Postwar, June 15, 1982–November 6, 1984

343. Telegram From the Embassy in the United Kingdom to the Department of State

Source: Reagan Library, Executive Secretariat, NSC Cable File, Falkland File 06/15/1982 (2). Secret; Sensitive; Immediate; Nodis. Printed from a copy that was received in the White House Situation Room.

344. Memorandum for the Record

Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Office of the Director of Central Intelligence, Job 89B00224R: Committees, Task Forces, Boards, and Councils Files, Box 11, Folder 406: Memos for the Record of Mtgs w/Sec and DepSec of State (Apr 81–Dec 85). Secret; Eyes Only.

345. Action Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs-Designate (Burt) and the Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs (Enders) to Secretary of State Haig

Source: Department of State, Executive Secretariat, S/S Special Handling Restrictions Memos 1979–1983, Lot 96D262, ES Sensitive June 8–16 1982. Secret; Sensitive. Sent through Eagleburger. Bosworth initialed the memorandum for Enders. Drafted by Enders and Campbell; cleared by Gompert, Haass, and Service. Haass initialed for the clearing officials. A stamped notation at the top of the memorandum indicates that Haig saw it.

346. Memorandum Prepared in the Department of State

Source: Department of State, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Miscellaneous Files, March 1981–February 1983, Lot 83D210, Falklands [Folder 1]. Confidential. Drafted by Enders on June 15. Copies were sent to Bremer, Burt, Service, and Gompert.

347. Telegram From the Mission to the United Nations to the Department of State and the White House

Source: Department of State, Central Foreign Policy File, D850378–0742. Confidential; Immediate; Exdis. Sent for information Immediate to Buenos Aires.

348. Telegram From the Department of State to the Deputy Secretary of State (Stoessel) in Singapore

Source: Department of State, Central Foreign Policy File, D820315–0692. Confidential; Immediate. Drafted by T. Carter (FWG); cleared by Service, Bosworth, Blackwill, K. Shirley (S/S), A. Friedt (D), and in S/S–O; approved by Bremer. Stoessel was in Singapore for an Association of Southeast Asian Nations post-Ministerial meeting June 16–19.

349. Note From the Deputy to the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (Gompert) to the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (Eagleburger)

Source: Department of State, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Miscellaneous Files, March 1981–February 1983, Lot 83D210, Falklands [Folder 1]. Secret. A stamped notation at the top of the note indicates that Eagleburger saw it on June 16.

350. Situation Report Prepared by the Department of State Falklands Working Group

Source: Department of State, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Falklands Crisis Historical Files, Lot 86D157, unlabeled folder. Confidential.

351. Memorandum From the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (Eagleburger) to the Executive Secretary of the Department of State (Bremer), the Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs (Enders), the Assistant Secretary of State-Designate for European Affairs (Burt), and the Director of the Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs (Howe)

Source: Department of State, Executive Secretariat, S/S Special Handling Restrictions Memos 1979–1983, Lot 96D262, ES Sensitive June 16–30 1982. Secret; Sensitive. In Tosec 90018/168048, June 18, Eagleburger transmitted the text of the memorandum to Haig, who was in New York for the UN Special Session on Disarmament. (Reagan Library, Executive Secretariat, NSC Cable File, Box 35, Falkland File 06/18/1982)

352. Message From President Reagan to British Prime Minister Thatcher

Source: Reagan Library, Latin American Affairs Directorate, NSC, Falklands/Malvinas: NSC & State Memos, 1982. Secret. Sent in telegram WH04195 from the White House to the Cabinet Office via Cabinet Office channels.

353. Memorandum From Dennis C. Blair, Roger W. Fontaine, and James M. Rentschler of the National Security Council Staff to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Clark)

Source: Reagan Library, Dennis C. Blair Files, Falklands (May 1982–September 1982). Secret. Sent for action. Sapia-Bosch initialed his concurrence.

354. Memorandum From the Secretary of the Navy (Lehman) to Secretary of Defense Weinberger

Source: Washington National Records Center, OSD Files, FRC 330–84–0003, Argentina (June–Sept) 1982. Secret. Copies were sent to Carlucci and Iklé. A stamped notation at the top of the memorandum indicates that Weinberger saw it on June 21.

355. Telegram From the Department of State to Secretary of State Haig in New York

Source: Department of State, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Miscellaneous Files, March 1981–February 1983, Lot 83D210, Falklands [Folder 1]. Secret; Immediate; Nodis. Drafted by Haass; cleared by Blackwill, Enders, Howe, Bremer, Gompert, and in S/S–O; approved by Eagleburger. Haig was in New York for the UNSSOD.

356. Memorandum From Secretary of State Haig to President Reagan

Source: Reagan Library, Executive Secretariat, NSC Country File, Latin America/Central, Argentina (06/16/1982–06/30/1982). Secret. Attached to another copy of the memorandum is an undated draft message from Reagan to Thatcher, inviting her for a June 23 visit to the White House for an exchange on the South Atlantic. (Ibid.)

