No. 134.
Mr. Williams to Mr. Fish.
Legation of
the United States,
Peking, November 6, 1873.
(Received January 23, 1874.)
No. 9.]
Sir: Referring to Mr. Low’s dispatches of June 24
and 26, 1872, (Nos. 166 and 167,) in relation to the subject of coolie
emigration, and more particularly to his recent one of June 3, 1873, (No.
261,) about the discussion
[Page 203]
the Spanish chargé d’affaires and the Chinese government, growing out of
their prohibiting the emigration of Chinese laborers to Spanish colonies, I
have now the honor to transmit for your information several papers
explaining its course and results.
The controversy has been dragging along rather slowly since the date of Mr.
Low’s dispatch, but has now come to a pause by the suspension of diplomatic
relations between M. Otin and the Yamun.
In Mr. Low’s dispatch he states that “it was finally agreed that their
differences should be submitted to the ministers of Russia, Germany,
England, France, and the United States, jointly, and that the decision of a
majority shall be final and conclusive.” This conference was held at the
Russian legation on the 1st of August, continuing four hours, and M. Otin
was heard at length upon his complaint.
Previous to this date he had also fully made known his views in conversation
and letters, and I inclose a copy of a letter addressed to this legation,
from which you can learn the manner of his argument. (Inclosure 1.) The
reference in the second paragraph to an order from a planter in Cuba,
received by his agent in China, requiring him to procure three thousand
laborers to work his plantation there, is the index to the spirit of the
document. In it he refers to the “officious reports of some consuls in
Amoy,” making his own explanations, and entirely ignoring the treatment of
tens of thousands of coolies taken from China to Cuba before 1869, and
disputing the right of the Chinese government to complain of that ill-usage,
and suspend the fulfillment of the treaty until it can be investigated.
The article on which the claim is founded reads as follows:
Article 10. The imperial authorities will
permit those Chinese subjects who may desire to go abroad as
laborers in Spanish possessions to enter into contracts with Spanish
subjects, and to embark alone or with their families at the open
ports of China. The local authorities acting with the representative
of Her Catholic Majesty in each port shall make the necessary rules
for the protection of the said laborers. It is forbidden to take
deserters and people who have been taken against their will. In such
cases the local authorities can claim from the consul the
restitution of the individual.
In carrying out this article the native authorities require conformity to the
code of emigration rules issued in 1866.
In view of the approaching conference and arbitration the Yamun addressed two
circular notes to the foreign ministers, containing the two points on which
they desired categorical replies, in order to know somewhat the ground they
stood on. In my reply I urged the appointment of the proposed commission of
inquiry into the past and present condition of the Chinese in Cuba, as the
only satisfactory means of arriving at the facts. (Inclosures 2, 3, 4.)
The conference was held at a juncture which quite prevented me from attending
it, without such risk to my health by exposure to the sun as I was unwilling
to run. I had met all my colleagues, too, at the Russian minister’s office
two days before, and our views generally coincided; M. de Geofroy, the
French minister, was also unable to be present himself. It was a step in
advance on the part of the Chinese officials, and an homage to the power of
public opinion. Prince Kung was not there. No protocol was drawn up at the
meeting, but I have obtained from the German chargé d’affaires his summary
of the points agreed upon, of which he has kindly furnished me a
- 1st.
- The Chinese government to send one or more delegates to the island
of Cuba, in order to investigate the condition of the Chinese
subjects settled in that place.
- 2d.
- The Spanish government to be at liberty to take part in this
investigation, by appointing agents of its own.
- 3d.
- With a view to an impartial inquiry and investigation of the real
facts, the representatives
[Page 204]
of Russia, Great Britain, France, and Germany, who have taken part
in this conference, will lay before their respective governments the
request of the Chinese government, that the representatives of the
said four powers residing at Havana may be instructed to advise and
assist the Chinese delegates if necessary. The Chinese government
can apply to the representative of the United States with a similar
- 4th.
- Both parties to be at liberty to apply again to the
representatives of the leading powers at Peking for further decision
regarding this matter.
The Spanish chargé agreed to these stipulations, and it would have saved much
useless discussion if all present had signed a paper containing their views
of the agreement. However, the Chinese officials were committed to so far
taking a direct interest in the well-being of their countrymen abroad as to
appoint a commission; and in a few weeks the Emperor’s rescript was received
agreeing to the proposal, and the names of the persons composing the
delegation were notified to all the legations. (Inclosures 5, 6, 7.)
The chief Chinese commissioner, Chan Lan-pin, is now in the United States,
connected with the education of the students taken there by Yung Wing last
year; I know nothing of his antecedents, but I infer that his being from
Kwangtung Province, and knowing the dialect spoken by a large portion of the
coolies, has had something to do with his selection. Mr. A. Macpherson is an
Englishman, and Mr. Alfred Huber a Frenchman, both connected with the
customs service, and conversant with the Mandarin dialect and the written
Chinese language. They are accompanied by persons familiar with the dialects
spoken at Canton, Swatow, and Amoy, whence all the coolies in Cuba were
I sincerely hope that you will be able to assist this commission in carrying
out its objects, either by furnishing its members with such information or
suggestions as will help them, and documents bearing on the subject,
congressional or otherwise; or by directing the American consul-general at
Havana, and the consuls at other ports in Cuba, to assist them officially on
the spot in pursuing their investigations. The idea here is, that while the
Chinese commissioner acts wholly on his own instructions, and is not to be
hampered or controlled by the Spanish authorities, their delegate and the
five leading consuls at Havana are to act as assessors, to see that the
inquiry is conducted impartially and with due regard to the rights of all
parties, and the attainment of the truth. I have supplied Mr. Macpherson
with the copy of the decree of O’Donnell in 1860, and the more recent law of
Valmaseda, ordering the re-engagement of coolies, which formed the inclosure
in your last dispatch, No. 149.
