- Abrams, Elliott, Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs from December 12, 1981
- Acland, Sir Antony, British Permanent Under Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and Head of the Diplomatic Service from 1982
- Adams, Alvin P., Jr., Deputy Executive Secretary of the Department of State until December 1982
- Adelman, Kenneth L., Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations from 1981 until 1983
- Aguirre, Francisco, Co-owner, Diario de las Americas
- Aguirre Lanari, Juan Ramón, Argentine Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship from July 2, 1982, until December 10, 1983
- Alberti, Francesco J., Deputy Director, Office of Southern Cone Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State
- Alemann, Roberto, Argentine Minister of Economy from January 1982 until June 1982
- Alfonsín, Raúl, President of Argentina from December 10, 1983
- Allen, Lew, Jr., General, USAF Chief of Staff, USAF until June 30, 1982
- Allen, Richard V., Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from January 21, 1981, until January 4, 1982
- Allin, Lyndon K., “Mort,” Staff Member, Office of the Press Secretary, White House
- Anaya, Jorge I., Admiral, Commander in Chief, Argentine Navy; Member of the Ruling Junta until June 1982
- Anderson, Robert, Ambassador to the Dominican Republic from May 24, 1982
- Andreotti, Giulio, Italian Prime Minister, 1972–1973, 1976–1979, and 1989–1992; Italian Foreign Minister, 1983–1989
- Aragones, Emilio, Cuban Ambassador to Argentina
- Arias Stella, Javier, Peruvian Foreign Minister until December 1982
- Armstrong, John, Washington Bureau, American Broadcasting Company
- Atkeson, Edward B., Major General, USA; National Intelligence Officer for General Purpose Forces, National Intelligence Council, Central Intelligence Agency
- Bailey, Norman A., Member of the National Security Council Staff, from April 1981 until October 1983
- Baker, James A., III, White House Chief of Staff
- Baldrige, H. Malcolm, Jr., Secretary of Commerce
- Barnes, Michael D., member, U.S. House of Representatives (D-MD)
- Barrow, Robert H., General, USMC, Commandant of the Marine Corps until June 30, 1983
- Begin, Menachim, Prime Minister of Israel
- Belaúnde Terry, Fernando, President of Peru
- Benn, Tony, British Member of Parliament (Labour Party) until June 1983 and from March 1984
- Bennett, W. Tapley, Jr., Permanent Representative on the Council of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization until March 31, 1983
- Bernstein, Carl, television correspondent, Nightline program, American Broadcasting Company
- Bignone, Reynaldo, President of Argentina from July 1, 1982, until December 10, 1983
- Binns, Jack R., Director, Office of Northern European Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State from August 1982
- Blackwill, Robert D., Deputy Director, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State from January 1981 until May 1982; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs from May 1982 until June 1983
- Blair, Dennis C., Member of the National Security Council Staff from 1981 until 1983
- Blakemore, David L., Director, Office of Security Assistance and Sales, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State from July 1983
- Block, John R., Secretary of Agriculture
- Boam, Thomas Anthony, Major General, British Army, Head of the British Defense Staff in Washington from 1981
- Bolten, Joshua, Inter-American Affairs, Office of the Legal Adviser, Department of State
- Bosworth, Stephen W., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs from July 1981 until January 1983; Director of the Policy Planning Staff, Department of State from January 3, 1983, until April 7, 1984
- Bouchey, Lynn, Council for Inter-American Security
- Bowdler, William G., Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs from January 4, 1980, until January 16, 1981
- Braithwaite, Rodric Q., British Embassy in Washington
- Bremer, L. Paul, III, Executive Secretary of the Department of State from February 2, 1981, until March 27, 1983
- Briggs, Everett E., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs until September 1982; U.S. Ambassador to Panama from September 30, 1982
- Brock, William E., III, United States Trade Representative
- Brown, James L., Major General, USAF, Assistant Director for JCS Support, Defense Intelligence Agency
- Brown, Leslie H., Deputy Director, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State [[dates?]]
