Papers Relating to Foreign Affairs.
No. | From whom and to whom | Date | Subject | page |
BRITISH LEGATION. | 1864 | |||
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 5 | J. Hume Burnley, esq. recommended as chargé d’affaires ad interim. | 1 | |
Do. | Dec. 5 | Schemes of the insurgents in Canada. | 1 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 6 | Case of the Night-Hawk | 2 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Dec. 6 | J. Hume Burnley, esq., chargé d’affaires ad interim, | 3 | |
Memorandum | Dec. 7 | African slave trade. Propositions for its suppression. | 4 | |
Do. | Dec. 8 | Case of the Shenandoah. Prosecution of Captain Corbett for violation of foreign enlistment act. | 4 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 8 | Claim for coal taken from Angra Pequena by the Vanderbilt. | 4 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Dec. 8 | Movements of the Georgiana. | 5 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 9 | Case of the Labuan. | 6 | |
Do. | Dec. 11 | Movements of the Georgiana. | 7 | |
Do. | Dec. 11 | Application for the extradition of B. G. Burley. | 7 | |
Do. | Dec. 12 | Military organization of insurgent fugitives from the United States in Canada. | 8 | |
Do. | Dec. 13 | Case of the James Douglass. | 8 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Dec. 13 | Greek fire to be used in the destruction of cities in the United States. | 9 | |
Do. | Dec. 14 | Alleged enlistment of deserters from the British bark Cuzco. | 9 | |
Do | Dec. 14 | Case of the John Warrington | 10 | |
1864 | ||||
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Dec. 14 | Cases of the El Almandares and Pinero, built at Montreal for purposes hostile to the United States. | 10 | |
Do. | Dec. 14 | Release of S. E. Lackey and others, charged with robbery and murder at St. Albans. | 11 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 15 | The same subject | 11 | |
Do | Dec. 15 | The same subject | 12 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Dec. 15 | Alleged violation of British jurisdiction at | 12 | |
Do | Dec. 15 | Campo Bello. Schemes of the insurgents in Canada against | 15 | |
Do. | Dec. 16 | The United States. | 15 | |
Do. | Dec. 16 | Case of the Labuan | 15 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 16 | Military organization of insurgent fugitives from the United States in Canada. | 16 | |
Do. | Dec. 17 | Order telegraphed by Major General Dix on the occasion of the outrage at St. Albans. | 16 | |
Do | Dec. 17 | Alleged enlistment of deserters from the British bark Cuzco. | 17 | |
Do. | Dec. 17 | Operations in the straits of Simonosaki. Increase of naval armament on the northern lakes. | 17 | |
Do | Dec. 19 | St. Albans raiders. | 20 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Dec. 19 | The same subject | 20 | |
Do. | Dec. 21 | Intercepted correspondence showing the use of the British provinces by the insurgents. | 21 | |
Do. | Dec. 21 | Alleged organization at Halifax for seizing United States vessels on the lakes bordering on Canada, and also at different points on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. | 21 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 21 | Intercepted correspondence showing tbe use of the British provinces by the insurgents. | 22 | |
Do | Dec. 21 | Operations in the straits of Simonosaki. Naval honors tendered by the British government to Lieutenant Pearson, of the United States ship Jamestown. | 22 | |
Do | Dec. 22 | Alleged organization of insurgents at Halifax for seizing United States vessels. | 23 | |
Do | Dec. 15 | Cessation of Japanese hostilities. Future policy to be observed towards that government. | 23 | |
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Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 22 | Cases of the two Harrises, captured on the Young Republic. | 24 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Dec. 22 | Operations in the straits of Simonosaki. Naval honors tendered by the British government to Lieutenant Pearson, of the United States ship Jamestown. | 26 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 24 | The case of the Georgiana | 26 | |
Memorandum | Dec 24 | The case of the Night Hawk. | 27 | |
Do. | Dec. 26 | Schemes of the insurgents of the United States in Canada. | 27 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 28 | The case of the Mary. | 28 | |
Do. | Dec. 28 | Greek fire to be used in the destruction of cities in the United States. | 29 | |
Do. | Dec. 28 | Cases of the El Almandares and Pinero, built at Montreal for purposes hostile to the United States. | 29 | |
Do. | Dec. 28 | Vessels fitted out at Nassau to depredate on American commerce. | 30 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Dec. 28 | Case of the James Douglass | 31 | |
Do. | Dec. 29 | Japanese affairs. | 31 | |
Do. | Dec. 29 | The case of the Georgiana. | 31 | |
Do. | Dec. 30 | Schemes of the insurgents of the United States in Canada. | 32 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 30 | The same subject | 32 | |
Do. | Dec. 31 | Military organization of insurgent fugitives from the United States in Canada. | 33 | |
Do. | Dec. 31 | The case of the Night Hawk. | 33 | |
Do | Dec. 31 | Military order of the governor general of Canadá for the distribution of troops on the frontier. | 34 | |
Do | Dec. 31 | Greek fire to be used in the destruction of cities in the United States. | 36 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Dec. 31 | Schemes of the insurgents of the United States in Canada. | 36 | |
Do. | Dec. 31 | The case of the Mary | 37 | |
Do. | Dec, 31 | Greek fire to be used in the destruction of cities in the United States. | 37 | |
Do. | Dee. 31 | The case of the Night Hawk. | 37 | |
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Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Dec. 31 | Alleged fitting out at Nassau of vessels to depredate on American commerce. | 38 | |
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Do | Jan. 3 | Military order of the governor general of Cadada for the distribution of troops on the frontier. | 38 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Jan. 3 | Alleged insurgent organization at Halifax for the seizure of United States vessels. | 38 | |
Do | Jan. 3 | The outrage at St. Albans | 39 | |
Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Jan, 4 | Alleged military organization in Canada of insurgent fugitives from the United States. | 40 | |
Do. | Jan. 4 | Cases of the El Almandares and Pinero, built at Montreal for purposes hostile to the United States. | 40 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Jan. 6 | The case of the Night Hawk. | 41 | |
Do. | Jan. 6 | The same subject. | 41 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Jan. 7 | St. Albans raiders. | 41 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Jan. 9 | The case of the Night Hawk. | 43 | |
Do. | Jan. 10 | Alleged organization at Halifax by the insurgents for the seizure of United States vessels. | 43 | |
Do. | Jan. 10 | Increase of naval armament on the northern lakes. | 43 | |
Do. | Jan. 10 | The case of the Night Hawk. | 43 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Jan. 10 | The case of James Hardcastle | 44 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Jan, 11 | Operations in the Straits of Simonosaki. Naval honors tendered by the British govern-emment to Lieutenant Pearson, of the United States ship Jamestown. | 45 | |
Do | Jan. 12 | Extradition of St. Albans raiders | 46 | |
Do. | Jan. 14 | Greek fire to be used by the insurgents in destroying northern cities. | 46 | |
Do | Jan. 14 | Transfer of the crew of the Florida to the Shenandoah. | 47 | |
Do. | Jan. 16 | Extradition of the St. Albans raiders | 47 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Jan. 17 | Transfer of the crew of the Florida to the Shenandoah. | 47 | |
1865 | ||||
Mr. Seward to Mr Burnley. | Jan. 18 | The case of James Hardeastle. | 48 | |
Do | Jan. 18 | The ease of the Labuan | 48 | |
Do | Jan. 19 | Schemes of the insurgents of the United States in Canada. | 48 | |
Do | Jan. 19 | The case of the Night Hawk;. | 48 | |
Do | Jan. 19 | The case of the James Douglass | 49 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Jan 20 | Observance of passport regulations in the | 49 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Jan. 21 | United States. Hostile schemes of the insurgents from the United States in Canada. | 50 | |
