Despatch 10.—Extraordinary diplomatic mission of Spain in Mexico.
The undersigned representatives of her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and of her Catholic Majesty have the honor of transmitting to their excellencies, plenipotentiaries of his Majesty the Emperor of the French, a copy of a note just received from General Doblado, in reply to the collective communication which they addressed to him upon the 9th of this month. The undersigned have not hesitated to accept the offer made them by General Doblado, in the name of his government, to come to Orizaba, in spite of the rupture of the treaty of London, and of the preliminaries of Soledad, with the hope of arriving at a friendly solution of the questions to be settled between the allied powers and Mexico, seeing that the government is disposed to reject none of the admissible pretentions of the three powers. As the note, and implicitly the offer, of General Doblado are addressed also to the French plenipotentiaries, it is incumbent on them to decide upon the answer it suits them to give. The undersigned take advantage of this opportunity to renew to their colleagues the assurances of their most distinguished consideration.
Orizaba, April 14, 1862.
Their Excellencies the Plenipotentiaries of his Majesty the Emperor of the French.
This is a correct copy.
The French plenipotentiaries refused to accede to the invitation in the following despatch:
No. 8.
The undersigned, plenipotentiaries of his Majesty the Emperor of the French has the honor to declare to their excellencies, representatives of her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and of her Catholic Majesty that, on their side, they cannot accept the offer made to the commissioners of the three high powers by General Doblado.
It is very natural that the representatives of her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and of her Catholic Majesty should embrace the said offers if they entertain the conviction that the present government of Mexico has the will and power to comply with its promises and fulfil its engagements; but the representatives of his Majesty the Emperor of the French are far from feeling an equal confidence, since, upon this especial point, they cannot be ignorant of the decisive views of their governments. As far as relates to the independence of Mexico and reform, no one knows better than the minister of foreign relations, there is no question of these; and the representatives of his Majesty the Emperor of the French hasten to profit by this occasion to reject all insinuations of those who in vain expect to excite passions in a country that has never hoped anything from our intervention but order and liberty.
The undersigned, while answering directly the communication of the minister of foreign relations, have the honor of reiterating to their colleagues of England and Spain the assurances of their distinguished consideration.