355. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Tunisia1



  • Presidential Message to Ben Ali.

1. Please transmit following message from President Reagan to President Ben Ali at earliest possible time:

Begin text:

Mr. President:

At this time, I want you to know of my personal commitment to continued close relations between our two countries. Just as the United States supported Tunisia at independence and throughout its continuing struggle to achieve social and economic progress for its people, so will the U.S. support Tunisia in the challenges it now confronts. We remain committed to Tunisia’s independence and territorial integrity and to its continued economic, social and political development.

The future holds promising opportunities. The strengthening of Tunisia’s economy and its traditions of political pluralism can open new horizons of progress. As you begin this important task, Mr. President, please accept my best wishes. Sincerely, Ronald Reagan. End text.

2. There will be no signed original. White House does not intend to publish text, but has no objection should GOT chose to do so.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Foreign Policy File, Electronic Telegrams, D870921–0701. Limited Official Use; Niact Immediate. Drafted by O’Neill (NEA/AFN); cleared by Casey, Ussery, Eastham, Pascoe (S/S), Courtney (NSC), and Adamson (S/S–O); approved by Djejerian.