Do. | Jan. 23 | Piratical vessels fitting out at St. Thomas to depredate upon American commerce, | 50 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Jan. 23 | Cotton captured at Savannah claimed by British subjects. | 51 | |
Do. | Jan. 24 | The case of the Maryi | 52 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Jan. 24 | Cotton captured at Savannah claimed by British subjects. | 53 | |
Do. | Jan. 25 | Observance of passport regulations in the United States. | 53 | |
Do. | Jan. 25 | Case of the Chesapeake | 54 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Jan. 25 | Piratical vessels fitting out at St. Thomas to depredate on American commerce. | 54 | |
Do. | Jan. 25 | Hostile schemes of the insurgents from the United States in Canada. | 55 | |
Do. | Jan. 26 | Case of Miller and Fisher. | 55 | |
Do | Jan. 26 | Opening of the Canadian Parliament. Speech of the governor general. | 56 | |
Do. | Jan. 28 | African slave trade. | 57 | |
Do. | Jan. 28 | Alleged violation of British jurisdiction at Campo Bello. | 59 | |
Do. | Jan. 30 | Cotton captured at Savannah claimed by British subjects. | 59 | |
Do. | Jan. 31 | Cases of the vessels El Almandares and Pinero, built at Montreal for purposes hostile to the United States. | 60 | |
Do. | Jan. 31 | Extradition of William H. Crawford | 61 | |
Do. | Jan. 31 | Extradition of the St. Albans raiders | 62 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Jan. 31 | Case of the Mary. | 63 | |
1865 | ||||
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Feb. 2 | Extradition of William H. Crawford | 63 | |
Do. | Feb. 4 | Extradition of B. G. Burley. | 64 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Feb. 4 | Extradition of William H. Crawford | 64 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Feb. 6 | Alleged organization at Halifax by the insurgents for the seizure of United States vessels. | 64 | |
Do. | Feb. 6 | Detention of cotton at Memphis claimed by Captain Scanlan. | 65 | |
Do. | Feb. 7 | Cotton captured at Savannah claimed by British subjects. | 67 | |
Do. | Feb. 7 | Hostile designs of insurgents in Canada against towns on the northern frontier. | 68 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Feb. 7 | The same subject. | 68 | |
Do. | Feb. 8 | Extradition of B. G. Burley | 69 | |
Do. | Feb. 8 | Cotton captured at Savannah claimed by British subjects. | 69 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Feb. 8 | Extradition of the St. Albans raiders | 69 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Feb. 8 | Alleged organization, at Cape Vincent, of a | 70 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Feb. 9 | marauding expedition into Canada. The same subject | 71 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Feb. 9 | Cotton captured at Savannah claimed by British subjects. | 71 | |
Do. | Feb. 9 | Extradition of St. Albans raiders | 71 | |
Do. | Feb. 11 | Suggesting the early termination of the Fishery Commission. | 72 | |
Do. | Feb. 11 | Extradition of William H. Crawford | 72 | |
Do. | Feb. 14 | Movements of the pirate Ajax | 72 | |
Do. | Feb. 14 | Hostile designs of insurgents in Canada against towns on the northern frontier. | 73 | |
Do. | Feb. 14 | Cases of the Ël Almandares and Pinero, built at Montreal for hostile purposes against the United States. | 73 | |
Do. | Feb. 14 | Alleged organization at Halifax by the insurgents for the seizure of United States vessels. | 73 | |
1865 | ||||
Memorandum. | Feb. 15 | Insurgent schemes in Canada. The outrage at St. Albans. The fitting out of vessels in British ports to depredate on American commerce. | 73 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Feb, 15 | The case of the Chesapeake. | 74 | |
Do. | Feb. 17 | The same subject | 77 | |
I Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Feb. 17 | Hostile designs of insurgents in Canada against towns on the northern frontier. | 77 | |
Do. | Feb. 17 | Detention at Memphis of cotton claimed by Captain Scanlan. | 77 | |
Do. | Feb. 18 | The case of the Chesapeake. | 78 | |
Do. | Feb. 19 | The case of the Georgiana. | 78 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Feb. 20 | The case of the Chesapeake. | 79 | |
Do. | Feb. 23 | Alleged enlistment of deserters from the British bark Cuzco. | 79 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Feb. 23 | Hostile designs of insurgents in Canada against towns on the northern frontier. | 80 | |
Do. | Feb. 23 | The case of the Chesapeake | 81 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Feb. 24 | Alleged organization at Cape Vincent of a marauding expedition into Canada. | 81 | |
Do. | Feb. 25 | Extradition of the St. Albans raiders | 82 | |
Do. | Feb. 25 | The case of the Chesapeake | 82 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Feb. 25 | The case of James Hardcastle | 83 | |
Do. | Feb. 27 | The extradition of the St. Albans raiders | 84 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Feb. 28 | Cotton captured at Savannah claimed by British subjects. | 85 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Mar. 1 | Insurgent schemes in Canada | 85 | |
Do. | Mar. 2 | Extradition of the St. Albans raiders | 86 | |
Do. | Mar. 3 | Case of the pirate Gipsey | 86 | |
Do. | Mar. 3 | Case of the Chesapeake | 87 | |
Do. | Mar. 3 | Alleged enlistment of deserters from the British bark Cuzco. | 87 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Mar. 3 | Insurgent schemes in Canada | 87 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Mar. 6 | Alleged organization at Cape Vincent of a marauding expedition into Canada. | 88 | |
1865 | ||||
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Mar. 6 | The case of the Chesapeake | 88 | |
Do. | Mar. 6 | Cotton captured at Savannah claimed by British subjects. | 88 | |
Do. | Mar. 7 | The case of the Chesapeake | 89 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Mar. 7 | The extradition of the St. Albans raiders. | 89 | |
Do. | Mar. 7 | The cases of the El Almandares and Pinero, building at Montreal for depredations on American commerce. | 90 | |
Do. | Mar. 7 | The case of the Georgiana | 91 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Mar. 8 | Alleged fitting out at the Bahamas of blockade-runners designed to depredate on American commerce. | 91 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Mar. 9 | Hostile designs of insurgents at Halifax against towns on the northern frontier. | 92 | |
Do. | Mar. 9 | The case of John Warrington. | 92 | |
Do. | Mar. 9 | The case of the Chesapeake | 93 | |
Do. | Mar. 11 | Hostile designs of insurgents in Canada against towns on the northern frontier. | 94 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Mar. 13 | Cases of the Chesapeake and J. L. Gerrity | 94 | |
Do. | Mar. 13 | The case of John Warrington | 95 | |
Do. | Mar. 14 | The case of the Georgiana. | 95 | |
Do. | Mar. 14 | Hostile designs of insurgents at Halifax against towns on the northern frontier. | 95 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Mar. 14 | Fenian Brotherhood. Alleged proceedings of the society. | 96 | |
Do. | Mar. 15 | Extradition of B. G. Burley. | 97 | |
Do. | Mar. 15 | African slave trade. | 98 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Mar. 15 | Fenian Brotherhood. Alleged proceedings of the society. | 98 | |
Do. | Mar. 16 | African slave trade | 98 | |
Memorandum | Mar. 16 | The case of John Warrington | 99 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Mar. 16 | The President’s proclamation relative to per-sons engaged in the violation of the blockade. | 99 | |
Memorandum | Mar. 16 | The same subject. | 99 | |
1865 | ||||
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Mar. 17 | The same subject. | 100 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Mar. 18 | Detention at Memphis of cotton claimed by Captain Scanlan. | 100 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Mar. 20 | Hostile designs of insurgents in Canada against towns on trie northern frontier. | 102 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Mar, 20 | Retirement of Lord Lyons. | 102 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Mar. 20 | Fenian Brotherhood. Alleged proceedings of the society. | 103 | |
