No. 321.
Mr. Fish to Sir Edward Thornton.

Sir: Referring to your note of the 6th instant, in which you request to be informed as to what extent the right of transportation of goods and passengers is granted to Canadian vessels plying between ports of the United States, where such transportation is not regulated by articles XXVI, XXVII, or XXX of the treaty of Washington, I have the honor to inclose herewith, for your information, a copy of a letter of the 11th instant, upon the subject, from the Secretary of the Treasury.

I have, &c.,


Mr. Richardson to Mr. Fish.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 8th instant, transmitting a copy of a note from the British minister of the 6th instant, in which he expresses his willingness to obtain the information requested in the letter from this Department to you, dated the 31st ultimo, relative to the Canadian coasting trade, and desires to be advised to what extent the right of transportation of goods and passengers [Page 554] is granted to Canadian vessels plying between ports of the United States where such transportation is not regulated by articles 26, 27, or 30 of the treaty of Washington.

In reply, I will thank you to inform the minister that, if merchandise be brought into the United States in a Canadian vessel from a foreign port or place, and specified in the manifest, verified on oath or affirmation before the collector at the first port of arrival as destined for other districts in the United States, the importing vessel may proceed with the same from district to district in order to the landing or delivery thereof, the duties on such goods only as are landed or delivered in any district to be paid or secured in such district. But before such vessel can depart from the district in which she may first arrive for another district, if the departure he not within forty-eight hours after arrival, with merchandise brought in her from a foreign port or place, duties not having been paid or secured, the master or person in charge or command of such vessel is required to obtain from the collector of the district a copy of the report and manifest, certified by said collector, to which must be annexed a certificate of the quantity and particulars of the goods landed within his district, or of the goods remaining on board upon which duties are to be paid or secured in some other district, and the master or person having charge or command of such vessel is also required to give bond, with one or more sureties, to the satisfaction of the collector of the district in which the vessel may first arrive, in a sum equal to the amount of the duties on the residue of the cargo, according to the estimate of the collector.

Within twenty-four hours after the arrival of the vessel in another district, the master, or person in “command or charge thereof, is required to report to the collector of such district, exhibiting the certified copy of his first report, together with a certificate, as aforesaid, from the collector of every district within which any of the merchandise brought in such vessel shall have been landed, and the quantity and particulars thereof. The bond given as above will be canceled or discharged within six calendar months from the date thereof, on the production of a certificate from the collector of the district for which the goods have been reported, testifying the due entry and delivery of the goods in such district, or upon due proof, to the satisfaction of the collector by whom the bond was taken, that such entry and delivery were prevented by some unavoidable accident or casualty, and if the whole or any part of the goods shall not have been lost, that the same have been duly entered and delivered in the United States.

The master of any foreign vessel, laden or in ballast, arriving in the waters of the United States from any foreign territory adjacent to the northern, northeastern, and northwestern frontiers of the United States, must report at the office of the collector or deputy collector of customs nearest the point at which such vessel enters the waters of the United States, and present her clearance and manifest; and such vessel is not permitted to proceed farther inland, either to take or unload cargo, without a special permit from such collector or deputy, to be indorsed upon her clearance or manifest.

Ail vessels from any foreign contiguous territory, with cargo, must be actually unladen at the port of first arrival in the United States, in order to the inspection, entry, and appraisement of the cargo, if not duly corded and sealed, or if an inspector be not placed on board at such port at the request of the master, owner, or consignee of the cargo, and at his expense, who shall accompany the vessel to the place of destination, and if it be in another district, deliver her to the collector thereof, or if it be in the same district, superintend the unloading and inspect the cargo.

Trusting that the information given above may be sufficient to serve the purpose of the minister’s inquiry.

I remain, &c.,