* * * * * * *
On the 9th of October, the day after Chãn’s promotion was notified he
presented the draught of a protocol in five articles to the Yamun; and when
it was declined as unnecesssary and novel, he threw up his office as chargé
d’affaires, transferring the interests of Spain to the German legation. The
correspondence between the parties was transmitted to all the legations on
the 24th, and I append a translation of the Prince’s dispatch with its
inclosure, (inclosure 8;) its moderate tone seems to show that he is sure of
his position in the step he has taken of appointing the commission.
The five points stated in M. Otin’s protocol were much beyond the sense taken
at the conference, and the first one, if adopted, by making the whole board
into a mixed commission, would have paralyzed the action of the Chinese
commissioner. Yet M. Otin had the right to demand that the Chinese should
definitely admit the privilege of the Spanish government to appoint an
assessor, if not a colleague, with their deputy; and their unwillingness to
enter into an arrangement on this
[Page 205]
point seems to me to have been partly owing to their fear of, at the same
time, binding themselves to pay an indemnity.
In this position of affairs the draught of another protocol in two articles
was presented to the Yamun, on behalf of M. Otin, by the British chargé and
myself, in a personal interview, and every needed explanation of its bearing
given to the Chinese officials. The two articles were as follows:
- 1st.
- The Chinese commissioner to be assisted by a Spanish delegate, and
the consuls of France, Germany, Great Britain, Russia, and the
United States acting as assessors. No evidence to be taken unless at
least three of the assessors are present, who are to have the power
of cross-examining the witnesses.
- 2d.
- If the Chinese case be not proven, the question of indemnity to be
referred by the Yamun and the Spanish representative in China to the
ministers of France, Germany, Great Britain, Russia, and the United
States resident in Peking; and the amount to be paid, (if any,) and
to whom, to be settled by them.
A few days after the interview I received a note from the officials
respecting it, and politely declining to adopt our proposal in adjustment of
the disagreement between them and the Spaniards. In this note, after
repeating the same assurance which they had given to M. Otin, that they
harbored no suspicion of his motives, they added that there was nothing said
in respect to a Spanish delegate at the conference, and concluded as
Being apprehensive that our Commissioner Chãn would be unable to
carry out his inquiry thoroughly, and would on his arrival in Cuba
be unacquainted with its people and usages, we therefore asked the
five ministers here to give such directions to their nations’
consuls residing there in respect to assisting our commission on its
arrival as would further the satisfactory end of their visit. The
appointment of an associate by the Spanish government to conduct the
inquiry with the Chinese commissioner was not agreed upon at the
conference, and it would be difficult now to add more at present, as
you desire. The whole arrangement is as it is given in our reply to
M. Otin, and was talked about with Mr. Wade at a personal interview
with him, and it seems to be unnecessary to discuss it further.
To this a reply was sent, in which I maintained the understanding received at
the conference, and that Prince Kung had admitted by implication that the
Spanish government could appoint an assessor; for in his dispatch of the 8th
ultimo, (inclosure 7,) he had affirmed as one reason for promoting Chãn,
that he would then rank with the Spanish officers living in Cuba. “In all
western lands,” I said in conclusion, “it is the usage, when one state sends
a special deputy to another, for that state to designate an officer to meet
and assist him in harmoniously carrying out the object of his mission. In
the present instance such a course is necessary, in order that Chãn and his
associates may not, on their arrival, entirely fail in the end for which
they were sent to Cuba.”
This was on the 30th instant; and at present all direct relations are
suspended between the Spanish legation and the Chinese government. The two
foreign associates have reached Peking to receive their instructions from
the Yamun; and though there is no doubt about the real desire of the
imperial advisers to make the inquiry to which their attention has been
directed, and that it will be attempted, I should be greatly disappointed if
the efficient and harmonious action of their commission and the five foreign
consuls in Cuba should be neutralized by their quibbling over this point.
They say that if the Cuban authorities prevent their commissioners from
landing and carrying on the inquiry by direct inquiry among the coolies,
that no better evidence of the truth of the charges of ill-treatment could
be asked for, and the propriety of prohibiting further emigration to Spanish
possessions is thereby fully justified. One would desire to obtain the
fullest investigation of the actual condition of these laborers, and if it
confirms the charges brought
[Page 206]
inhuman treatment, so much the better if it is a step toward the abolition
of the present system of contract labor in this empire.
The severe measures adopted by the authorities at Canton to prevent coolies
of all kinds going to Macao, in order to stop as much as possible the
delivery of those who may have been engaged by contract to go abroad, and
the summary execution of all crimps and kidnappers who have been caught,
have, I hear, made the business so dangerous and losing that most of the
barracoons are empty. But the want of energy and perseverance in native
officials constantly incites to new attempts on the part of those
unscrupulous agents who are ready to fill ships going to Lima or Havana with
their countrymen, even at the risk of their own lives.
A traffic like that which has disgraced Macao during so many years cannot be
stopped all at once in a country like this; but when it has been made a
losing business as well as a dangerous and disreputable one, neither can it
be immediately revived.
