Mr. Clay to Mr. Seward
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your despatches, Nos. 110 and 111, with the accompanying documents.
I have notified the Russian government of our now requiring passports from all visiters of the United States.
The department will possibly be interested in the following review of Russian liberalism:
1. Serf-emanripation.—Emancipation began with Nicholas I. The freedmen were not numerous, and were styled “Paysans obligés,” which may be translated into“bound peasants.” They were liberated, but bound to pay an annual stipend for a term of years. There was also land given them in the western provinces on conditions, but all was imperfectly executed. Alexander II, upon ascending the imperial throne, pledged himself to “justice and mercy” in the administration of his empire. He has bravely and wisely redeemed his vows, by the liberation of about 22,000,000 of serfs in Russia and Poland. As the plan of Nicholas failed, perhaps, because having no land, the serf was still dependent upon the proprietors, Alexander gave each serf land, to the amount of about an average of three English acres. The serf paid the landlord about nine roubles, $78/100, per desatine, (1 1/2 English acres,) and some personal service for a term of years. If the land was refused, the serf was free at once. The government aids the serfs by loaning them money at six per cent, per annum, for forty-nine years, when they are freed from further payment.
[Page 367]The quantity of land, the value thereof, and the terms of service, were determined by commissioners in the several provinces. The proceedings are voluminous, and the results variant. This illustrious decree was passed by the Emperor the 17th February, 1861, (0. S.) It has been bravely carried out. At first there was great opposition on the part of the nobles. The limited service was not understood by the peasants, and many mutinies broke out, which were often encouraged by the proprietors, but they were promptly put down by the army. The serfs were not slow to find out that the Emperor was their true friend; the army sympathized with the government, and the nobles were left without the power of resistance. The great fires in St. Petersburg (1862) were thought to be by their instigation, to create a pauper and revolutionary element. The Emperor came in from Tzarshot Leto, and without a guard, as is his custom. He rode alone with the Héritier and two aides-de-camp, and superintended the suppression of the fires, and by his courage extinguished all hopes of a successful revolt. Since then the system has, after a little “vis-inertise” at first, worked well, and proprietors look for an early recovery of their ancient revenues.
2. Municipal franchises.—These extend to the economical expenditures of the local administrations, and to the election of justices of the peace, and so on.
3. New code of laws.—The new code of laws is the result of the work of a commission (who have studied all the codes of the more civilized nations) revised by the imperial council. It was promulgated by an ukase dated 20th November, 1864, (0. S.)
There are five tribunals: 1. Justices of the peace, elected for three years by the whole land-holders. 2. Sessions of justices—that is, a number of justices, forming a court of appeals from the decision of a single justice. 3. Circuit courts. 4. Judicial chambers. 5. The senate; the highest court of appeal. All but justices of the peace are appointed by the Crown. The courts now will sit with open doors, verbal testimony will be allowed, attorneys appointed, and, in criminal cases, trial by jurors elected by the people. These great reforms are the beginning of a new era. Railroads and telegraphs and manufactures are encouraged. A great future lies before the nation.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C,