- Buckley, James L., Under Secretary of State for Security Assistance, Science, and Technology from February 28, 1981, until August 20, 1982; Counselor of the Department of State from September 9, 1982, until September 26, 1982
- Bullard, Julian, Deputy to the Permanent Under Secretary, British Foreign and Commonwealth Office until 1984
- Bunge, Wenceslao, Argentine envoy
- Burkhalter, E.A., Jr., Rear Admiral, USN; Deputy Director, Defense Intelligence Agency
- Burt, Richard R., Director, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State from January 23, 1981, until April, 1982; Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs-designate from May 10, 1982, until February 17, 1983; thereafter, Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs
- Bush, George H.W., Vice President of the United States
- Camilion, Oscar, Argentine Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship from March 29, 1981, until December 11, 1981
- Campbell, John, Office of Northern European Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
- Canosa, Eduardo, Vice Comodoro, Argentine Air Force, Argentine representative in Falklands/Malvinas
- Caputo, Dante, Argentine Minister of Foreign Relations and Worship from December 10, 1983
- Carlucci, Frank C., III, Deputy Director of Central Intelligence until February 4, 1981; Deputy Secretary of Defense from February 4, 1981, until December 31, 1982
- Carrington, 6th Baron of (Peter Alexander Rupert), British Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs until April 5, 1982
- Casey, William J., Director of Central Intelligence from January 28, 1981
- Castaneda, Jorge, Mexican Secretary of Foreign Affairs until November 30, 1982
- Cavandoli, Carlos R., Comodoro, Under Secretary of State, Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship
- Chaplin, Maxwell, Deputy Chief of Mission, U.S. Embassy in Buenos Aires from 1976 until 1980
- Childress, Richard T., member, National Security Council Staff from October 1981
- Clarey, S.S., Captain, USN; Executive Assistant to the Chief of Naval Operations
- Clark, William P., Jr., Deputy Secretary of State from February 25, 1981, until February 9, 1982; Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from January 4, 1982, until October 17, 1983; Secretary of the Interior from November 18, 1983
- Clarke, Richard A., Deputy Director, Office of Policy Analysis, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State until September 1983; thereafter, Director, Office of Policy Analysis
- Cochran, Harry C., Special Assistant for Warning, National Intelligence Council, Central Intelligence Agency
- Cohen, Herman J., Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State until April 1984
- Coles, A. John, Private Secretary to the British Prime Minister
- Colombo, Emilio, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs until August 4, 1983
- Constable, Elinor G., Deputy Assistant Secretary, International Finance and Development, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, Department of State
- Cormack, James P., Captain, USN; Military Assistant to the Secretary of Defense
- Costa Méndez, Nicanor, Argentine Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship from December 22, 1981, until June 30, 1982
- Crabbie, Christopher, First Secretary, British Embassy in Washington until 1983
- Dagnino Pastore, José Maria, Argentine Minister of Economy from June 1982 until September 1982
- Dalton, James E., Lieutenant General, USAF; Director of the Joint Staff from July 1, 1981, until June 30, 1983
- Dam, Kenneth W., Deputy Secretary of State from September 23, 1982
- Darman, Richard G., Deputy Assistant to the President until September 1981; Assistant to the President from September 1981
- Davidoff, Constantino S., Argentine businessman
- Davila, Michael A., Director of Mission Operations, Mission to the Organization of American States from March 1981 until August 1982
- Deare, Ron, West Indian and Atlantic Department, British Foreign and Commonwealth Office
- Deaver, Michael K., White House Deputy Chief of Staff
- DeLauer, Richard D., Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering from May 7, 1981, until November 4, 1984
- Dick, Ronald, Air Commodore, Royal Air Force, Air Attaché, British Embassy in Washington
- Dobbins, James F., Jr., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs from October 1982
- Dobrynin, Anatoly F., Soviet Ambassador to the United States
- Draper, William H., III, Chairman, Export-Import Bank of the United States
- Duarte, José Napoleón, President of El Salvador
- Eagleburger, Lawrence S., Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs from May 14, 1981, until January 26, 1982; Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from February 12, 1982, until May 1, 1984
- Edwards, James B., Secretary of Energy from January 23, 1981, until November 5, 1982