I have, &c.,
[Inclosure 1 in No.
Mr. Otin to Mr.
Legation, Peking,
May 27, 1873.
Sir: The difficulties that have been raised to
the Spanish legation by the imperial’ government in the emigration
question having to be definitively settled by a collective arbitration
of the foreign representatives accredited in Peking, I consider it my
duty to submit to your consideration a short statement of the facts in
order to enable you to form an impartial opinion upon the question which
you are called to decide.
Towards the middle of the month of January last, I received a
communication from the Spanish consul at Canton, in which he informed me
that a Spanish emigration agent had asked, through the consulate, the
authorization of the viceroy of the two Kwangs for the opening of an
emigration office in Canton, in order to engage, according to the
regulations of 1866, three thousand workmen which his employer required
for the cultivation of his plantations; whereupon the viceroy had
refused to grant the required authorization, founding his refusal on
orders received from the Tsung-li Yamun by him.
As soon as these facts had arrived to my knowledge, I repaired to the
Yamun, where the Ministers Mao-Chang Hri, Chunghow, and Chéng-Tin
repeatedly assured me that no such order had ever been transmitted to
the viceroy of the two Kwangs; but two days later, to my great
astonishment, I received a communication in the shape of an official
letter, in which the Yamun confirmed the prohibition to engage emigrants
for the island of Cuba.
The foundations on which this decision was based were, the slanderous
talk of a foreign newspaper that falsely interpreted a decision of the
local government in Cuba, and represented the Chinese there as being
submitted to a forced re-engagement, and the officious reports of some
consuls residing in Amoy, most of them merchant consuls, who guaranteed
the truth of the facts advanced in the said papers. These reports of
(extra) non-official origin, and of which no one had even thought to
prove the accuracy, justified, in the eyes of the imperial government,
the adoption of an extreme measure, the abrogation of an international
Out of the animated and often violent correspondence that took place on
this subject between the Tsung-li Yamun and the Spanish legation, the
only result on the part of the first was the following argument:
“The cruelty and tyranny of the
Spanish government to the Chinese subjects having been duly proved
by the reports of a newspaper and of the consuls at Amoy, we forbid
the emigration to a country where our subjects have to suffer such
ill treatment.”
This solitary argument, adorned with all the charm of Chinese diction,
and reproduced under a thousand different forms, has been the only
defense opposed by the Yamun to the legitimacy of my right and to the
arguments by which I enforced it.
Newspaper abuse is too common and vulgar to be taken serious notice of;
as to the semi-official reports of the consuls, these functionaries
being 6,000 leagues away from the scene of the events, they had no other
means of knowing anything of them but from the adulterated relations in
the said papers, and are, of course, not able to guarantee
[Page 207]
their veracity. Besides,
according to international law the interference of foreign and
non-authorized agents is inadmissible.
The facts of the case are as follows: The accumulation in Havana of
Chinese who do not possess any known means of sustenance, constitutes a
permanent danger for the Spanish province of Cuba, which, besides, is at
present unfortunately agitated by a rebellion now coming to an end. In
view of the circumstances, the local government, exercising an
indisputable right, has decided to separate the vagabonds from the
industrious mass, and to give the first the alternative either of
leaving the country or of re-engaging themselves; the mechanics,
merchants, and all honest men have not been molested. Where, then, is
the tyranny; where the cruelties?
Another fact that has been put forward by the Tsung-li Yamun in the last
conference is that the workmen engaged in Cuba according to the
regulation of 1866 did not receive, after the expiration of the
contract, the sum stipulated for their return home, and that these
wretched people were without means of returning to their country. The
Tsung-li Yamun went even so far as to assure me that the information
received on this subject was not to be doubted. It is sufficient to
state that the first emigrants were engaged in the Chinese ports under
the new regulation only, in 1869, and that the term of the-contract is
five years. To understand that, it is impossible that a stipulation in
the contract can have been broken, which stipulation could only have
effect after the expiration of the engagement, and the workmen of 1869
have not yet terminated it.
Since the emigration is going on in the Chinese ports under the new
regulation, no case of abuse or violence has been signaled, no complaint
has been presented on the subject, with the exception of the one that
the Spanish legation brought forward last year against the Chinese
delegates in Canton, who, in the absence of the Spanish consul, and
notwithstanding the remonstrances of an agent of the legation, had
allowed the departure of a young man who had not the authorization
required for minors, mentioned in article 11 of the regulation. Well!
The Tsung-li Yamun has not only left this abuse on the part of the
delegates unpunished, but, turning a good deed into a crime, declares
that this case constitutes an abuse, and that abuse being found in the
emigration, the emigration must be forbidden. Most logical reasoning!
Spanish subjects must atone for the faults of Chinese mandarins!
But let us suppose for one moment that all this is exact; that the
Chinese government had, instead of bad pretexts, only good reasons to
enforce its measures. When a government which is bound to another by an
international compact has any remonstrances to make, or wishes to begin
negotiations, it must do it by means of diplomatic agents; and it has no
right to arrest the effects of the treaty, for it is under the
protection of the treaty, and trusting in the good faith of the power
that signed it, that foreign merchants have risked their capital in a
hazardous speculation. If one of the two parties could voluntarily break
off its engagements, what need would there be of treaties?
