158. Note From the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (Armacost) to Secretary of State Shultz1
Washington, February 7, 1986
Mr. Secretary:
While it is clear that Algeria has been developing more pragmatic domestic policies and less rigid anti-Western foreign policy, I think a number of additional points should be kept in mind to keep the trend toward moderation in perspective and to avoid excessively high expectations. It serves Algerian interests to move toward us, but not too close.
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- Although UN votes are only one barometer of foreign policy positions, Algeria’s voting record in the UN is among the worst (4.3% coincidence with U.S. in plenary in 1984; 0% agreement on 10 key votes; one of the few Islamic countries to abstain on Afghanistan).
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- Algeria’s genuine helpfulness on the hostage issue in 1979 and their efforts now stem from their desire and ability to seize appropriate opportunities to enhance their prestige and demonstrate their credentials as a bridge between radicals and moderates.2
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- Algeria’s desire is to diversify its sources of military supply, not to switch. We should keep this in mind. If Algeria could receive major, sophisticated items from both the U.S. and the USSR, its non-aligned credentials would be much enhanced, as would its political weight in Africa and in the Islamic world.
Michael H.
- Source: Reagan Library, George Shultz Papers, Official Memoranda (02/07/1986). Secret. A stamped notation at the top of the memorandum reads: “GPS.”↩
- In telegram 146 from Algiers, January 9, Johnstone reported that in an “extraordinarily frank two-hour exchange” with Belkheir “concerning the future of Algeria and prospects for the U.S.-Algeria relationship,” Belkheir “said that the almost-completed revision of the National Charter will usher in a new age of pragmatism and common sense in Algerian political life and that this can and should lead to a major amplification of the U.S.-Algeria relationship.” (Department of State, Executive Secretariat, S/S Records, 1986 Nodis Telegrams: Lot 95D23, Algiers Nodis 1986)↩
- Armacost initialed “MA” above this typed signature.↩