Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons.

My Lord: Adverting to my note to you of the 3d instant, relative to the improper position in which the British flag was placed on board the schooner James Campbell, captured on a charge of breach of blockade, I now have the honor to enclose to you, for your information, the copy of a further communication just received from the Secretary of the Navy on that subject.

I have the honor to be, with high consideration, your lordship’s obedient servant,


Right Hon. Lord Lyons, &c., &c., &c.

Mr. Welles to Mr. Seward.

Sir: Referring to my letter of the 2d instant, I have the honor to transmit herewith an extract from a communication received from Acting Master John Baker, in explanation of his conduct in taking the prize schooner James Campbell into New York with the British flag flying under the American.

I have the honor to be your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State.


New York, January 3, 1862.

Sir: I received your order to-day stating for me to make a written statement and explain the reason for hoisting the English flag under the American. Commodore, not being acquainted with the customs of fetching in prizes, I was under the impression that I was right. My intention was to do right, but it was not done for any bad purpose or intention to insult the English flag in any way whatever. I was wrong for so doing, and truly hope the department will forgive me. * * * * *

JOHN BAKER, Acting Master United States Navy.

Commodore Paulding.