In the present case, the Tsung-li Yamun has not only violated article 10
of the Spanish treaty, but also the clause concerning the most favored
nation—refusing, as it does to Spain, a right that it accords to other
foreign powers; and the result of this violent measure, which has been
adopted secretly, is the ruin of the agents in Cuba, who, under the
guarantee of the treaty, had begun preliminary operations of chartering
vessels, distributing sums to Chinese recruiting-agents, &c.
It is true that the Tsung-li Yamun considers the regulation about
emigration to be as important as international treaties, and
demonstrates that the Spanish government having (according to the Yamun)
infringed the regulation, the Yamun forgets, or rather wishes to forget,
that above all laws is the faith sworn in international treaties; that
local laws can be abrogated or modified; while a treaty is unchangeable
and permanent in its legal duration; that it is a gordian knot that can
be severed only by the joint will of the two sides, or by the bayonets
of the strongest.
Still, as a proof of sincerity and of the little fear we have of the
examination of the condition of Chinese in Cuba, I have offered to the
imperial government, on my own responsibility, a right which the treaty
gives it not, that of appointing a consul in Havana, who could watch
over the interest of his nationals. The Tsung-li Yamun has obstinately
refused this, saying that at present it has no idea of appointing
consuls in foreign countries, but when it would take place, Cuba should
not be excepted, and that then the emigration could again be
re-instated. Need we have a more flagrant proof of bad faith? I offer
them the means of investigating the facts and of protecting their
nationals, and they reject them; but if they refuse to lead the life of
civilized nations, Spain cannot change the code of international law in
order to serve their whims by admitting the intrusion of foreign
elements into her affairs. But it is not the welfare of its expatriated
subjects that the imperial government is so anxious about; this is only
a pretext, and at the bottom of the question there is something very
important—it is the long-prepared plan of the imperial government to
break off one by one all the links by which it is bound to the civilized
world; and it begins with the nations of which it is the least afraid,
[Page 208]
it has not yet been
punished by them. To-day, it is the emigration question; to-morrow, it
will be the missionaries; later, the opium.
If we resume these observations, we find that the Tsung-li Yamun, taxing
itself on reports deprived of all foundation, and the origin of which is
irregular, has violated the treaty existing between Spain and China;
that, notwithstanding my frank and loyal explanations, it has insisted
in its decision; and, further, that when, moved by a spirit of
conciliation, I offered it the concession of a right which would bring
truth to the light and prevent similar complications for the future,
Tsung-li Yamun has rejected my offer, without even informing me of the
reason of such a refusal.
This, sir, is the truthful statement of the facts. I have not time to
develop it more fully; but I hope that it will prove sufficient to give
you a fairly correct idea of the question that is to be submitted to
your judgment, and which could, in my opinion, be set down in the
following concrete formula:
Is the conduct of the imperial government in the present affair in
compliance with the principles of international right?
I am, sir, &c.,
His Excellency F. F. Low,
Plenipotentiary for the United States.
[Inclosure 2 in No.
Foreign Office to Mr.
The Ministers of the Foreign Office to
his Excellency Mr. Low:
On hearing, some time ago, of the cruelties inflicted on the Chinese
emigrants at Havana, and in the island of Cuba, we addressed a letter to
M. Pereyre, the Spanish minister, informing him that emigration to those
places could no longer be permitted. This decision was concurred in by
all the treaty-consuls, and by them made known to the public.
The subject has now been again mooted by M. Otin, the Spanish chargé
d’affaires, and as a difference of opinion has arisen between him and
the foreign office with regard thereto, it has been suggested that the
question be referred to the arbitration of the foreign ministers.
On the 15th of June, M. Otin wrote to the Minister Wãusiang, stating that
the two points on which it was desirable that each side should fully
state their views to the arbitrators, were these:
- 1st.
- Has Spain the right, under treaty, to insist on a free
emigration to Cuba?
- 2d.
- Has China the right, under treaty, to stop emigration to Cuba
on the score of cruelties inflicted there on the
To this Wãusiang replied:
“Emigration is no doubt permitted under Article X of the Spanish treaty;
but in that very article there is a distinct proviso that emigration is
to be conducted under rules adapted to the requirements of each
particular port, which are to be drawn up with the view of affording the
fullest protection to the Chinese emigrants. And if cruelty does exist,
the proviso about fullest protection is certainly violated. The present
intention of the foreign office, to prohibit emigration to places
notorious for the cruelties inflicted on the coolies, is not to be taken
to mean that emigration to countries where Chinese coolies are not thus
cruelly used will no longer be permitted.”
With reference to the foregoing, the foreign office would observe that
the convention, in twenty-two articles, concluded with England and
France in 1866, had for its object the protection under treaty of the
Chinese emigrants. It was certainly never meant to authorize the
continuance of emigration under conditions which were inflicting
injuries on the emigrants.
As the reply sent by Minister Wãusiang to M. Otin sets forth clearly when
emigration is to be allowed, and when it is to be stopped, it only
remains for the foreign office to request the foreign ministers to
inform them—
- 1st.
- Whether it is true or not that cruelties are inflicted on
Chinese coolies in Cuba?
- 2d.
- Whether, supposing it be true that Chinese coolies are cruelly
used in Cuba, the foreign office ought quietly to submit to
their emigrating there?
To these two questions the foreign office will feel obliged if the
foreign ministers, after an impartial deliberation, will return a plain
answer. If they prefer to confer personally with it on the above points,
they are requested to name a time and place of meeting.
Compliments, &c., with cards of the eight ministers.
