Mr. Seward to Mr. Clay
Sir: Your despatch of the 22d of November, No. 64, has been received.
I thank you for the very interesting account it contains of a conversation with the Archduke Oonstantine. It manifests much sagacity, and certainly very friendly sentiments towards the United States. Nevertheless, the misconception of our actual condition which it reveals makes me wish it were possible for him to come out and spend a few months in America. I think it would be beneficial to us, and by no means unprofitable to Russia. I forbear from specifying my reasons. They will readily occur to you, as they would to his Imperial Majesty if his thoughts were once turned in that direction. Of one thing he might be assured: that coming as a guest of this government he. would receive a cordial and most demonstrative welcome by it and by the people.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Cassius M. Clay, Esq., &c., &c., &c.