357. Telegram From the Department of State to All Diplomatic Posts and the Embassy in Argentina

Source: Department of State, Central Foreign Policy File, D820324–0505. Confidential; Immediate. Sent for information Immediate to European POLADs Collective, the Department of Defense, USSOUTHCOM, USCINCEUR, and USCINCLANT. Drafted by M. Schmidt (FWG); cleared in S/S–O; approved by Service.

358. Information Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State-Designate for European Affairs (Burt) to Secretary of State Haig

Source: Department of State, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Falklands Crisis Files of Luigi Einaudi, Lot 90D400, Falklands Crisis Consequences. Secret. Drafted by Campbell on June 21; cleared by Haass and Dobbins.

359. Memorandum From Alfonso Sapia-Bosch of the National Security Council Staff to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Clark)

Source: Reagan Library, Executive Secretariat, NSC Country File, Latin America/Central, Argentina (06/16/1982–06/30/1982). Confidential. Sent for action. A stamped notation at the top of the memorandum indicates that Clark saw it.

360. National Security Study Directive 10–82

Source: Reagan Library, Executive Secretariat, NSC National Security Study Directives (NSSD), NSSDs 1982. Secret. Clark sent copies of the NSSD to Bush, Haig, Regan, Weinberger, William F. Smith, Baldrige, Edwards, Stockman, Casey, Kirkpatrick, Brock, Vessey, Rostow, McPherson, and Wick, under a June 23 covering memorandum. (National Security Council, NSC Institutional Files, NSSD 10–82)

361. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Reagan Library, Executive Secretariat, NSC Country File, Europe and Soviet Union, United Kingdom (04/26/1982–09/29/1982) [Too Late to File]. Secret. The meeting took place in the Oval Office.

362. Memorandum From the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (Iklé) to Secretary of Defense Weinberger

Source: Washington National Records Center, OSD Files, FRC 330–86–0042, UK 1982. Top Secret; Eyes Only. A stamped notation at the top of the memorandum indicates that Weinberger saw it on June 24.

363. Memorandum From the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (Iklé) to Secretary of Defense Weinberger

Source: Washington National Records Center, OSD Files, FRC 330–86–0042, UK 1982. Top Secret; Eyes Only. A stamped notation at the top of the memorandum indicates that Weinberger saw it on June 25.

364. Memorandum From Secretary of State Haig to President Reagan

Source: Department of State, Executive Secretariat, Very Sensitive Correspondence Files of Alexander M. Haig, Jr., March 1981–February 1983, Lot 83D288, Evening Reading—June 1982. Confidential.

365. Action Memorandum From the Director of the Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs (Howe) to the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (Eagleburger)

Source: Department of State, Executive Secretariat, S/S Special Handling Restrictions Memos 1979–1983, Lot 96D262, Super Sensitive June 1982. Top Secret; Sensitive. A stamped notation in the upper right-hand corner of the memorandum indicates that Eagleburger saw it on June 26.

366. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Clark) to Secretary of State Haig

Source: Department of State, Central Foreign Policy File, P890076–1206. Secret; Sensitive. There is no indication that Haig saw the memorandum; a notation in an unknown hand in the bottom right-hand corner of the memorandum reads: “Received in S/S–I 4:45 on 6/28 by VH Dove.”

367. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Reagan Library, Roger W. Fontaine Files, Peru [May 1982–July 1982]. Confidential. The meeting took place in Clark’s office at the White House.

368. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Clark) to Secretary of Defense Weinberger

Source: Washington National Records Center, OSD Files, FRC 330–84–0003, Argentina (June–Sept) 1982. Secret. A stamped notation in the top right-hand corner of the memorandum indicates that it was received in Weinberger’s office on June 30.

369. Note From the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (Eagleburger) to Secretary of State Haig

Source: Department of State, Central Foreign Policy File, P890076–1216. Secret.

370. Memorandum From Secretary of State Haig to President Reagan

Source: Reagan Library, Executive Secretariat, NSC Country File, Latin America/Central, Argentina (07/02/1982–07/15/1982). Secret.

371. Information Memorandum From the Director of the Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs (Howe) to the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (Eagleburger)

Source: Department of State, Executive Secretariat, S/S Special Handling Restrictions Memos 1979–1983, Lot 96D262, 1982 ES Sensitive July 1–10. Top Secret; Sensitive. Drafted by Kanter.

372. Memorandum From Roger W. Fontaine of the National Security Council Staff to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Clark)

Source: Reagan Library, Roger W. Fontaine Files, Argentina (June 1982–July 1982). Confidential. Sent for information. A stamped notation in the top right-hand corner of the memorandum indicates that Clark saw it. The meeting took place at the Ambassador’s residence.