[Page 209]
[Inclosure 3 in No.
Foreign Office to Mr.
[Circular note.]
Office, Peking, July 27,
The Ministers of the Foreign Office to
Mr. Williams:
Having formerly heard reports that the laborers engaged by Spaniards to
go to Cuba and elsewhere had been cruelly treated there, we decided to
lay the whole subject before the foreign ministers for their candid
opinion; and to this end furnished them with the points discussed by M.
Otin, the Spanish chargé d’affaires, and Minister Wausiang, and the
reply given by the latter, requesting from each of them an answer
informing us whether the Chinese laborers in Cuba were or were not
cruelly treated, so that thus ground could be obtained for settling the
Mr Otin having again personally urged the speedy settlement of these
points, it is unnecessary here to repeat the contents of the letters
which passed between him and Minister Wausiang; and the special purpose
of this note is, therefore, simply to request that you would inform us
whether the Chinese laborers who have been taken to Cuba are, so far as
you can ascertain, cruelly treated or not.
An early answer will be anxiously looked for.
Compliments, &c., with cards of seven ministers.
[Inclosure 4 in No. 9.]
Mr. Williams to the
Foreign Office.
Legation of the United States,
Peking, August 1,
On the 6th ultimo Mr. Low received the note of the foreign office
relating to the cruel usage which the Chinese laborers in Cuba are
reported to receive from the Spaniards, and inquiring whether, if such
was the fact, the Chinese government should patiently permit their
subjects still to be carried away there.
Since Mr. Low left Peking I have received a second note, dated the 27th
ultimo, in which the foreign office again inquires as to the truth of
the reports of the bad treatment of the Chinese laborers now in Cuba,
and asks for an early reply to both their notes. I have also seen the
note received from the foreign office two days since, in which the
ministers propose to meet all the foreign ministers at the Russian
legation, and ask General Vlangaly to confer with them, (if the hour of
2 o’clock this afternoon will be convenient,) there to have a personal
consultation upon the two points brought forward in connection with
Spanish contracts for laborers. Owing to the heat of the season,
however, I regret that I shall not be able to be present at the
With regard to the inquiry as to the bad treatment of the Chinese
laborers now in Cuba, it seems to me that it is necessary for a man to
be on the spot, and personally learn for himself the truth by seeing and
hearing what is done, I am only able to say that since the year 1849,
when the business began at Canton of contracting for coolies to go to
Cuba, up to this day, I have continually heard of the unjust and cruel
treatment which they have there received, and that very few of those who
fulfilled their term of service had ever come back to their homes. But
as I have never visited those places, I cannot myself vouch for the
truth of these charges. If the Chinese government wish to learn their
real condition, the best way will be to send a special commissioner to
Cuba, who shall carefully examine and ascertain for himself the mode of
treating the laborers, which it will not be hard to do.
As to the question whether, if the Chinese emigrants are harshly treated
in Cuba, the Chinese government will be justified in forbidding further
engagement of its subjects to go there as laborers, I consider that it
has that right, and can forbid it.
With compliments, &c.,
[Inclosure 5 in No.
Prince Kung to Mr.
Tungchi, 12th year, 8th moon,
3d day. (September 24,
Prince Kung, chief secretary of state for foreign affairs, herewith makes
a communication respecting the questions at issue with the Spanish
government about Chinese coolies in Cuba.
[Page 210]
The foreign office has now appointed Chãn Lan-pin, a titular prefect, who
had charge of the pupils sent abroad, (to the United States,) to be a
special commissioner to go to Cuba to inquire into and manage the
matter, and has associated with him A. Macpherson, now commissioner of
customs at Hankow, and A. Huber, now commissioner of customs at
Tien-Tsin, who are to join him and proceed to Havana at once.
These appointments were reported to the throne on the 21st, and His
Majesty’s rescript has been received approving of them.
In making these appointments known to your excellency, it seems to me
also proper to say, that as these commissioners on reaching Havana will
be unacquainted with the people and places, I hope that you will make
known to the proper officers at Washington their purpose in going, to
the end that directions may be given to the American consuls at that
port, and elsewhere in Cuba, to afford them such assistance on their
arrival as will further the attainment of the objects of their
His Excellency S. Wells Williams,
United States Chargé d’Affaires to China.
[Inclosure 6 in No. 9.]
Mr. Williams to
Prince Kung.
Legation of the United States,
Peking, September 25,
Sir: I was honored by the receipt of your
Imperial Highnesses dispatch of yesterday, in which you inform me that
three commissioners, Messrs. Chan Lan-pin, A. Macpherson, and A. Huber,
have been appointed to go to Cuba, there to inquire into the treatment
of Chinese laborers; and as they will on arrival be unacquainted with
the people and places, the hope is expressed that I will move the United
States Government to advise its consular officers in that island to
afford them such assistance as will further their object.
During the twenty and more years since Chinese laborers began to be
carried to Cuba from Kwangtung Province, the report of the hardships
they have suffered there has never ceased, and no one knows their
extent. It is, therefore, a source of great satisfaction to me to learn
from this dispatch that a commission has been appointed to proceed there
and inquire carefully into the truth of the reports. Such a course
evinces a regard for the Chinese now there, and is an act suitable to
the national character and will elevate the reputation of China.
I will not fail to inform the Government I have the honor to represent of
these things, and to request that directions may be given to the
American consuls in the island to give such assistance to the commission
on its arrival as they may be able.
I avail myself of this occasion to renew the assurance of my respect.
