No. 157.
Mr. Henderson to Mr. Davis.

No. 32.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose copies of correspondence between Com. A. Kautz, U. S. N., and myself, on the subject of the Japanese expedition to Formosa and American intervention therein. Also copy of a notification which I have issued in co-operation with the United States naval forces on this station, hoping it will, in view of the peculiarity of attending circumstances, meet the approval of the Government, and may be, for the time being, discourage Americans from having anything more to do with that enterprise.

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure 1 in No. 32.]

Mr. Henderson to Commander Kautz.

No. 20.]

Sir: I have the honor to state that I have received an official dispatch from the Chinese authorities of this province, informing me that the island of Formosa is a part of the Chinese Empire, and that the Japanese armed forces now at Liang Kian have entered that island in violation of law and their treaties.

They request me to prevent citizens of the United States from having anything to do with the affair, and say that they have demanded that the Japanese evacuate the island at once. I suppose there is no doubt but there are some Americans engaged in this business, and if so it is probably in opposition to the laws of the United States and our treaty obligations with China; and as United States consul charged with the execution of those laws and obligations over there, I respectfully request your co-operation and assistance in compelling them to desist.

If this suggestion accords with your sense of duty, we can hereafter determine wha mode of procedure we will adopt.

I am, &c.,

[Page 318]
[Inclosure 2 in No. 32.]

Commander Kautz to Mr. Henderson.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 4th instant, requesting my co-operation in compelling the Americans to leave the forces of the Japanese now in Formosa.

I have referred the matter by telegraph to the commander-in-chief of the United States naval forces on the Asiatic station, and will advise you of the nature of his reply as soon as I receive it.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,

Commander United States Navy.
[Inclosure 3 in No. 32.]


Whereas the Chinese authorities of the Foh-kien province have informed me that a Japanese armed force has invaded the island of Formosa; that that island is a part of the Chinese Empire, and have requested me to prevent American citizens from taking part in the enterprise; also, that they have demanded of the Japanese forces its immediate evacuation; and

Whereas citizens of the United States in China, are under the protection and subject to the jurisdiction and laws of their own country:

Now, therefore, I, the undersigned consul, charged with the care of American interests and the execution of the laws Of the United States and treaty obligations with China in the island of Formosa, hereby notify and command all citizens of the United States to at once withdraw, and hereafter abstain from all enterprises unfriendly to the Chinese government, and to avoid all acts which are inconsistent with the said laws and treaty obligations.

Any citizen of the United States who shall refuse to comply with, or offend against, the provisions of this notification, shall forfeit the protection of the American Government.

United States Consul.