Do. | Mar. 20 | Extradition of B. G. Burley | 104 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Mar. 20 | Oath of allegiance required of British subjects at Charleston preparatory to engaging in business. | 105 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Mar. 21 | The case of John Warrington | 108 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Mar. 21 | Appointment of Sir Frederick W. A. Bruce as British minister to the United States. | 109 | |
Do. | Mar. 21 | Treasury regulations respecting articles exported inland from Canada to the United States, | 109 | |
Do. | Mar. 23 | The case of John Warrington. | 112 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Mar. 23 | The cases of the El Almandares and Pinero, building at Montreal for purposes hostile to the United States. | 112 | |
Do. | Mar. 23 | Oath of Allegiance required of British subjects at Charleston preparatory to engaging in business. | 112 | |
Do. | Mar. 23 | Detention at Memphis of cotton claimed by Captain Scanlan. | 113 | |
Do. | Mar. 24 | Appointment of Sir Frederick W. A. Bruce as British minister to the United States. | 113 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Mar. 26 | Relative to the termination of the fishery commission. | 113 | |
Do. | Mar. 27 | Alleged organization at Cape Vincent of a marauding expedition into Canada. | 114 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Mar. 28 | Treasury regulations respecting articles exported inland from Canada to the United States. | 114 | |
Do. | Mar. 29 | Relative to the termination of the fishery commission. | 114 | |
1865 | ||||
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Mar. 29 | Alleged organization at Cape Vincent of a marauding expedition into Canada. | 115 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Apr. 1 | Movements of the piratical cruisers Shenandoah and Ajax. | 115 | |
Do | Apr. 3 | Cases of Pratt and Green, of the steamer City of Richmond. | 115 | |
Do | Apr. 3 | Rearrest of the St. Albans raiders. | 117 | |
Do. | Apr. 3 | Hostile designs of insurgents in Canada against the towns on the northern frontier. | 117 | |
Do. | Apr. 5 | Cotton captured at Savannah claimed by British subjects. | 118 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Apr. 5 | Hostile designs of insurgents in Canada against the towns on the northern frontier. | 118 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Apr. 7 | Alleged support given by the inhabitants of Nova Scotia to insurgent cruisers. | 119 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Apr. 7 | The cases of Pratt and Green, of the steamer City of Richmond. | 120 | |
Do | Apr. 8 | Movements of the piratical cruisers Shenandoah and Ajax. | 120 | |
Do. | Apr. 8 | Cotton captured at Savannah claimed by British subjects. | 121 | |
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Seward. | Apr. 10 | Requesting audience of the President for presentation of his letter of credence from the British government. | 121 | |
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Burnley. | Apr. 15 | Assassination of the President, and attempted assassination of the Secretary of State. | 121 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Hunter. | Apr. 17 | The same subject | 122 | |
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Burnley. | Apr. 18 | Obsequies of the late President Lincoln | 122 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Hunter. | Apr. 18 | Extradition of V. G. Locke. | 124 | |
Do. | Apr. 18 | Case of the pirate Gipsy | 125 | |
Do | Apr. 18 | Irregularities alleged to have been committed by the United States vessels-of-war off the Bahamas. | 125 | |
Do. | Apr. 18 | Alleged fitting out at the Bahamas of blockade runners designed to depredate on American commerce. | 126 | |
Do. | Apr. 18 | Hostile designs of the insurgents in Canada against the towns on the northern frontier. | 127 | |
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Mr. Burnley to Mr. Hunter. | Apr. 18 | Claim of James Hart for alleged seizure of property at Savannah. | 131 | |
Sir F. Brace to Mr. Hunter. | Apr. 20 | The President’s proclamation relative to persons engaged in the violation of the blockade. | 132 | |
Do. | Apr. 22 | Demonstrations of respect to the memory of President Lincoln. Action of the governor general of Canada. | 133 | |
Do | Apr. 22 | Piratical vessels fitting out at St. Thomas for alleged seizure of American vessels on the Pacific coast. | 134 | |
Do. | Apr. 24 | Treasury regulations respecting articles exported inland from Canada to the United States. | 134 | |
Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Bruce. | Apr. 24 | Extradition of V. G. Locke | 135 | |
Do. | Apr. 24 | Hostile designs of the insurgents in Canada against the towns on the northern frontier. | 135 | |
Do. | Apr. 25 | Case of the pirate Gipsey | 135 | |
Do. | Apr. 25 | Assassination of President Lincoln. Action of the governor general of Canada. | 136 | |
Do. | Apr. 25 | The St. Albans raiders. Their rearrest | 136 | |
Do | Apr. 25 | Alleged fitting out at the Bahamas of blockade-runners to depredate on American commerce. | 136 | |
Do. | Apr. 25 | Extradition of V. G. Locke | 137 | |
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Hunter. | Apr. 25 | Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolutions of condolence from British residents in New York city. | 137 | |
Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Bruce. | Apr. 26 | The same subject | 137 | |
Do. | Apr. 28 | Piratical vessels fitting out at St. Thomas for alleged seizure of American vessels on the Pacific coast. | 138 | |
Do. | Apr. 28 | Irregularities alleged to have been committed by United States vessels-of-war off the Bahamas. | 138 | |
Sir F. Brace to Mr. Hunter. | Apr. 28 | Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolutions of condolence. | 138 | |
Do. | Apr. 28 | The same subject | 139 | |
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Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Bruce. | Apr. 29 | The President’s proclamation relative to persons engaged in the violation of the blockade. | 139 | |
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Hunter. | May. 1 | Cotton captured at Mobile Charleston, and Savannah claimed by British subjects | 139 | |
Do | May. 1 | Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolutions of condolence. | 140 | |
Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Bruce. | May. 3 | Cotton captured at Mobile claimed by British subjects. | 140 | |
Do. | May. 3 | Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolutions of condolence. | 141 | |
Do. | May. 3 | The same subject. | 141 | |
Do. | May. 6 | Irregularities alleged to have been committed by United States vessels-of-war off the Bahamas. | 141 | |
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Hunter. | May. 6 | Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolutions of condolence. | 142 | |
Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Bruce. | May. 8 | The same subject. | 142 | |
Do. | May. 9 | The same subject | 143 | |
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Hunter. | May 10 | The same subject | 143 | |
Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Bruce. | May 13 | The same subject | 143 | |
Do. | May 13 | Notice that the United States government I will no longer respect, on land or sea, any concessions of belligerent rights to the insurgents. | 144 | |
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Hunter. | May 16 | Case of the J. L. Gerrity. | 144 | |
Do. | May 16 | Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolutions of condolence. The same subject | 154 | |
Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Bruce. | May 16 | The same subject | 154 | |
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Hunter. | May 17 | The same subject | 154 | |
Do. | May 17 | Cases of Pratt and Green, of the steamer City of Richmond. | 155 | |
Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Bruce. | May 17 | Case of the J. L. Gerrity | 155 | |
1865 | ||||
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Hunter. | May 18 | Assassination of President Lincoln. Extract from a speech of the lieutenant governor of New Brunswick. | 155 | |
Do | May 18 | Tonnage dues exacted from British vessels at Boston. | 156 | |
Do | May 19 | Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolutions of condolence. | 158 | |
Do | May 19 | The same subject | 158 | |
Do | May 19 | Relative to the termination of the fishery commission. | 158 | |