His Imperial Highness Prince Kung, &c.
[Inclosure 7 in No.
Prince Kung to Mr.
Tungchi, 12th year, 8th moon,
17th day. (October 8,
Prince Kung, chief secretary of state for foreign affairs, herewith makes
a communication.
It appears that, in relation to the appointment of Chan Lan-pin, a
law-adviser in the board of punishments, to go to Cuba as commissioner
to inquire into the condition of Chinese laborers, his promotion to the
full grade he now holds was not clearly made known in my previous
dispatch. He is an officer advanced to the fourth grade, and is
specially privileged to wear a peacock’s plume.
By Chinese rule the law-advisers in each board rank with the intendants
of circuit in the provinces; and as Chãn has now been promoted to the
fourth grade, his parity with an intendant and his imperial appointment
as envoy to go to Spanish countries will make him of equal rank to the
Spanish officers living in Cuba, and to the salaried consuls of the
United States residing there.
It is proper that I inform you of this, so there may be entire accord
with them in managing the affair.
His Excellency S. Wells Williams,
United States Chargé d’Affaires to China.
[Page 211]
[Inclosure 8 in No.
Prince Kung to Mr.
Tungchi, 12th year, 9th moon,
4th day. (October 24,
Prince Kung, chief secretary of state for foreign affairs, herewith makes
a communication.
On the 9th of this month, M. Otin, Spanish chargé d’affaires, wrote to
the Yamun as follows:
“I inclose several articles of an agreement to be discussed between us,
which, if accepted without alteration, can be signed and sealed by us,
but if there be any parts to be amended please inform me,” &c.
It was wholly on account of what we had heard respecting the condition of
Chinese laborers in Cuba that we agreed to discuss the subject with the
Spanish chargé d’affaires at a meeting of all the foreign ministers, at
which they desired the Chinese government to send a commission of
inquiry to Cuba. On the 2d ultimo a memorial was presented to appoint
Chãn Lan-pin, a brevet law-examiner, to proceed there and make full
examination into the condition of the Chinese laborers, to which His
Majesty’s gracious assent was given. His appointment was notified to M.
Otin and all the other ministers; and it is certainly incumbent on this
government to wait until its commission has been there and has made a
report before taking any further action in relation to emigration; and
there is no necessity at this stage of discussing the protocol submitted
by the chargé d’affaires of Spain, which, moreover, does not agree in
all respects with what was adopted at the conference of August 1st.
These statements were embodied in the reply sent on the 13th instant to
M. Otin, who two days afterwards answered as follows:
“I have received your dispatch of the 13th, the contents of which are so
much at variance with what was agreed upon at the Russian legation, that
I can no longer transact public business with the Yamun. I have
accordingly requested the dean of the diplomatic body in Peking to
attend to it for me, and I beg you to henceforth regard me simply as a
private individual.”
On the same day a dispatch from Baron Holloben was received, stating
“that M. Otin, the Spanish chargé d’affaires, has transferred his
legation to me as dean of the diplomatic body, and all matters connected
with Spain will be attended to by me until further notice.”
In regard to this whole affair, I can confidently say that in all our
intercourse with foreign ministers the Yamun has always tried to
maintain a spirit of cordiality and candor: and even when we have been
disappointed in not arranging everything, we have never cherished the
least feeling of distrust respecting the motives of others. In the
present instance, as M. Otin seems to us to be mistaken and have
misapprehended several points, we have addressed him unofficially,
recapitulating the circumstances, and carefully defining our position in
the matter, so as to dissipate his distrust.
The general conference which was held upon this question with all the
ministers renders it desirable to communicate these things to them, as
they will hear rumors of them, and I therefore inclose copies of two
dispatches from M. Otin, one from the German chargé d’affaires, and
three papers in reply from the Yamun, and submit the whole
correspondence for your examination.
His Excellency S. W. Williams,
United States Chargé d’Affaires.
[Inclosure 1 in 8 in No.
M. Otin to the
Yamun, containing a draught of a
To His Imperial Highness Prince Kung,
and the Members of the Foreign Office:
I have the honor to inclose the draught of a protocol in five articles
for your consideration, which, if they are found to be such as you can
agree to, we can then sign and seal. They contain nothing different from
what was agreed to at the conference at the Russian legation on the 1st
of August; and I respectfully request your highness and their
excellencies to examine them with a view to their adoption. If there are
some points which can advantageously be altered, please inform me. But
before this affair can be properly settled, it is necessary that the
unfounded rumors relating to the high authorities in Cuba should be
fully discussed; and to this end I beg your highness and their
excellencies to send me true copies of the dispatches of the United
States consul at Amoy, and of the American minister, Mr. Low, containing
these calumnious* charges, so that I can
examine them.
[Page 212]
The undersigned, prince and ministers of the Tsung-li-Yamun, and the
chargé d’affaires for Spain, (M. Otin,) after having discussed the
means of conciliating the difficulties between the governments of
China and Spain, with regard to emigration to Cuba, have agreed to
the following points:
- 1st.
- The Chinese government will appoint a delegate to proceed
to the island of Cuba to investigate the veracity of the
facts denounced connected with Chinese emigration. This
Chinese delegate shall be assisted in his investigation by
two Spanish delegates, one from the foreign office, and one
from the colonial office of Madrid.
- 2d.