- Einaudi, Luigi R., Staff Director, NSC Interdepartmental Groups, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State; Director, Office of Policy Planning Coordination, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State
- Enders, Thomas O., Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs from June 23, 1981, until June 27, 1983
- Evans, Rowland, syndicated newspaper columnist
- Fall, Brian, Principal Private Secretary to the British Foreign Secretary from 1981 until 1984
- Fearn, Robin, South America Department, British Foreign and Commonwealth Office
- Fenn, Nicholas, News Department, British Foreign and Commonwealth Office
- Figueiredo, João Baptista de Oliveira, President of Brazil
- Figueroa, Gustavo, Chief of Cabinet, Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship
- Finegold, Edmund S., Chief, Arms Transfer Division, Bureau of Nuclear Weapons and Control, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
- Fischer, Dean E., Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs from August 7, 1981, until August 19, 1982; Department of State Spokesman from March 28, 1981, until August 19, 1982
- Fontaine, Roger W., member, National Security Council Staff from February 1981 until November 1983
- Forrester, Ricardo, Office of Antarctic and Malvinas Affairs, Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship
- Forster, J.R., Captain, USN, Assistant to the Director of Naval Intelligence for Foreign Liaison
- Franco, Ruben O., Vice Admiral, Argentine Navy, Naval Attaché, Argentine Embassy in Washington until June 1982; Member of the Ruling Junta from June 1982 until December 1983
- Fraser, Malcolm, Australian Prime Minister until March 11, 1983
- Fretwell, M. John E., Minister, British Embassy in Washington until December 1981
- Funseth, Robert L., Director, Office of Northern European Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State until November 1982; thereafter, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs
- Galtieri, Leopoldo Fortunato, Lieutenant General, Commander in Chief, Argentine Army, until December 22, 1981; President of Argentina and Member of the Ruling Junta from December 22, 1981, until June 18, 1982
- Garcia del Solar, Lucio, Argentine Ambassador to the United States
- Gast, Philip C., Lieutenant General, USAF; Director of Operations, Joint Staff, Joint Chiefs of Staff
- Gates, Robert M., Deputy Director for Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency from 1982
- Gergen, David R., Assistant to the President and Staff Director, White House until June 1981; Assistant to the President for Communications from June 1981
- Giffard, John, Deputy Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, British Foreign and Commonwealth Office
- Gillespie, Charles A., Executive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs
- Gilly, Pedro M., Lieutenant General, Secretary to the Venezuelan National Security and Defense Council
- Gilmore, David, Under Secretary of State for Defense Affairs, British Foreign and Commonwealth Office
- Goldberg, Sherwood “Woody,” Executive Assistant to the Secretary of State until July 1982
- Gompert, David C., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs from 1981 to 1982; Deputy to the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from 1982 until 1983
- Gorman, Paul F., Lieutenant General, USA; Assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
- Gosney, Richard, British Embassy in Buenos Aires
- Graham, Sir John, British Permanent Representative on the Council of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization from 1982
- Gregg, Donald, Assistant to the Vice President for National Security Affairs
- Gudgeon, K. Scott, Assistant Legal Adviser for Inter-American Affairs, Office of the Legal Adviser, Department of State
- Haass, Richard N., Director, Office of Regional Security Affairs, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State until 1982; thereafter, Deputy for Policy Planning, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
- Haig, Alexander M., Jr., General, USA (ret.); Secretary of State from January 22, 1981, until July 5, 1982
- Hallman, William H., Political Counselor, U.S. Embassy in Buenos Aires from 1977 until 1980
- Hastie-Smith, Richard, Deputy Under Secretary (Policy and Programs), British Ministry of Defense from July 1981
- Hayward, Thomas B., Admiral, USN; Chief of Naval Operations until June 30, 1982
- Hekman, P.M., Jr., Rear Admiral, USN; Deputy Director for Operations, National Military Command Center, Joint Staff, Joint Chiefs of Staff
- Helms, Jesse, Senator (R-North Carolina); Chairman of the Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere Affairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
- Henderson, Sir Nicholas, “Nicko,” British Ambassador to the United States until July 31, 1982
