Decree of October 14, 1873, directing the colonial secretary to visit
Cuba and Porto Bico. Published in “La Gaceta de Madrid,” October 27,
Presidency of the Executive Power of
the Republic.
The firm resolution of the government of the republic to re-establish
public order and peace in the peninsula is even more strongly held in so
far as concerns those provinces whose remoteness from the mother-country
calls for her greater solicitude and her first care.
The island of Cuba is perturbed by an insensate rebellion which seeks to
menace the integrity of our territory, and which finds means of
self-prolongation in the rigor of the climate and the nature of the
country; and the action of the government toward it must needs be
vigorous and decisive, in order to put an end at all costs to a struggle
the continuance of which deprives the island of the blessings of peace,
renders impossible the development of its resources, and is a constant
obstacle to the inauguration of the reforms demanded alike by humanity
and civilization.
Its financial situation is, moreoveiygrave; and the exhaustion of public
credit and the increasing want of confidence, joined to the needs the
treasury is in, to realize every possible source of income in order to
put an end to such a state of things, make it indispensable that the
finance department promptly present an organized plan which will yield
the government resources whereby to pacify the island and at the same
time give it the means whereby the charges imposed on the province may
redound to its prosperity and good.
The problem of slavery no less urgently demands a speedy solution. The
government hopes that this grave matter, so intimately related to the
social and financial tranquillity of the island, will be settled by
means of the concourse and agreement of all; for the fact must not be
forgotten that public opinion awaits with growing anxiety the day of
The republic, faithful to its principles, has given the widest latitude
to the reforms which carried to Porto Rico the spirit of the revolution
of September. Slavery there has disappeared; the first title of the
constitution recognizes that the sons of that province enjoy the same
rights as their brethren of the peninsula, and the governpaent which
aspires to the completion of its work needs due knowledge of the results
of such transcendental innovations.
But for the realization of its purpose the executive power needs to form
an accurate judgment without confining its attention to the diverse
opinions of the enlightened consultative corporations and of the most
worthy authorities of the Antilles; and therefore it has decided that
the colonial minister shall visit those provinces, shall inform himself
as to their necessities, and shall decide upon or prepare the proper
measures to assure their peace and prosperity.
The government looks for such great results from this determination, that
it has not
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hesitated to accept
the generous offer of one of its own members, resting assured that all
those who love the name of Spain will see that, while progress demands
certain reforms and public opinion exacts the fulfillment of certain
promises, the republic holds nothing, absolutely nothing, superior to
the integrity of the nation.
In view of these considerations, the government of the republic decrees
as follows:
- Article I. The colonial minister
shall visit the island of Cuba with the object of studying the
means of putting an end to the present insurrection therein, of
bettering its financial situation, of preparing for the
abolition of slavery, and of establishing the reforms needed in
the government and administration of the province, adopting
immediately, in so far as lies within his powers, the measures
he may deem expedient for the attainment of those ends.
- He shall also visit the island of Porto Rico, with the object
of examining the results of the reforms introduced there, and
also of deciding, conformably to the powers belonging to him,
upon whatever he may judge proper for its administration and
- Article II. The colonial minister
shall be accompanied by those employe’s of his department whom
he may designate, who shall receive such compensation as may be
determined upon, conformably to existing regulations.
- Article III. The expenses occasioned
by compliance with the preceding articles shall be paid by and
charged to the extraordinary war credit in Cuba.
- Article IV. The colonial minister is
hereby charged with the execution of this decree.
Madrid, October fourteenth, one
thousand eight hundred and seventy-three.
President of the executive power,