Do | May 19 | Alleged schemes in Brooklyn, New York, to annex Canada and Mexico to the United States. | 159 | |
Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Brace. | May 19 | Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolution of condolence. | 160 | |
Do | May 20 | The same subject. | 160 | |
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Hunter. | May 20 | The piratical cruiser Stonewall. Belligerent rights extended to insurgent vessels | 161 | |
Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Bruce. | May. 25 | Alleged schemes in Brooklyn, New York, to annex Canada and Mexico to the United States. | 161 | |
Do. | May 26 | Case of the Chesapeake | 162 | |
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Hunter. | May 26 | The same subject | 162 | |
Do. | May 27 | Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolutions of condolence. | 162 | |
Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Bruce. | May 27 | Case of the Margarita Quintero. Supposed to be engaged in the slave trade. | 162 | |
Do. | May 29 | Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolutions of condolence. | 163 | |
Do. | May 29 | Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolutions of condolence. | 163 | |
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Hunter. | May 29 | Alleged schemes in Brooklyn, New York, to annex Canada and Mexico to the United States. | 164 | |
Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Bruce. | May 30 | Relative to the termination of the fishery commission. | 165 | |
Do. | May 31 | Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolutions of condolence. | 165 | |
Do. | May 31 | The same subject | 165 | |
1865 | ||||
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Hunter. | Jun 1 | The same subject. | 166 | |
Do. | Jun 1 | Alleged schemes in Brooklyn, New York, to annex Canada and Mexico to the United States. | 166 | |
Do. | Jun 1 | Cases of Pratt and Green, of the steamer City of Richmond. | 166 | |
Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Bruce. | Jun 2 | Attempted introduction of yellow fever into the northern cities. | 168 | |
Do. | Jun 2 | Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolutions of condolence. | 169 | |
Do. | Jun 3 | The same subject | 169 | |
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Hunter. | Jun 3 | Attempted introduction of yellow fever into the northern cities. | 170 | |
Do. | Jun 5 | Tonnage dues exacted from British vessels at Boston. | 170 | |
Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Bruce. | Jun 5 | Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolutions of condolence. | 172 | |
Do. | Jun 7 | Tonnage dues exacted from British vessels at Boston. | 172 | |
Do. | Jun 7 | The same subject. | 172 | |
Sir F. Brace to Mr. Hunter. | Jun 10 | Suppression of African slave trade. United States vessels to be received in British ports on the coast of Africa. | 173 | |
Mr. Seward to Sir F. Bruce. | Jun 12 | The same subject | 174 | |
Do. | Jun 14 | Invitation to attend the ceremonies of the soldiers’ national monument at Gettysburg. | 174 | |
Sir F.Bruce to Mr. Hunter. | Jun 15 | Termination of the treaty limiting the naval force on the lakes. | 174 | |
Mr. Seward to Sir F. Bruce. | Jun 16 | The same subject. | 175 | |
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Seward. | Jun 17 | Invitation to attend the ceremonies of soldiers’ national monument at Gettysburg. | 175 | |
Mr. Seward to Sir F. Bruce. | Jun 19 | Withdrawal of the concession of belligerent rights to the insurgents by Great Britain. | 176 | |
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Seward. | Jun 20 | The same subject | 179 | |
Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Bruce. | Jun 24 | Cases of Pratt and Green, of the steamer City of Richmond. | 179 | |
Do. | Jun 26 | Proclamation rescinding the blockade. | 180 | |
1865 | ||||
Mr. Seward to Sir F. Bruce. | Jul 1 | Withdrawal of the recognition of insurgents as belligerents. | 181 | |
Sir F. Brace to Mr. Seward. | Jul 3 | The same subject | 181 | |
Do. | Jul 7 | Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolutions of condolence. | 181 | |
Do. | Jul 10 | Case of the Margarita Quintero. Supposed to be engaged in the slave trade. | 182 | |
Mr. Seward to Sir F. Bruce. | Jul 11 | Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolutions of condolence. | 182 | |
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Seward. | Jul 12 | The case of the Night Hawk. | 182 | |
Mr. Seward to Sir F. Bruce. | July 18. | The same subject | 182 | |
Sir F. Brace to Mr. Seward. | Jul 25 | Hay tien affairs relative to the guarantee of the neutrality of the peninsula of Samana. | 184 | |
Do. | Jul 26 | Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolulutions of condolence. | 184 | |
Mr. Seward to Sir. F. Bruce. | Jul 27 | The same subject | 184 | |
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Seward. | Jul 31 | The same subject | 185 | |
Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Bruce. | Aug. 2 | The same subject | 185 | |
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Seward. | Aug. 7 | Alleged improper enlistment of a deserter from a British merchant vessel on board the United States ship St. Mary’s. | 185 | |
Mr. Seward to Sir F. Bruce. | Aug. 7 | The same subject | 185 | |
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Seward. | Aug. 9 | Attempted introduction of yellow fever into the northern cities. | 187 | |
Do. | Aug. 9 | Withdrawal of the recognition of insurgents as belligerents. | 189 | |
Mr. Seward to Sir F. Bruce. | Aug. 9 | Case of the James Douglass | 189 | |
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Seward. | Aug. 10 | Suppression of the African slave trade. | 190 | |
Mr. Seward to Sir F. Bruce. | Aug. 12 | The same subject. | 190 | |
Do | Aug. 15 | Hay tien affairsrelative to the guarantee of the neutrality of the peninsula of Samana. | 191 | |
1865. | ||||
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Seward. | Aug. 19 | Termination of the treaty limiting the naval force on the lakes. | 192 | |
Mr. Seward to Sir F. Bruce. | Aug. 22 | The same subject | 192 | |
Do | Sept. 19 | Outrage at St. Albans. Return of money stolen by the marauders. | 192 | |
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Seward. | Sept. 22 | Suppression of the African slave trade | 193 | |
Mr. Seward to Sir F. Bruce. | Oct. 2 | The same subject | 193 | |
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Hunter. | Oct. 23 | Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolutions of condolence. | 193 | |
Do | Oct. 23 | The same subject | 193 | |
Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Bruce. | Oct. 25 | The same subject | 194 | |
Do | Oct. 25 | The same subject | 194 | |
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Seward. | Oct. 30 | Removal of restrictions on United States ships-of-war in British ports. | 194 | |
Mr. Seward to Sir F. Bruce. | Oct. 31 | The same subject | 195 | |
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Seward. | Nov. 3 | Increase of naval armament on the lakes | 195 | |
Mr. Seward to Sir F. Bruce. | Nov. 4 | The same subject | 196 | |
Do | Nov. 27 | Insurgent vessels sailing under British registry liable to capture. | 196 |
No. | From whom and to whom | Date | Subject | page |
1864. | ||||
566 | Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. | Nov. 21 | Purchase by the insurgents of insulated telegraphic wire for the destruction of United States vessels. | 197 |
567 | do | Nov.25 | Note addressed to Mr. Drouyn de Lhuys by rebel emissaries. Unfriendly spirit of the French press. | 197 |
1 | Mr. Pennington to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 2 | Announcing the death of Mr. Dayton | 198 |
2 | do | Dec. 7 | Obsequies of Mr. Dayton | 199 |
1864. | ||||
3 | Mr. Pennington to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 7 | Sympathetic action of the French government on the death of Mr. Dayton. | 200 |
724 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. | Dec. 17 | Proceedings of the rebel emissaries in France | 201 |
7 | Mr. Pennington to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 20 | Respecting a treaty between France and Japan. | 202 |
