting-lists also remain open in all recruiting-offices for discharged soldiers of the army and civilians who desire to enlist, whether they be subject or not to draft by the call for 125,000 men, with the understanding that those who are included in it, and shall be admitted for Cuba, shall provide substitutes should they be drafted in the quota of their respective towns; to which end the chiefs of each office will immediately communicate officially to the alcaldes of the same, with transmission of copy of their personal descriptions. The special recruiting-commissions will also admit individuals of both classes who present themselves to enlist if they possess the prescribed conditions; proceeding in the same manner as previously indicated in regard to civilians inscribed in the call referred to, who shall be drafted as soldiers.
Individuals discharged and civilians who may be admitted will have right to the same advantages prescribed in rule 3.
15 and last.
Remain in force all other orders issued and which have governed in previous enlistments, as also those contained in the circular of October 31, 1872, and in the royal decree of the 2d of the same month and year, which will be applied and extended to the actual recruiting, except in such part as may be opposed to the rules dictated in the present provision.

By order of the said President I communicate it to your excellency for your information and consequent effects,

God guard your excellency many years.