446. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassies in Morocco and Algeria1
Washington, March 7, 1987, 0936Z
From Under Secretary Armacost, please hold for COM’s return. Subject: USG Policy re Western Sahara.
- 1.
- (C) Entire text.
- 2.
- After careful review, Department concludes that present USG policies and practices relative to Western Sahara dispute serve USG [Page 903] interests very well.2 These are reiterated for information and guidance of addressees.
- 3.
- Essential points on solution to Western Sahara dispute are as
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- A military solution to this issue is neither possible nor desirable. The dispute should be settled through negotiations between and among the parties directly concerned (USG assiduously has avoided specification of “parties”, but consistently has made clear that Algerian involvement would be a sine qua non to a settlement.)
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- USG acknowledges GOM administrative responsibility in that part of Western Sahara under Moroccan control. This does not constitute acceptance of Moroccan sovereignty, a matter to be decided through the political process foreseen in first tick.
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- Solution to conflict ultimately must reflect the views of those directly affected. (We must avoid formulations which further would prejudge issue of who would participate in referendum—e.g. use of either “Saharaouis” or “inhabitants”; this is another issue to be determined through negotiations.)
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- In confidential exchanges with the GOA and GOM we have expressed reservations about the viability of an independent Saharan state.
- 4.
- We neither seek nor reject contact with Polisario/SDAR representatives.
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- As a matter of practice, meetings between administration officials and Polisario/SDAR officials will take place in Algeria, be infrequent, take place at political counselor level or below, and be subject to prior, case-by-case approval by Ambassador or Chargé to Algiers.
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- At such meetings, USG interlocutor should reiterate to Polisario/SDAR officials that this does not constitute USG recognition of SDAR.
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- If Polisario/SDAR officials directly present formal written communications addressed to USG, they should be informed that there will be no USG response. Such communications, and any received via other means (e.g. via delivery to our Embassy in Algiers) will be forwarded routinely to NEA/AFN.
- 5.
- Travel by administration officials to Western Sahara:
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- Travel by executive branch personnel will be on an exceptional basis at the working level (specifically excluding the Ambassador and DCM) and subject to prior case-by-case approval by the Ambassador or Chargé.
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- Approval will not be granted for visits by U.S. military personnel, except on a case-by-case basis with Washington interagency approval necessary.
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- When travel is performed, USG personnel should reiterate that this does not constitute USG recognition of GOM sovereignty over disputed territory.
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- Codels which visit the territory may be escorted by Mission officers of the lowest appropriate rank.
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- Consuls may go to the Western Sahara as necessary to handle consular cases.
- Source: Department of State, Central Foreign Policy File, Electronic Telegrams, D870178–0920. Confidential; Priority. Drafted by Zweifel; cleared by Ussery, Thomas Benesch (AF/W), Smith, Mann, Laipson, Biniaz, Mueller, Bishop, and Peter Covington (S/S–O); approved by Armacost. Sent for information to Tunis, Nouakchott, Paris, and USUN.↩
- See Document 441.↩