No. 288.
General Schenck to Mr. Fish.

No. 496.]

Sir: It is probable that you already have knowledge of a blockade of all that part of the Gold Coast which extends from Cape Coast Castle to the river Assinee, which appears to have been declared on the 1st day of September, by the British naval officer in command on the west coast of Africa. Official notice, however, of this declaration of blockade having been promulgated here last evening by Her Majesty’s government, I have thought it better to transmit to you at once, extracted from the Gazette, a copy of it as thus published.

It may be of interest to Americans engaged in African trade to have notice of this proclamation from the State Department.

No communication on the subject has been made to me.

I am, &c.,


The Ashantee War.

[From the Times, Saturday, October 4, 1873.]

The board of trade have received through the colonial office the following copy of an official notice by the senior naval officer on the west coast of Africa:

“I hereby declare that on the 29th day of August last the Gold Coast, from Cape [Page 489] Coast Castle, in latitude 5.6 north, longitude 114 west, to the river Assinee, in latitude 5.8 north, longitude 3.23 west, was placed in a state of blockade by a competent force of Her Majesty ships, and is now in such state of blockade, and that all measures authorized by the law of nations and the respective treaties between Her Majesty and the different neutral powers will be enforced on behalf of Her Majesty against all vessels which may attempt to violate the blockade.

Captain, &c.