- Herrera Campins, Luis, President of Venezuela until February 2, 1984
- Hervey, John B., Rear Admiral, Royal Navy, Naval Attaché, British Embassy in Washington
- Heseltine, Michael, British Secretary of State for Defence
- Hidalgo, Edward, Secretary of the Navy from October 1979 until January 1981
- Hill, M. Charles, Executive Secretary of the Department of State from March 28, 1983
- Holmes, H. Allen, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs until September 1982
- Hormats, Robert D., Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs from May 21, 1981, until August 25, 1982
- Howe, Sir Geoffrey, British Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs from June 11, 1983
- Howe, Jonathan T., Rear Admiral, USN; Senior Military Assistant to the Deputy Secretary of Defense from 1981 until 1982; Director, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State from May 10, 1982, until July 1, 1984
- Howells, W. Dean, Deputy Director, Office of Politico-Military Analysis, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State from September 1982
- Hunt, Rex Masterman, British Governor of the Falkland Islands; taken prisoner on April 2, 1982
- Hutchinson, H.F., Jr., Vice Chairman, National Intelligence Council, Central Intelligence Agency
- Iglesias, Hector Norberto, Brigadier General, Argentine Army, Secretary General of the Presidency
- Iklé, Fred C., Under Secretary of Defense for Policy from April 2, 1981
- Inman, Bobby Ray, Admiral, USN; Deputy Director of Central Intelligence from February 12, 1981, until June 10, 1982
- Johnson, Philip K., Political Officer, Mission to the Organization of American States
- Johnston, Ernest B., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs
- Jones, David C., General, USAF; Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff until June 18, 1982
- Jones, George F., Director, Office of Regional Political Programs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State until August 1982
- Kanter, Arnold, Director, Office of Policy Analysis, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State
- Keane, John F., Political Officer, U.S. Embassy in Buenos Aires until September 1984
- Kelly, John H., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs from June 1983
- Kennedy, Richard T., Under Secretary of State for Management from February 28, 1981, until December 15, 1982
- Kilday, Lowell C., Director, Office of Brazilian Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State until August 1983
- Kimmitt, Robert M., member, National Security Council Staff
- King, John F., Political Counselor, U.S. Embassy in Buenos Aires until April 1984
- Kirkpatrick, Jeane J., Permanent Representative to the United Nations
- Koch, Noel C., Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
- Kozak, Michael T., Office of the Legal Adviser, Department of State
- Lami Dozo, Basilio, Brigadier, Commander in Chief, Argentine Air Force, 1981–1982; Member of the Ruling Junta until June 1982
- Lasater, John R., Brigadier General, USAF; Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Europe/NATO Policy
- Laxalt, Paul, Republican Senator from Nevada
- Leach, Sir Henry, Admiral, Royal Navy, First Sea Lord and Chief of the Naval Staff until 1982
- Legere, Laurence J., Defense Adviser to the Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- Lewin, Sir Terence, Admiral, Royal Navy, Chief of the Defense Staff until September 30, 1982
- Lilac, Robert H., member, National Security Council Staff
- Ling, Qing, Chinese Permanent Representative to the United Nations; President of the Security Council, 1982
- Listre, Arnoldo, Acting Argentine Permanent Representative to the United Nations, July 1982; Director General of Foreign Policy, Argentine Ministry of Foreign Relations and Worship from August 1982
- López Portillo, José, President of Mexico
- Louis, John J., Jr., Ambassador to the United Kingdom from May 7, 1981, until November 7, 1983
- Luce, Richard, British Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs from September 1981 until April 1982
- Luers, William H., Ambassador to Venezuela until June 28, 1982
- Luns, Joseph M.A.H., Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- Mallea Gil, Miguel, General, Argentine Army, Military Attaché, Argentine Embassy in Washington
- Marsh, John O., Jr., Secretary of the Army from February 1981
- McFarlane, Robert C., “Bud,” Counselor of the Department of State from February 28, 1981, until April 4, 1982; Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from January 1982 until October 1983; Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from October 17, 1983
- McMahon, John N., Executive Director, Central Intelligence Agency, until June 1982; Deputy Director of Central Intelligence from June 1982
- McManaway, Clayton E., Jr., Deputy Executive Secretary of the Department of State from September 1981 until June 1983
