No. 325.
Sir Edward Thornton to Mr. Fish.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your two notes of the 18th and 25th instant, respectively, relative to the act of the legislature of Newfoundland, passed by that body on March 28, 1874, for the purpose of extending the provisions of articles XVIII to XXV, inclusive, of the treaty of Washington to that colony, which act received the assent of the Queen on the 12th instant, as I had intended to convey in my note of the 14th instant.

I have been in telegraphic communication with the governor of Newfoundland since I received your note of yesterday’s date, and I have received from his excellency this morning a message, informing me that he will issue his proclamation on Saturday next, to carry into effect the provisions of the treaty of Washington on Monday, the 1st of June next. This proclamation will be similar to that of which I handed you a printed copy on the 23d instant, modified so as to bring it into conformity with the act of the legislature of Newfoundland passed March 28, 1874, with the further verbal change which you indicated, i. e., substituting the word “citizens” for “subjects,” where the latter term is used in reference to citizens of the United States.

I shall have much pleasure in waiting upon you at the Department of State on any day which you may think proper to name, for the purpose of signing with you the protocol which accompanied your note of yesterday’s date.

I have, &c.,