Mr. Harris to Secretary of State.

No. 26.]

Sir: In my despatch No. 26, dated August 1, 1860, I had the honor to inform the department that I was of the opinion that it would be expedient to postpone the opening of this city for the residence of American citizens beyond the date fixed therefor by the treaty of Yedo, and I gave my reasons in extenso for that opinion.

During the eleven months that have elapsed since I addressed the department on this matter all my observation has tended to strengthen the views I have [Page 799] already expressed on the subject. The American merchants in Japan are generally of the opinion that no material advantage to their business will arise from the opening of this city to them as a place of residence.

I respectfully request your perusal of a copy of the despatch in question, which I transmit herewith, (No. 1.)

The time for some definite action is rapidly approaching, and I shall be extremely embarrassed if I do not receive your instructions in this behalf before that period actually arrives.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

TOWNSEND HARRIS, Minister Resident.

Honorable the Secretary of State, Washington.