- McMullen, R. Bruce, Deputy Director, Office of Development Finance, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, Department of State until August 1983
- McNamar, Robert T., Deputy Secretary of the Treasury
- McNutt, Louise, United Nations Adviser, Regional Affairs, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Department of State
- McPherson, Melville P., Administrator, Agency for International Development from February 27, 1981
- Meese, Edwin, III, Counselor to the President
- Menendez, Mario B., Brigadier General, Argentine Army, Governor of the Malvinas and Commander of the Argentine garrison from April 3, 1982, until June 15, 1982
- Menges, Constantine C., National Intelligence Officer for Latin America, National Intelligence Council, Central Intelligence Agency
- Mercandetti, Susan, Nightline program, American Broadcasting Company
- Meyer, Edward C., “Shy,” General, USA; Chief of Staff of the United States Army until June 1983
- Michel, James H., Deputy Legal Adviser of the Department of State until April 1983; thereafter, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs
- Middendorf, J. William, II, Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States from June 12, 1981
- Miles, Richard M., Deputy Director, Office of Regional Security Affairs, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State from August 1981 until September 1983
- Miret, Jose, Major Brigadier General, Argentine Air Force, representative of the Ruling Junta
- Mitterrand, François, President of France from May 26, 1981
- Monge, Luis Alberto, President of Costa Rica from May 8, 1982
- Monroe, Frederick F., Special Assistant for Science and Technology and for Development, Human Rights and Refugee Affairs, Global Issues Staff, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State until September 1984
- Montgomery, Hugh, Director, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State from October 19, 1981
- Montgomery, William, Executive Assistant to the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from July 1982 until July 1984
- Moore, Jeremy, Major General, Royal Marines, Commander of British Land Forces in Falklands Campaign
- Morley, Robert B., Deputy Director, Office of Policy Planning Coordination, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State until August 1982; Office of Mexican Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State from August 1982 until August 1983; thereafter, Director, Office of Southern Cone Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State
- Motley, Langhorne A., Ambassador to Brazil from September 19, 1981, until July 6, 1983; Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs from July 12, 1983
- Muldoon, Robert, New Zealand Prime Minister until July 26, 1984
- Muñiz, Carlos, Argentine Permanent Representative to the United Nations from August 1982
- Nagler, Gordon R., Vice Admiral, USN; Director, Command and Control, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
- Newell, Gregory J., Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs from June 4, 1982
- Nicolaides, Cristino, General, Argentine Army, Chief of Staff of the Argentine Army; Member of the Ruling Junta from June 1982 until December 1983
- North, Oliver L., member, National Security Council Staff from 1982
- Nott, John, British Defense Secretary until January 6, 1983
- Nutting, Wallace H., General, USA; Commander in Chief, U.S. Southern Command until 1983
- O’Connell, S.K., Office of Southern Cone Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State
- Ogden, Richard M., Director, Office of Security Assistance and Sales, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State from June 1981 until July 1983
- O’Leary, Jeremiah, Press Secretary to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs
- Onslow, Cranley, British Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs from 1982 until 1983
- Ortiz, Francis V., Ambassador to Peru from October 1, 1981, until October 27, 1983; Ambassador to Argentina from November 18, 1983
- Ortiz de Rozas, Carlos, Argentine Ambassador to the United Kingdom
- Pakenham, Michael A., First Secretary, British Embassy in Washington until 1983
- Palliser, Sir Michael, British Permanent Under Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and Head of the Diplomatic Service until 1982; Special Adviser to the Prime Minister, Cabinet Office, from April to July 1982
- Parsons, Sir Anthony, British Permanent Representative to the United Nations until 1982
- Peña, Ricardo, Brigadier General, Argentine Air Force, Air Attaché, Argentine Embassy in Washington
- Pendleton, Miles S., Jr., Deputy Director, Office of Northern European Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State until December 1982; Member, Falkland Islands Working Group, Department of State from April 1982 until June 1982