1 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. | Dec. 22 | Appointment of Mr. Bigelow as chargé d’affaires ad interim. | 202 |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Pennington. | Dec. 23 | Death of Mr. Dayton. Appointment of Mr. Bigelow as chargé d’affaires. | 203 | |
3 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. | Dec. 24 | Personal instruction to Mr. Bigelow | 203 |
5 | do | Dec. 26 | Tributes of respect paid to the memory of Mr. Dayton. | 203 |
6 | do | Dec. 27 | The same subject | 204 |
9 | do | Dec. 29 | Iron-clads Shanghai and San Francisco building in France. Precautionary measures for the prevention of their use by the insurgents. | 204 |
9 | Mr. Pennington to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 30 | Interview with Mr. Drouyn de Lhuys. Remarks upon the death of Mr. Dayton. Predictions by the French and English press of the failure of General Sherman’s movement at Atlanta. | 204 |
10 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. | Dec. 31 | Purchase by the insurgents of insulated telegraphic wire for the destruction of United States vessels. | 205 |
1865. | ||||
7 | Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. | Jan. 20 | Iron-clads Shanghai and San Francisco building in France. Precautionary measures for the prevention of their use by the insurgents. | 205 |
9 | do | Jan. 23 | French law and its application in cases of citizens of France swearing before consular officers of the United States. | 205 |
11 | do | Jan. 27 | Report of Colonel de Channal to the French government on the military situation of the United States. | 207 |
12 | do | Jan. 27 | Opening of the French Chambers. Insurgent scheme for the recognition by France and England of the so-called confederate government. | 208 |
1865. | ||||
13 | Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. | Jan. 30 | Piratical cruiser Stonewall, alias Her Olinde. Her armament and equipment in a French ports. | 209 |
14 | do | Jan. 31 | The same subjects | 211 |
16 | do | Feb. 3 | The same subjects | 212 |
17 | do | Feb. 3 | The same subjects | 213 |
19 | do | Feb. 6 | The same subjects | 215 |
22 | do | Feb. 7 | Projects of rebel emissaries in Europe. Early termination of the rebellion. | 219 |
35 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. | Feb. 7 | Iron-clads Shanghai and San Francisco building in France. | 220 |
36 | Do | Feb. 7 | Presentation of letter of credence as chargé d’affaires. | 220 |
23 | Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. | Feb. 9 | Piratical cruiser Stonewall, alias the Olinde. | 220 |
26 | do | Feb. 10 | The same subjects | 224 |
28 | do | Feb. 10 | The same subjects | 224 |
43 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. | Feb. 13 | The case of the William L. Richardson | 225 |
31 | Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. | Feb. 14 | Piratical ciuiser Stonewall, alias the Olinde. | 227 |
34 | do | Feb. 16 | The same subjects | 228 |
46 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. | Feb. 21 | Cases of the Stonewall and Shenandoah | 230 |
50 | do | Feb. 22 | Public opinion in France concerning affairs in the United States. | 231 |
51 | do | Feb. 27 | Piratical cruiser Stonewall | 231 |
53 | do | Feb. 27 | The same subjects | 232 |
39 | Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. | Feb. 28 | Case of William H. Castaned, of Mobile, an inmate of a workhouse at Graffenstaden. | 232 |
40 | do | Feb. 28 | Piratical cruiser Stonewall | 233 |
41 | do | Mar. 3 | Case of the pirate Rappahannock | 236 |
42 | do | Mar. 3 | Proceedings of insurgent emissaries in France and Great Britain. | 237 |
43 | do | Mar. 6 | Piratical cruiser Stonewall | 239 |
58 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. | Mar. 6 | Encyclical letter of the pope of Rome | 240 |
59 | do | Mar. 6 | Piratical cruiser Stonewall | 240 |
1865. | ||||
60 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. | Mar. 7 | Respecting the transfer of the capital of Italy from Turin to Florence. | 240 |
64 | do | Mar. 7 | Commanders of United States vessels in foreign waters instructed to communicate freely with the legations of the United States. | 240 |
49 | Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. | Mar. 10 | Case of the William L. Richardson | 241 |
67 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. | Mar. 11 | French opinion in regard to the future policy of the United States. | 241 |
56 | Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. | Mar.15 | Announcing the appointment of the Marquis de Montholon as minister of France to the United States. | 242 |
60 | do | Mar. 17 | Agency of the American Emigration Company at Havre. | 242 |
61 | do | Mar. 17 | The ram Cheops building in France for the Prussian government. Precautions taken by the government of France to prevent her falling into the hands of the insurgents. | 244 |
62 | do | Mar. 17 | French opinion concerning affairs in the United States. | 245 |
74 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. | Mar. 21 | Piratical vessels Rappahannock and Stonewall. | 247 |
75 | do | Mar. 21 | Proceedings of insurgent emissaries in France and Great Britain. | 248 |
76 | do | Mar. 22 | Case of William H. Castaned, of Mobile, an inmate of the workhouse at Graffenstaden. | 248 |
79 | do | Mar. 23 | Piratical cruiser Stonewall | 249 |
80 | do | Mar. 23 | The same subject | 249 |
81 | do | Mar. 23 | Tributes of respect to the memory of Edward Everett from the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences of France. | 249 |
84 | do | Mar. 27 | Case of the William L. Richardson | 250 |
96 | do | Mar. 30 | Collision between the American schooner Three Sisters and the French transport Alhir near Cape San Antonio. | 250 |
97 | do | Mar. 30 | Piratical cruiser Stonewall | 251 |
98 | do | April 4 | The ram Cheops building in France. Precautionary measures taken by the government of France to prevent her falling into the hands of the insurgents. | 251 |
1865 | ||||
99 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. | April 4 | Agency of the American Emigration Company at Havre. | 252 |
67 | Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. | April 4 | Piratical cruiser Stonewall | 252 |
105 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. | April 5 | Paris Universal Exposition for 1867 | 255 |
68 | Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. | April 7 | Peace negotiations allege’d to be in progress in Canada. | 256 |
108 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. | April 8 | Piratical cruiser Stonewall | 257 |
75 | Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. | April 17 | Debates in the corps législatif on the Mexican question. | 257 |
77 | do | April 18 | Evacuation of Richmond. Opinions of the French press. | 280 |
115 | Mr. Hunter to Mr. Bigelow. | April 20 | Piratical cruiser Stonewall | 283 |
121 | do | April 24 | Peace negotiations alleged to be in progress in Canada. | 283 |
do | April 27 | Convalescence of the Secretary and Assistant Secretary of State. | 283 | |
86 | Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. | April 28 | Reception of the news of the assassination of the President and attempted assassination of the Secretary of State. | 284 |
87 | do | May 3 | Tributes of respect to the memory of President Lincoln. | 285 |
128 | Mr. Hunter to Mr. Bigelow. | May 5 | Evacuation of Richmond and Petersburg. Opinions of the French press. | 287 |
129 | do | May 5 | Piratical cruiser Stonewall | 288 |
90 | Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. | May 10 | Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolutions of condolence. | 288 |
91 | do | May 11 | Reception of the news of the surrender of Johnston. Continued recognition of the insurgents as belligerents | 289 |
92 | do | May 12 | Proclamations closing certain ports in the United States, and also relating to reciprocal naval hospitalities. | 291 |
146 | Mr. Hunter to Mr. Bigelow. | May 16 | Assassination of the president | 291 |
150 | do | May 19 | The same subject | 292 |
96 | Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. | May 19 | The same subject | 292 |
1865 | ||||
154 | Mr. Hunter to Mr. Bigelow. | May 22 | Piratical cruiser Stonewall | 295 |
155 | do | May 22 | Assassination of President Lincoln. | 295 |
97 | Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. | May 23 | The same subject | 296 |
98 | do | May 23 | Eenewal of restrictions upon United States vessels in French ports. | 297 |