- The governments of China and of Spain will request the
governments of England, Germany, France, Russia, and the
United States, as mediating powers, to instruct their
respective consuls or consuls-general at Havana to join the
above-mentioned Chinese and Spanish delegates in their
labors, forming altogether a mixed commission of
- 3d.
- This commission shall draw up a report on the facts
alleged and on the general condition of the Chinese in Cuba,
according to the prevalent opinion, by majority of
- 4th.
- Pending the report of the commission, emigration by
contract to Cuba shall be suspended; but it is clearly
understood that if the said report shows that the facts
imputed were incorrect, the Chinese government shall at once
re-establish emigration by contract to the island of Cuba
according to the regulations in force; and shall furthermore
pay to the government of Spain an indemnity for the losses
and damages that Cuban land-owners and their agents might
have sustained since January last by the prohibition.
- 5th.
- The amount of such indemnity shall be fixed by common
understanding, by the Tsung-li-Yamun and the Spanish
legation in China; and failing to agree, the matter shall be
submitted to the representatives in Peking of the five
mediating powers.
Done at
Peking, October,
[Inclosure 2 in 8 in No.
Foreign Office to Mr.
Tungchi, 12th year, 8th moon,
22d day. (October 13,
Prince Kung and the members of the foreign office herewith send a
On the 9th instant we had the honor to receive your dispatch, in which
you state:
“I now inclose for your examination the articles of an agreement, and if
there be nothing to alter in them, we can sign and seal them; if there
be certain parts which you wish to modify or alter, you can inform me,
and at the same time [please] send a copy of the communications from the
United States consul, and Mr. Low, the American minister, with it, for
my use,” &c.
In regard to this, we may observe that, as you did not consider the
declarations of the American minister and the United States consul in
regard to the treatment of the coolies in Cuba and Havana to be
supported by sufficient evidence, you then proposed that the question
should be jointly discussed at a general meeting of all the foreign
ministers. Thereupon they requested the Yamun to send a commissioner to
Cuba, who could inquire into the facts; and you yourself urged that he
should be appointed very soon, inasmuch as you were on the point of
returning home.
We therefore, on the 21st ultimo, memorialized [the Throne] to this
effect, that Can Lau-Pin, a brevet law-examiner in the board of
punishment, of the 4th rank, should be appointed to proceed thither and
inquire into the condition of the Chinese laborers, and that Messrs.
Macpherson and Huber, two commissioners of the customs-service, be
associated with him in this service. We were honored by his majesty’s
rescript, “Let it be as requested;” which in due course was made known
to your excellency and all the other foreign ministers. We also received
their replies, as is on record.
Seeing that Chinese subjects are now employed abroad as laborers, it is
proper that the Chinese government should send a commission to learn
their condition; and in that case the members of the commission should
take their own mode of learning the facts in the case, which they can
then the better minutely report to the Yamun for its action. If this be
not allowed, then the various statements on this point contained in the
dispatches of Mr. Low and the United States consul must be regarded as
reliable proof, and what need was there for the Chinese government in
that case to send a special agent?
In what manner the question of the laborers in Cuba is to be acted upon
must, of course, now remain in abeyance until this commission has
returned and made its full report to the Yamun.
[Page 213]
It is therefore unnecessary to take any deliberate steps with regard to
the acceptance of the articles now offered by you; and, moreover, they
do not altogether agree with what was decided upon at the conference
held at the Russian legation on the 1st of August last.
The subjects discussed in the dispatches from the American minister and
consul relate to the most important points touching the lives of our
people; and they were all laid before you and the other ministers at the
Russian legation last summer in the original documents. The dispatch
from the consul, was also inclosed in a dispatch to Mr. Peyrera last
year, so that it appears unnecessary now to make another copy of them
for you.
This is the purpose for which this reply is now sent.
His Excellency F. Otin,
Spanish Chargé d’affaires to China.
[Inclosure 3 in 8 in No.
Mr. Otin to the
Peking, October 14,
To His Highness Prince Kung and the
Ministers of the Yamun:
I have had the honor to receive the dispatch of yesterday’s date from
your highness, &c., and have carefully examined it.
In it you say that the articles which I submitted to you are totally
unlike* the points which were generally agreed upon at the Russian
legation on the 1st August. I can, therefore, henceforth have no further
transactions of a public nature with the Yamun; and have accordingly
requested the dean of the diplomatic body to attend to all Spanish
affairs on my behalf. I shall remain in Peking only on my private
affairs until I start on my journey, and have to request that I may
henceforth be regarded by the Yamun as only a private individual, in
which position, if I have any business, I shall ask the good offices of
the clean of the diplomatic body to attend to it.
I have, &c.
[Inclosure 4 in 8 in No. 9.]
This is Baron Holleben’s dispatch to the Yamun, informing the minister
that he was the intermediary on Spanish affairs.
Peking, October 15,
[Inclosure 5 in 8 in No.
Foreign Office to Mr.
Tungchi, 12th year, 8th moon,
27th day. (October 18,
[Caveat of the Yamun.]
The Yamun begs to reply to his excellency M. Otin, Spanish chargé
On the 15th instant we received your excellency’s dispatch, in which you
informed us that, as ours of the 13th instant was at open variance with
the agreement arrived at in the Russian legation, you could no longer
transact business with us, and had accordingly handed over the business
of the Spanish legation to the dean of the diplomatic body at Peking,
and requested us henceforth to consider you as a private individual.
