301. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Clark) to President Reagan1
Washington, July 31, 1982
- Your Reply to Tunisian President Concerning Lebanon
At Tab A for your signature is a reply to President Bourguiba of Tunisia, who wrote you about the situation in Lebanon (Tab B). He suggests that you take action to bring the siege of West Beirut to an end.
[Page 625]Your response expresses concern for the suffering of innocent people, states that Phil Habib is doing his best not only to bring the siege of West Beirut to an end but also to enable the Lebanese to rebuild their country without outside interference.
That you sign the letter at Tab A.2
- Source: Reagan Library, Geoffrey T.H. Kemp Files, Subject File, Tunisia 1982 (June 1982). No classification marking. Sent for action. Drafted by Tanter. A notation in an unknown hand in the top right-hand corner of the memorandum indicates that Reagan signed the letter on August 5.↩
- Reagan checked and initialed his approval of the recommendation.↩
- No classification marking.↩
- In telegram 6081 from Tunis, August 16, Cutler reported that the “French Ambassador, who saw Bourguiba at his summer residence in Monastir shortly after he received President Reagan’s second message to him on Lebanon, tells me that he appeared to be quite pleased by it. ‘President Reagan holds me in high regard,’ Bourguiba said. He was still upset by the situation in Lebanon, but made clear to the French Ambassador that he had not by any means given up hope in the U.S: ‘If the Americans don’t defend justice, who will’?” (Department of State, Central Foreign Policy File, Electronic Telegrams, D820409–1055)↩
- Reagan made the remark during a June 30 news conference in which he was asked to respond to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon. See Public Papers: Reagan, 1982, Book I, pp. 826–834.↩
- No classification marking. Printed from a translation prepared in the Division of Language Services, Department of State.↩
- Printed from a copy that bears this typed signature.↩