The minister of state to the minister plenipotentiary of Spain in Mexico.
Excellent Sir: Her Majesty the Queen has informed herself, with the liveliest interest, of the despatches of your excellency, of March 29 and April 12 and 16, and having heard the opinion of her council of ministers, has deigned to approve of the conduct of your excellency in the different circumstances in which you have been placed, and of your resolution to re-embark the troops of the expedition under your command.
This same declaration the president of the council and myself have had the honor of making in the session of the congress of deputies, of the 19th ultimo, and it should calm the natural anxiety of your excellency at the responsibility likely to lie upon you for the serious determination you adopted.
Not being able to dispense with a diplomatic agent more or less characterized in Mexico, your excellency would have proceeded with great provision by having disposed that the secretary of legation, Don Juan Lopez de Oaballos, should have gone to that capital to look carefully into the events that took place there, and to act in the best manner possible in favor of the subjects of the Queen, if, unfortunately, any new vexations should take place. Mr. Oaballos tells me that your excellency had already thought of this, and it has received the approbation of her Majesty.
Your excellency is hereby authorized to remain at the Havana, or to come to this court, according as you may think proper in regard to the negotiations that have been commended to your zeal and patriotism. As long as events are not developed and carried out in the territory of the republic, nor a government established as they desire to establish, your excellency will not be able to make use of your representation in that capital. But, if considerations superior to these should decide you to go there, the government of her Majesty will approve of whatever resolution you may adopt, with the understanding that you will not present, your credentials to the government that may be organized until her Majesty the Queen has examined in her wisdom the facts that have given rise to its formation, and decided whether she will enter into immediate negotiations with it.
What has hitherto taken place, and what may take place hereafter, has been of such a serious nature that the government of her Majesty cannot make any precipitate resolution, and she reserves her own judgment and her appreciations in regard to the same to fix the line of conduct most conducive to the honor and interests of the nation.
By royal order and consent of the council of ministers I inform your excellency for your knowledge and effects.
God, &c.