On the same day we also received the dispatch of M. Holleben, the German
chargé d’affaires, stating that M. Otin had transferred the affairs of
the Spanish legation to him as dean of the diplomatic body, and
requested us, therefore, until further notice, to address him on any
point connected with Spanish affairs.
In relation to this we beg to observe that, in all our consultations and
transactions with the foreign representatives, we have always endeavored
to maintain friendly relations; and in cases of difference of opinion
and unexpected misunderstanding, we have, in order the better to
speedily adjust the difference, always tried to preserve equanimity and
calmness of mind. We have not, in consequence of disagreement on a
single point, harbored general distrust on all points.
In relation to this coolie question, after obtaining the imperial
sanction to the appointment
[Page 214]
Chãn Lan-pin to go as our commissioner to inquire into the facts, (an
appointment made after consulting with you,) we informed you of our
action, and requested you to advise your government and invite its
co-operation. And when, on the 9th of this month, you personally handed
us a dispatch, we replied to it in the same form, with all convenient
speed, according to the real facts.
In all this intercourse we have always treated you as becomes a minister
plenipotentiary, and have never failed in due respect toward you; so
that it certainly must be some misunderstanding which leads you, in your
last dispatch, to request us to consider you as merely a private
If, however, you wish to hand over the affairs of the Spanish legation to
another minister, because you intend shortly to return home on account
of important business, this is a common occurrence in all legations; but
the purport and expressions of your last communication are not
altogether in accordance with friendly relations.
We ought properly to reply to it in an official dispatch, but having now
had it and the dispatch of the German chargé d’affaires, we have
preferred to address you in a private note first, stating our views, and
shall be gratified to receive your reply, wishing, you at the same time
every happiness.
Cards of—
five others.
His Excellency F. Otin,
Spanish Chargé d’Affaires to China.
[Inclosure 6 in 8 in No.
Foreign Office to Mr.
Tungchi, 12th year, 9th moon,
2d day, (October 22,
[Official caveat of Chinese.]
Prince Kung and the members of the Yamun herewith send a reply.
On the 15th instant, we had the honor to receive a note from your
excellency, stating that, as our dispatch of the 13th instant was openly
at variance with the agreement arrived at in the Russian legation, you
could no longer enter into official transactions with us, and that you
had, therefore, requested the dean of the diplomatic body to take charge
of Spanish affairs.
On the same day we also received a dispatch from M. de Holleben, German
chargé d’affaires, requesting us to address him, until further notice,
on any questions regarding Spanish affairs.
As we were, however, inclined to suppose that some misunderstanding on
your excellency’s part must be at the bottom of all this, we in the
first place addressed to you our letter of the 19th instant. But as we
received the next day another letter from the German chargé d’affaires,
in which he told us that you had put our dispatch to you into his hands;
that he and you had jointly opened and read it, and had then requested
him to inform us that the reason why you had handed over the affairs of
the Spanish legation to the dean of the diplomatic body was neither
because you were in a great hurry to go back to Spain, nor because yon
cherished a distrust of us, but simply because you had deemed it to be
useless to continue official transactions with us after we, in our
dispatch of the 13th instant, had flatly declined the propositions which
you had submitted to us.
We now beg to say, with regard to your excellency’s dispatch of the 15th
instant, that, though you may choose to make use of such phraseology, we
may, on our part, assert that, in all our relations with any foreign
power, we have never entertained sentiments of this kind.
Since you began to discharge the duties of acting minister for Spain, we
have always treated you with all the respect due to a minister
plenipotentiary; and as now M. de Holleben tells us in his note that you
do not cherish a distrust of us, this would seem to prove that you are
yourself also aware that we have really always treated you with the
respect due to a minister plenipotentiary, and that we have never been
guilty of any discourtesy toward you.
Referring to our dispatch of the 13th of October, we beg to observe that,
just because Spain and China have been on friendly terms for so many
years, we thought it to be our duty in this, as in all other matters, to
state our candid opinions fully, according to the actual circumstances,
and beg you, therefore, to take this into mature consideration.
His Excellency F. Otin,
Spanish Chargé d’Affaires.
[Page 215]
[Inclosure 9 in No.
Mr. Holleben to the
Foreign Office.
Peking, October 24,
[Not contained in the Chinese.]
To His Imperial Highness Prince Kung,
and their excellencies the ministers:
Your imperial highness and their excellencies’ letter to me of the 22d
instant, with its inclosures, has been duly received. At the same time I
received also the original dispatch addressed to the chargé d’affaires
for Spain.
After having consulted with M. Otin, I have now the honor to reply to it,
and to inform you that M. Otin has with pleasure taken due note of the
friendly sentiments toward the Spanish government expressed in your
highness and their excellencies’ dispatch; but as that does not at all
enter into the essential points of the pending differences, and as M.
Otin must suppose, therefore, that you still adhere to the position
taken up in the dispatch of the 13th instant, M. Otin regrets to say
that he does not see how he could, in reply to it, allege anything that
might serve to alter the pending relations.
I have, &c., &c.,
Note upon Mr. Otin’s dispatch.—This portion of
this dispatch I have translated from the Chinese text, in which this
word answers to that version. Mr. Otin having showed me the original
texts in Spanish, for which he alone is responsible, I can say that
the Chinese version is too strong for the Spanish word delacion or accusation, and that he applied
it only to the document from Amoy.
The inclosures in this correspondence are taken from their original
texts, in English, with the exception of the dispatch accompanying
the protocol in inclosure 1. The translations from the Chinese are
direct.—S. W. W.