No. 189.
Mr. Fish
to Mr. Cramer.
Washington, May 5, 1874.
Sir: The steamship Washington, which arrived at New York on the 29th ultimo, brought as steerage-passengers six convicts, who had been discharged from prison in Denmark. It is alleged by the commissioner of emigration that they were sent hither by the Danish government, their fares having been paid by the police authorities of Copenhagen. The names of these persons are Frederick Oskar Hiclen, Christian Jo-han, Edward Möller, Niete Steffenson, Ola Leonhard Bachmann, Peter [Page 369] Petersen, and Frederick Wilhelm Schulian. Each of these convicts had in his possession a draft for $7.60, drawn, by N. P. Fredericksen on the American Emigrant Company.
All but Schulian have been prevented from landing, and will be returned to Copenhagen by the Washington, sailing on Saturday next.
You are instructed to bring these facts before the Danish government, and also to have a rigid inquiry made into this case. This Government cannot but suppose that the commissioners of emigration are in error in supposing that His Majesty’s government has participated in this unusual and unfriendly act.
I am, &c.,