No. 371.
Mr. Bassett to Mr. Fish.
Legation of
the United States,
Port au
Prince, March 9, 1874.
(Received March 31.)
No. 288.]
Sir: Referring to my No. 276, of the 23d of January
last, I have the honor to represent that on the 22d ultimo my colleague of
France caused to be made at the national palace the formal presentation of
the diplomas and decorations conferred by President MacMahon of the French
Republic upon President Saget of the Haytian Republic. I did not attend the
ceremonies, but. I am assured that there was considerable effort to make
them impressive, especially as it was claimed, and probably correctly, that
President Saget was, with only one exception, the first President of any of
the Latin republics of this continent who had ever received “so honorable a
mark of distinction.”
The presentation speech of my colleague (inclosure 1) was read by his
chancellor, my colleague himself being absent on account of indisposition.
Both his remarks and those which his excellency gave (inclosure 2) in
acknowledgment of them I take to be mostly, if not purely,
At the conclusion of the presentation ceremonies, toasts were proposed and
drunk amid the roar of saluting artillery. Among the toasts, as they are
printed in Le Moniteur, was one from the keen, shrewd minister of foreign
affairs, (inclosure 3,) who seldom speaks without a meaning. In it may be
found, I think, a sort of epitome of some of the very natural reasons which
have always kept the eyes of Haytians turned toward France. It struck me as
quite worth looking over.
The diploma of President MacMahon (inclosure 4) has a tinge of royalty about
it, but I suppose it is given in the ordinary form.
I send inclosed also a copy of Le Moniteur of the 28th ultimo, containing a
report of all the proceedings herein referred to.
I am, &c.,
[Inclosure 1 in No.
Speech of the French minister.
President: I am happy to have to remit to your
excellency, as a striking proof of the esteem and the sympathy of my
government, the cross of grand officer of the Order of the Legion of
President, may such a testimony, which is merited only by the bravest and
most powerful, prove to you that your conduct at the head of the
government of Hayti has all the sympathy of the government of France and
of the President of the French Republic, Marshal MacMahon, Duke of
May you, President, such is the good wish of France for Hayti, assure, as
much as it is in your power, peace and tranquillity in the bosom of your
country, which nature has made eternally rich and civil discords so
often unhappy.
[Inclosure 2 in No.
Reply of President Saget.
It is with sincere gratitude that I receive this so precious souvenir of
That noble country was lately most unfortunate, but it inclosed in its
bosom the most considerable material resources, and, above all, many
devoted and generous hearts, and among them we count in the first rank
the marshal, Duke of Magenta.
[Page 605]
France has already regained her self-possession, and all political
parties are happily convinced of the necessity of maintaining public
peace. By the wisdom of his government, the marshal, Duke of Magenta,
maintains and causes to prosper this peace.
From the bottom of my heart I desire the best success to his conciliating
and conserving policy toward all the interests of France.
Mr. Consul, you know all my long-standing sympathy for your country, a
sympathy which would be increased, if it were possible, since France has
accepted the republican form, [of government.] You and myself, Mr.
Consul, have learned to know each other since a long time; you could
not, therefore, fail to know of my policy all [in the interest] of peace
and conciliation.
[Inclosure 3 in No.
Toast proposed by the minister of foreign
Mr. Consul: We are happy to draw your attention
to the enthusiasm with which each one hastens to come to render homage
by his presence to Marshal MacMahon, and to thank him for the honor
which he does the Haytian nation in conferring upon the chief of its
government the cross of grand officer of the Legion of Honor. This mark
of high distinction can only cement the good relations already existing
between the two peoples.
Hayti, as you know, is the emancipated daughter of France. These two
countries have constantly been mindful of the close ties which unite
them. It is the French language which is our language; it is French
books that instruct our youth: it is most often French ideas which
stimulate us and make us gravitate toward progress. Also penetrated with
the sympathy of Hayti for France, our statesmen have always endeavored
to maintain between the two countries the best relations of peace and
friendship. The government of President Nissage felicitates itself for
having contributed to tighten again these good relations, and it is from
the bottom of my heart that I invite you, gentlemen, to drink with me
for their maintenance to the prosperity of France.
[Inclosure 4 in No.
Marshal MacMahon,
Duke of Magenta, President of the French Republic, to General
Nissage Saget, President of the
republic of Hayti.
Desirous of giving you a striking testimony of our personal esteem, we
have conferred upon you the cross of grand officer of the national Order
of the Legion of Honor, and we hasten to remit you the insignia of this
dignity. We felicitate ourselves on the good relations established
between our two countries, and we are happy to recognize openly that,
under your conciliating authority, a loyal and scrupulous execution of
treaties has rendered every day these relations more intimate and more
sincere. In sending you this token of the remembrance (marque de souvenir) of France, which so many interests and so
many sentiments of sympathy unite to Hayti since its origin, we are
pleased to make our good wishes for the prosperity of the Haytian
Republic, and to renew to you the assurances of our attachment.
Thereupon we pray God that He will hold you in His sacred and holy
Written at Versailles
the 11th day of
January, 1874.
Duke of Magenta.