No. 408.
Mr. Bingham to Mr. Fish.
States Legation, Japan,
Yokohama, October 7, 1873.
(Received Nov. 4.)
No. 3.]
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that I was this
day admitted to audience, in his imperial palace, by His Majesty the Tenno
of Japan, accompanied by Mr. De Long, whose personal kindness toward me I
take this occasion to acknowledge. Mr. De Long made a farewell address to
His Majesty, to which His Majesty responded. After which Mr. De Long
introduced me to His Majesty whom I addressed, and who responded in the
kindest terms. After I had delivered to him my sealed letter of credence,
His Majesty received me, I am gratified to say, without throne or other
symbol of imperial power, thereby recognizing, as I trust, the equality of
all men before the law.
* * * * * * *
Appended hereto are copies of my address to His Majesty and of his reply.
I am, &c.,
[Inclosure 1 in No. 3.]
Mr. Bingham’s
address to His Imperial
Your Imperial Majesty has already been advised, through Your Majesty’s
illustrious minister of foreign affairs, that I have been appointed and
commissioned envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the
United States of America to reside near Your Majesty’s government.
Obedient to the instructions of my government, and to my own sense of
duty as well, it shall be my endeavor by good offices to strengthen, so
far as I may be able, the friendship now happily subsisting between Your
Majesty’s government and my own, and to advance the interests of both.
It is a pleasure to me to say that I but obey the instructions of the
President who commissioned me when I assure Your Majesty that you have
the good-will of the President and of the United States of America, and
their best wishes for the prosperity of Your Majesty and of the people
of Japan. The people whom I represent are not unmindful of the trust and
confidence uniformly manifested by Your Majesty’s government toward the
government and citizens of the United States. Thanking Your Majesty for
the distinguished consideration shown me, and sincerely desiring that
this growing empire of the East may continue to advance with the
advancing civilization of the age, I have the honor to place in Your
Majesty’s hands my letter of credence, signed by the President and
authenticated by the great seal of the United States of America.
[Page 652]
[Inclosure 2 in No. 3.]
His Imperial Majesty’s
reply to Mr. Bingham.
We are most happy to receive this letter from the President of the United
States’ announcing to us that yon have been selected and commissioned
envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary accredited to this
We have full confidence that in fulfilling the functions intrusted to
you, you will use your best endeavors, guided by experience, fidelity,
and probity, to increase friendship between both nations and to advance
our mutual interests.
Our ardent wishes and hopes are that your country may continuously be in
peace and prosperity.