No. 341.
Mr. Watson to Mr. Fish.

Sir: I do myself the honor to transmit to you herewith, copy of a dispatch which I have received from the Earl of Derby, Her Britannic Majesty’s principal secretary of state for foreign affairs, by which I am appointed by his lordship to act with Mr. Howard, while I may be the representative of Her Majesty’s government in the United States, as joint agent with him for the distribution of the award of the commission which was established under the XIIth article of the treaty of Washington.

I have, &c.,


The Earl of Derby to Mr. Watson.

No. 284.]

Sir: I transmit to you herewith, for your information and guidance, a copy of a dispatch which I have addressed to Mr. Howard, appointing him specially as Her Majesty’s agent for the distribution of the award of the commission established under the XIIth article of the treaty of Washington.

You will see, from this dispatch, that it is the intention of Her Majesty’s government that there should be two agents—Mr. Howard, who should undertake the correspondence with the claimant, and the details of the distribution, and Her Majesty’s representative at Washington, who should act jointly with him in signing the receipt to be delivered to the Government of the United States, and in indorsing the checks on the United States Treasury for the several separate awards, and who will also satisfy himself that the parties claiming to receive payments are the persons properly entitled thereto.

It is unnecessary for me to recapitulate the instructions then given to Mr. Howard, to whom Her Majesty’s secretary feels confident that you will readily afford all the assistance and support in your power in the discharge of the duties he is called upon to perform.

I have only, therefore, to appoint you to act with him as joint agent, for which your character as Her Majesty’s chargé d’affaires will be a sufficient qualification.

I am, &c.,