216. Memorandum From Acting Secretary of Defense Carlucci to the Secretaries of the Military Departments, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Jones), the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (Iklé), the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (DeLauer) and the Directors of Defense Agencies1
- Materiel Support to the UK (U)
(S) The following procedure should be followed in processing British requests for support related to Falkland Island operations:
—As is normally the case, specific requests will be sent by the British to the appropriate Service and processed in accordance with current laws and procedures. The British will use the words “UK Op Corporate” to identify Falkland support requests. The Services will process these on an expedited basis. Requests that cannot be referred to a specific Service or that fall outside of current procedures will be sent to OASD/ISP (Dr. Zakheim/3D777/697-0209).
—At the same time the requests are forwarded to the appropriate Service, copies will be provided by the British to OASD/ISP (Lt Col Walker/3D777/697-0209), the OJCS (Col Brudvig/2C867/697-2656) [Page 458] and State/PM (Mr. Ogden/Rm 7419/632-3882). These offices will be the focal points for their organizations in tracking support requests and preparing integrated lists, which will be handled on a close-hold, need-to-know basis.2 Any exceptions taken by these organizations to specific requests should be immediately fowarded to Lt Col Walker.
—Services will notify the above points of contact when actions are completed.
—By COB each day, OUSD/P will provide to me a summary of requests received that day, noting any exceptions made and corresponding policy recommendations.3 Additionally, the daily report will list completed actions and those still outstanding.
- Source: National Archives, RG 218, CJCS Files, FRC 218–92–0030, 820 United Kingdom Mar 81–17 Jun 82. Secret; Sensitive. A copy was sent to Haig. Attached to another copy of the memorandum is an undated covering memorandum from Iklé to Weinberger stating that the procedures were worked out with representatives of the British Embassy, the Department of State, the OJCS, and OSD. A stamped notation on the covering memorandum indicates that Carlucci saw it on May 4. (Washington National Records Center, OSD Files, FRC 330–84–0004, UK (May) 1982) Weinberger was in Brussels for a meeting of the NATO Defense Planning Committee.↩
- Burt informed Eagleburger of the agreed arrangements in a May 3 memorandum, adding: “The British will continue to make sensitive requests through the high-level channels they have been using thus far.” (Department of State, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Miscellaneous Files, March 1981–February 1983, Lot 83D210, Falklands [Folder 1])↩
- See Document 241.↩