99 | do | May 23 | Proclamations closing certain ports in the United States, and also relating to reciprocal naval hospitalities. | 298 |
156 | Mr. Hunter to Mr. Bigelow. | May 29 | The same subject | 299 |
157 | do | May 30 | Assassination of President Lincoln. | 299 |
109 | Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. | May 31 | The same subject. | 300 |
110 | do | May 31 | Views of Comte de Montalembert on American affairs. I | 301 |
111 | do | Jun 1 | Withdrawal of belligerent rights from the insurgents. | 321 |
161 | Mr. Hunter to Mr. Bigelow. | Jun 5 | Address of the French Committee of Emancipation. | 323 |
162 | do | Jun 5 | Continued recognition of the insurgents as belligerents. | 324 |
116 | Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward | Jun 9 | Withdrawal of belligerent rights from the insurgents. | 324 |
118 | do | Jun 15 | Agency of the American Emigration Company at Havre. | 326 |
173 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. | Jun 15 | Assassination of President Lincoln | 327 |
176 | do | Jun 17 | Removal of restrictions upon United States vessels in French ports. Withdrawal of belligerent rights from the insurgents. | 327 |
185 | Mr. Hunter to Mr. Bigelow. | Jun 26 | Withdrawal of belligerent rights from the insurgents. | 328 |
127 | Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. | Jun 26 | Address of the French Emancipation Society. | 328 |
132 | do | Jun 27 | Assassination of President Lincoln | 329 |
189 | Mr. Hunter to Mr. Bigelow. | Jul 3 | Action of the Navy Department in view of the withdrawal of the recognition of insurgents as belligerents by France. | 330 |
1865 | ||||
190 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow | Jul 5 | Agency of the American Emigration Company at Havre. | 330 |
191 | do | Jul 6 | Views of Comte de Montalenibert on American affairs. | 330 |
144 | Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward | Jul 14 | European Congress. Comments of the press | 331 |
202 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow | Jul 17 | Assassination of President Lincoln | 331 |
204 | do | Jul 18 | The same subject. | 332 |
212 | Mr. Hunter to Mr. Bigelow. | Jul 28 | Duties levied by the French government on hops exported from the United States. | 332 |
217 | do | Jul 31 | European Congress | 333 |
153 | Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward | Aug. 5 | Appeal of Mr. Gamier Pages to the President for the abolition of capital punishment in the United States. | 333 |
233 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. | Aug. 25 | The same subject | 335 |
168 | Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. | Sept. 2 | Assassination of President Lincolnr. | 335 |
258 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow | Sept. 7 | Naval celebration at Cherbourg | 345 |
260 | do | Sept. 8 | Proposed modification of the adjustment of the Japanese indemnity. | 345 |
271 | do | Sept. 25 | Assassination of President Lincoln | 346 |
182 | Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward | Oct. 6 | Duties levied by the French government on hops exported from the United States. | 346 |
287 | Mr. Hunter to Mr. Bigelow | Oct. 19 | Case of the William L. Richardson. | 347 |
190 | Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. | Oct. 27 | Proposed modification of the adjustment of the Japanese indemnity. | 348 |
192 | do | Oct. 8 | Assassination of President Lincoln | 348 |
193 | do | Oct. 28 | The same subject | 350 |
294 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow | Oct. 30 | Employment of Egyptian troops to serve in the French army in Mexico. | 350 |
295 | do | Oct. 31 | Comments on the policy of the President by the French press. | 350 |
306 | Do | Nov. 11 | Proposed modification of the adjustment of the Japanese indemnity. | 351 |
312 | Do | Nov. 18 | Assassination of President Lincoln | 351 |
FRENCH LEGATION | 1864 | |||
Mr. Seward to Mr. Geofroy. | Dec. 9 | Alleged violation of neutrality in the construction of privateers in ports of the United States. | 352 | |
1865 | ||||
Mr. Geofroy to Mr. Seward. | Jan. 3 | Tax imposed by the municipal authorities upon French subjects for recruiting troops. | 352 | |
Memorandum. | Jan. 5 | Proposed modification of the adjustment of the Japanese indemnity. | 353 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Geofroy. | Jan. 16 | Tax imposed by the municipal authorities upon French subjects for recruiting troops. | 355 | |
Mr. Geofroy to Mr. Seward. | Mar. 24 | Oath of allegiance required of French subjects at Charleston before permitted to engage in trade. | 355 | |
Do. | Mar. 27 | Paris Universal Exposition for 1867. | 356 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Geofroy. | Mar. 29 | Oath of allegiance required of French subjects -at Charleston before permitted to engage in trade. | 357 | |
Do. | Apr 7 | Paris Universal Exposition for 1887. | 357 | |
Mr. Geofroy to Mr. Hunter. | Apr 16 | Assassination of President Lincoln | 358 | |
Do. | Apr 22 | The same subject | 358 | |
Do. | Apr 26 | The same subject | 359 | |
Memorandum | Apr 28 | The same subject | 359 | |
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Geofroy. | Apr 29 | The same subject. | 360 | |
Do. | Apr 29 | The same subject | 360 | |
The Marquis de Montholon to Mr. Hunter. | Jun 4 | Removal of restrictions upon United States vessels in French ports. | 360 | |
Mr. Seward to the Marquis de Montholon. | Jun 15 | The same subject | 361 | |
The Marquis de Montholon to Mr. Hunter. | Jun 24 | Project relative to the formation of a Swiss navy. | 331 | |
Mr. Seward to the Marquis de Montholon. | July 7 | The same subject. | 362 | |
1864 | ||||
62 | Mr. Clay to Mr. Seward. | Nov. 14 | The intercontinental telegraph | 363 |
63 | do | Nov. 22 | Re-election of President Lincoln. | 363 |
64 | do | Nov. 22 | Interview with the Grand Duke Constantine respecting American affairs. | 364 |
108 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Clay. | Dec. 13 | The intercontinental telegraph | 365 |
110 | do | Dec. 19 | Passport regulation | 365 |
112 | do | Dec. 26 | Invitation to the Grand Duke Constantine to visit the United States. | 366 |
1865. | ||||
68 | Mr. Clay to Mr. Seward. | Jan. 8 | Russian reform Emancipation of serfs New code of laws promulgated by the Emperor. | 366 |
70 | do | Jan. 24 | Relative to the invitation extended to the Grand Duke Constantine to visit the United States. | 367 |
121 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Clay. | Jan. 24 | The intercontinental telegraph. | 368 |
124 | do | Feb. 7 | Russian reform Emancipation of serfs New code of laws promulgated by the Emperor. | 368 |
127 | do | Feb. 11 | Russian opinion regarding American ironclads. | 368 |
130 | do | Feb. 27 | Relative to the invitation extended to the Grand Duke Constantine to visit the United States. | 369 |
72 | Mr. Clay to Mr. Seward | March 24 | The intercontinental telegraph | 369 |
73 | do | April 2 | The same subject | 374 |
74 | do | April 5 | The same subject | 374 |
143 | Mr. Hunter to Mr. Clay. | April 20 | The same subject. | 376 |
78 | Mr. Clay to Mr. Seward. | April 24 | Announcing the death of the. Grand Duke Héritier. | 377 |
147 | Mr. Hunter to Mr. Clay. | May 2 | The intercontinental telegraph | 377 |
1865 | ||||
79 | Mr. Clay to Mr. Seward. | May 4 | Receipt of the news of the assassination of President Lincoln and the attempted assassination of the Secretary of State. | 377 |
149 | I Mr. Hunter to Mr. Clay. | May 5 | The intercontinental telegraph | 380 |
156 | do | May 22 | Assassination of President Lincoln | 380 |
81 | Mr. Clay to Mr. Hunter. | May 28 | The same subject | 380 |
157 | Mr. Hunter to Mr. Clay. | May 29 | The same subject | 381 |
159 | do | Jun 5 | The same subject | 382 |
163 | do | June 26 | The same subject | 382 |
164 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Clay. | July 14 | Transmitting, letter of condolence from the President to the Emperor, on the death of his Imperial Highness the Czarowitch. | 383 |
86 | Mr. Clay to Mr. Seward. | Sept. 5 | The intercontinental telegraph | 383 |
171 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Clay. | Oct. 2 | The same subject | 384 |
172 | do | Oct 2 | The same subject | 384 |
179 | do | Nov 25 | Relative to the submission to the President of communications from representatives of the United States in foreign countries. | 384 |
