Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons.

My Lord: I receive with deep sensibility the painful intelligence you have communicated to me of the death of his Royal Highness the prince consort of her Majesty, your sovereign.

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Your lordship is not unaware of the high regard for her Majesty which is entertained, not only by the government, but by the whole people of the United States, and that this consideration also was extended to and embraced the just, liberal, and enlightened prince, whose too early death has now brought her Majesty into the experience of the greatest of afflictions.

But I forbear from expressing myself at large on the subject now, reserving the expression of the national sympathies on the occasion for the President of the United States, to whom it will be my sad duty to communicate, when received directly, the official information of the mournful event you have announced to me.

I have the honor to be, with high consideration, your lordship’s obedient servant,


Right Hon. Lord Lyons.