Mr. Stoeckl to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 7 | Relative to the purchase of cotton in the southern States by Russian manufacturers, | 385 | |
Mr. Stoeckl to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 10 | The same subject. | 385 | |
1865 | ||||
Memorandum. | April 16 | Assassination of President Lincoln | 386 |
No. | From whom and to whom | Date | Subject | page |
1864 | ||||
155 | Mr. Pike to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 5 | Re-election of President Lincoln: its effect in Europe. | 387 |
1865 | ||||
157 | do | Mar. 15 | European impressions in regard to the termination of the war. | 387 |
1865 | ||||
159 | Mr. Pike to Mr. Seward. | Mar. 22 | Fleet of Admiral Goldsborough in European waters. Arman’s iron-clads. Political influence of the Roman church. | 388 |
219 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Pike. | April 4 | Reaction of European opinion regarding the United States. The fall of Petersburg and Richmond. | 388 |
161 | Mr. Pike to Mr. Seward. | April 5 | Military successes in the United States. Effect produced in Europe. | 388 |
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Pike. | April 21 | Acknowledgment of the above | 389 | |
163 | Mr. Pike to Mr. Seward. | April 27 | Reception of the news of the assassination of President Lincoln and the attempted assassination of the Secretary of State. | 389 |
164 | Mr. Pike to Mr. Hunter. | May 3 | The same subject | 389 |
165 | do | May 4 | The same subject | 390 |
236 | Mr. Hunter to Mr. Pike. | May 16 | Convalescence of the Secretary and Assistant Secretary of State. | 391 |
166 | Mr. Pike to Mr. Hunter. | May 17 | The military successes in the United States. Requesting the withdrawal of belligerent rights from the insurgents. | 391 |
237 | Mr. Hunter to Mr. Pike. | May 19 | Assassination of President Lincoln | 392 |
167 | Mr. Pike to Mr. Hunter. | May 25 | Withdrawal of belligerent rights from the insurgents. | 392 |
168 | do | May 31 | Disappointment evinced by the ruling classes in Europe on the failure of the insurgent cause. | 393 |
240 | Mr. Hunter to Mr. Pike. | June 3 | Respecting the assassination of President Lincoln and the attempted assassination of the Secretary of State. | 393 |
241 | do | June 3 | Withdrawal of belligerent rights from the insurgents. | 394 |
243 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Pike. | June 13 | The same subject | 394 |
169 | Mr. Pike to Mr. Hunter. | June 14 | The same subject | 394 |
245 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Pike. | July 3 | The same subject | 395 |
172 | Mr. Pike to Mr. Seward. | Aug. 2 | European criticisms on affairs in the United States. | 395 |
1865 | ||||
173 | Mr. Pike to Mr. Seward. | Aug.16 | Financial affairs in Holland. Failure of the Atlantic cable. Ravages of the cattle plague in England. | 395 |
174 | do | Aug.23 | Arrival at the Texel of the fleet under the command of Admiral Goldsborough. | 396 |
249 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Pike. | Sept. 4 | Financial situation in Europe. Reported progress of the cholera. Precautionary measures taken in the United States. | 396 |
175 | Mr. Pike to Mr. Seward. | Sept. 13 | Opening of the legislature. Cattle plague in Holland. Crops in Europe. | 397 |
178 | do | Oct. 18 | The cholera and cattle plague. Public opinion regarding the British arbitration of the Alabama and other claims. | 397 |
257 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Pike. | Nov. 6 | Acknowledgment of the receipt of despatch No. 168. | 398 |
258 | do | Nov. 6 | Acknowledgment and approval of despatch No. 178. | 398 |
Mr. van Limburg to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 28 | Case of the Gezeina Hildegonda | 399 | |
1865 | ||||
Mr. Seward to Mr. van Limburg. | Jan. 11 | The same subject | 399 | |
Do | Jan. 17 | The same subject | 399 | |
Mr. van Limburg to Mr. Seward. | Jan. 20 | The same subject | 400 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. van Limburg. | Feb. 9 | The same subject | 401 | |
Mr. van Limburg to Mr. F. VY. Seward. | April 7 | Accident to the Secretary of State | 401 | |
Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. van Limburg. | April 8 | The same subject | 401 | |
Mr. van Limburg to Mr. Hunter. | April 22 | Case of the Gezeina Hildegonda | 402 | |
Mr. Hunter to Mr. I van Limburg. | April 28 | The same subject | 402 | |
1865 | ||||
Mr. van Limburg to Mr. Hunter. | May 16 | Assassination of President Lincoln. | 402 | |
Mr. Hunter to Mr. van Limburg. | May 19 | The same subject | 403 | |
Mr. van Limburg to Mr. Hunter. | May 25 | The same subject | 403 | |
Mr. Hunter to Mr. van Limburg. | Jun 3 | The same subject | 404 | |
Mr. van Limburg to Mr. Seward. | Aug. 7 | Case of the Gezeina Hildegonda | 404 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. van Limburg. | Aug. 22 | The same subject | 405 | |
Mr. van Limburg to Mr. Seward. | Oct. 30 | The same subject | 405 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. van Limburg. | Nov. 15 | The same subject | 405 |
No. | From whom and to whom | Date | Subject | page |
1863 | ||||
51 | Mr. Burlingame to Mr. Seward. | Oct. 5 | The Caldera claim | 406 |
1864 | ||||
94 | do | Nov. 9 | Regulations for consular courts of the United States in China | 413 |
95 | do | Nov. 10 | Statistics of trade with China. Relative to the establishment of a line of steamers between California and China. | 422 |
99 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Burlingame. | Dec. 13 | The intercontinental telegraph | 424 |
1865 | ||||
100 | Mr. Burlingame to Mr. Seward. | Mar. 7 | Relative to the residence of foreigners at the port of Tangchau. | 425 |
102 | do | Mar. 11 | Prohibitions existing in China against entering forbidden places. | 435 |
103 | do | Mar. 11 | Imperial decree relative to the arrest of foreigners who may commit misdemeanors in the interior of the Empire. | 436 |
121 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Burlingame. | Mar. 27 | Regulations for consular courts of the United States in China | 437 |
1865 | ||||
125 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Burlingame. | Mar. 27 | Relative to the establishment of steam communication between the United States and China. | 437 |
105 | Mr. Burlingame to Mr. Seward. | April 22 | Removal of Prince Kung from the foreign office by imperial edict. | 437 |
107 | do | April 25 | Circumstances attending the publication of Wheaton’s International Law by the Chinese government. | 438 |
109 | do | May 4 | The causes of removal of Prince Kung. His reinstatement. | 439 |
111 | do | Liquidation of the claims for indemnity of American citizens against the Chinese government. | 442 | |
112 | do | May 7 | Interview with Chinese officials preparatory to his returning on a visit to the United States. | 445 |
1 | Mr. Williams to Mr. Seward. | May 25 | Assuming control of the legation. Restoration of Prince Kung to the Foreign Office. Insurrection in China. | 450 |
138 | Mr. Hunter to Mr. Burlingame. | June 5 | Acknowledgment and approval of despatch No. 99. | 451 |
139 | do | June 5 | Acknowledgment of despatch No. 103. | 451 |
141 | Do | June 6 | Acknowledgment and approval of despatch No. 102. | 451 |
143 | do | June 6 | Acknowledgment and approval of despatch No. 100 | 452 |
3 | Mr. Williams to Mr. Seward. | June 26 | Case of General Burgevine. | 452 |
4 | do | July 11 | Reception of the news of the assassination of the President and the attempted assassination of the Secretary of State. | 458 |
5 | do | July 31 | Insurrection in China. | 460 |
150 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Burlingame. | Aug. 14 | Acknowledgment of despatch No. 109. | 461 |
151 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Williams. | Aug. 14 | Friendly relations existing between the United States and China. | 461 |
1 | do | Aug. 25 | Acknowledgment and approval of despatch | 461 |
6 | Mr. Hunter to Mr. Williams. | Oct. 13 | No. 1. Assassination of President Lincoln | 462 |
1865 | ||||
7 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Williams. | Nov. 6 | Case of General Burgevine. | 462 |
115 | Mr. Burlingame to Mr. Seward. | Nov. 27 | Osborne flotilla | 462 |
No. | From whom and to whom | Date | Subject | page |
1864 | ||||
134 | Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. | Oct. 28 | Consignment of guano to the United States on Spanish account. | 464 |
135 | do | Oct. 28 | The San Domingo question | 465 |
140 | do | Nov. 9 | Piratical cruiser Shenandoah. | 465 |
144 | do | Nov. 22 | Re-election of President Lincoln. Its effect in Europe. | 467 |
55 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Perry. | Dec. 2 | Acknowledgment of the above | 468 |
147 | Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 4 | The Spanish Peruvian difficulties | 468 |
152 | do | Dec. 16 | Address of citizens of Barcelona to President Lincoln. | 470 |
58 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Perry. | Dec. 31 | Ministerial crisis in Spain | 471 |
1865 | ||||
161 | Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. | Jan. 31 | The San Domingo question | 471 |
162 | do | Feb. 4 | Piratical cruiser Stonewall. | 473 |
163 | do | Feb. 7 | The same subject. | 475 |
164 | do | Feb. 8 | The same subject. | 476 |
165 | do | Feb. 11 | The same subject. | 485 |
166 | do | Feb. 14 | The same subject. | 488 |
167 | do | Feb. 15 | The same subject. | 492 |
do | Feb. 19 | The same subject. | 494 | |
68 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Perry. | Feb. 20 | The same subject | 495 |
168 | Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. | Feb. 20 | The same subject | 495 |
169 | do | Feb. 25 | The same subject | 507 |
70 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Perry. | Feb. 27 | The San Domingo question | 508 |
1865 | ||||
171 | Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. | Mar. 5 | Piratical cruiser Stonewall | 509 |
174 | do | Mar. 10 | The same subject | 512 |
175 | do | Mar. 11 | The San Domingo question | 514 |
176 | do | Mar. 11 | Piratical cruiser Stonewall. Withdrawal of belligerent rights from the insurgents. | 515 |
76 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Perry. | Mar. 15 | Derangement of the commerce of the United States by depredations of insurgent cruisers. | 516 |
177 | Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. | Mar. 15 | Piratical cruiser Stonewall. | 517 |
179 | do | Mar. 20 | The same subject | 518 |
79 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Perry. | Mar. 23 | The same subject | 520 |
82 | do | Mar. 28 | The same subject | 520 |
182 | Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. | April 1 | The same subject | 520 |
83 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Perry. | April 4 | The San Domingo question. | 521 |
84 | do | April 4 | Acknowledgment and approval of despatch No. 176. | 521 |
86 | do | April 4 | The San Domingo question. | 522 |
91 | Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. Perry. | April 12 | Proclamations relative to closing ports of entry and to reciprocal naval hospitalities. | 522 |
188 | Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. | April 21 | Withdrawal of belligerent rights from the insurgents. | 523 |
189 | do | April 21 | Piratical cruiser Stonewall. | 523 |
190 | do | April 21 | Demonstrations on receipt of the news of the fall of Richmond and Petersburg. Address of citizens of Elche to the President. | 525 |
93 | Mr. Hunter to Mr. Perry. | April 22 | Piratical cruiser Stonewall. | 526 |
193 | Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. | April 29 | Reception of the news of the assassination of the President and attempted assassination of the Secretary of State. | 526 |
194 | do | May 1 | Honors to the memory of President Lincoln | 529 |
195 | do | May 7 | The same subject. | 530 |
196 | Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. | May 7 | The San Domingo question | 534 |
1865 | ||||
197 | Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. | May 12 | Complications between Spain and Chili | 536 |
198 | Do | May 12 | The San Domingo question | 537 |
199 | Mr. Perry to Mr. Hunter. | May 13 | Assassination of President Lincoln | 538 |
98 | Mr. Hunter to Mr. Perry. | May 16 | Receipt of despatches. | 538 |
201 | Mr. Perry to Mr. Hunter. | May 23 | Revolutionary movement in Spain | 538 |
100 | Mr. Hunter to Mr. Perry. | May 30 | Piratical cruiser Stonewall | 539 |
205 | Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. | June 5 | Royal decree announcing the withdrawal of belligerent rights from the insurgents | 540 |
207 | do | June 6 | Assassination of President Lincoln | 541 |
208 | do | June 8 | The same subject. | 541 |
do | June 14 | Revolutionary movement in Spain | 541 | |
212 | do | June 25 | Piratical cruiser Stonewall. | 543 |
213 | do | June 27 | Revolutionary movement in Spain | 543 |
105 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Perry. | July 6 | Withdrawal of beligerent rights from the insurgents. | 544 |
214 | Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. | July 23 | Complications between Spain and Chili | 545 |
107 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Perry. | Aug. 22 | The same subject | 552 |
216 | Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. | Aug. 29 | The San Domingo question | 553 |
2 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Hale. | Sept. 11 | Proceedings regarding insurgent property at Havana. | 554 |
218 | Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. | Sept. 11 | Complications between Spain and Chili | 555 |
220 | do | Sept. 16 | The same subject | 557 |
221 | do | Sept. 19 | The same subject | 558 |
109 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Perry. | Sept. 20 | The San Domingo question. | 562 |
3 | Mr. Hale to Mr. Seward. | Sept. 21 | His arrival at Madrid. Interview with the Minister of State. | 562 |
4 | do | Oct. 1 | Presentation of letter of credence | 563 |
111 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Perry. | Oct. 2 | Complications between Spain and Chili | 564 |
7 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Hale. | Oct. 30 | The same subject | 565 |
1865 | ||||
8 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Hale. | Nov. 4 | Proceedings regarding insurgent property at Havana. | 565 |
SPANISH LEGATION. | 1864 | |||
Mr. Seward to Mr. Tassara. | Dec. 21 | Proposed plan of insurgents at Havana to seize American vessels on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. | 565 | |
Mr. Tassara to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 22 | The same subject. | 566 | |
1865 | ||||
Do. | Jan. 16 | The same subject. | 567 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Tassara. | Jan. 20 | The same subject. | 568 | |
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Tassara. | May 6 | Assassination of President Lincoln | 568 | |
Mr. Tassara to Mr. Hunter. | May 10 | The same subject. | 568 | |
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Tassara. | May 12 | The same subject. | 569 | |
Do. | May 17 | Piratical cruiser Stonewall at Havana. | 569 | |
Mr. Tassara to Mr. Seward. | May 18 | The same subject. | 570 | |
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Tassara. | May 21 | The same subject. | 571 | |
Mr. Tassara to Mr. Seward. | May 22 | The same subject. | 572 | |
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Tassara. | May 29 | The same subject. | 573 | |
Mr. Tassara to Mr. Hunter. | June 2 | The same subject. | 573 | |
Mr. Tassara to Mr. Seward. | July 14 | The same subject. | 573 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Tassara. | July 17 | The same subject. | 574 | |
Do. | July 22 | The same subject | 574 | |
Mr. Tassara to Mr. Seward. | Aug. 11 | The same subject. | 575 | |
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Tassara. | Oct. 4 | The same subject. | 575 | |
Do. | Oct. 5 | Proceedings regarding insurgent vessel Harriet Lane and other property at Havana. | 576 | |
1865 | ||||
Mr. Tassara to Mr. Seward. | Oct. 7 | The same subject and the Stonewall, at Havana. | 576 | |
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Tassara. | Oct. 21 | Piratical cruiser Stonewall at Havana. | 577 | |
Mr. Tassara to Mr. Seward. | Oct. 21 | The same subject. | 578 | |
Do. | Nov. 3 | Proceedings regarding insurgent vessel Harriet Lane and other property at Havana. | 578 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Tassara. | Nov. 7 | The same subject | 579 | |
Mr. Tassara to Mr. Seward. | Nov. 15 | Complications between Spain and Chili | 579 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Tassara. | Nov. 16 | Assassination of President Lincoln. | 583 | |
Do. | Nov. 21 | Complications between Spain and Chili | 583 | |
Mr. Tassara to Mr. Seward. | Nov. 22 | The same subject | 584 |