- Penfold, John H., Deputy Director, Office of Regional Economic Policy, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State from August 1981 until July 1983
- Pérez de Cuéllar, Javier, Secretary General of the United Nations from January 1, 1982
- Perle, Richard N., Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy from August 5, 1981
- Perón, Juan, President of Argentina, 1946–1955 and 1973–1974
- Perry, Robert, Special Assistant to the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from April 1982 until July 1984
- Piedra, Alberto, Senior Policy Adviser, Mission to the Organization of American States from April 1982 until July 1984
- Pinochet, Augusto, President of Chile
- Platt, Nicholas, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs from July 1981 until July 1982
- Poindexter, John M., Rear Admiral, USN; Military Assistant to the President from 1981 until 1983; thereafter, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
- Price, Charles H., Ambassador to the United Kingdom from November 11, 1983
- Price, George C., Belizean Prime Minister from September 21, 1981
- Proper, Datus C., Director, Office of Regional Political Programs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State from September 1982
- Pym, Francis, British Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs from April 6, 1982, until June 11, 1983
- Quijano, Raúl, Argentine Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States
- Rabb, Maxwell M., Ambassador to Italy from June 20, 1981
- Raphel, Arnold, Deputy Director, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State from June 1982 until April 1984
- Rashish, Myer, Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs from June 29, 1981, until January 20, 1982
- Reagan, Ronald W., President of the United States
- Regan, Donald T., Secretary of the Treasury from January 22, 1981
- Rentschler, James M.T., member, National Security Council Staff from 1982
- Ridley, Nicholas, British Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs until September 1981; Financial Secretary to the Treasury from September 14, 1981, until June 11, 1983; thereafter, Transport Secretary
- Richards, Francis, Assistant Private Secretary to the British Foreign Secretary
- Robinson, Davis R., Legal Adviser of the Department of State from July 30, 1981
- Robinson, William B., Director, Office of Munitions Control, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State from December 1981
- Roca, Eduardo, Argentine Permanent Representative to the United Nations from January 1982 until June 1982
- Ros, Enrique, Argentine Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Worship
- Roshco, Bernard, Director, Office of Plans and Policy Analysis, Bureau of Public Affairs, Department of State
- Rostow, Eugene V., Director, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency from June 30, 1981, until January 12, 1983
- Roussel, Peter, Staff Member, Office of the Press Secretary, White House
- Rowen, Harry, Chairman, National Intelligence Council, Central Intelligence Agency
- Royo, Aristides, President of Panama until July 31, 1982
- Ryan, Robert J., Jr., Director, Office of Regional Economic Policy, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State from August 1981 until March 1984
- Saint-Jean, Alfredo Oscar, President of Argentina from June 18, 1982, until July 1, 1982
- Sapia-Bosch, Alfonso F., member, National Security Council Staff until June 1983
- Scanlan, John D., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs from June 1981 until October 1982
- Schmidt, Helmut, West German Chancellor until October 1, 1982
- Schneider, William, Jr., Associate Director for National Security and International Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, until September 9, 1982; thereafter, Under Secretary of State for Security Assistance, Science, and Technology
- Seitz, Raymond G.H., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs from October 1981 until July 1982; Executive Assistant to the Secretary of State from July 1982 until July 1984
- Service, Robert E., Director, Office of Southern Cone Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State until August 1982; Member, Falkland Islands Working Group, Department of State from April 1982 until June 1982
- Sherman, William C., Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations in the Security Council from July 1981 until January 1984
- Shlaudeman, Harry W., Ambassador to Argentina until August 26, 1983; Ambassador at Large and Special Envoy for Central America from March 26, 1984
- Shoemaker, Christopher C., Member of the National Security Council Staff until June 1982
- Shultz, George P., Secretary of State from July 16, 1982
- Sienkiewicz, Stan, Special Assistant to the Under Secretary of State for Security Assistance, Science, and Technology from July 1981
- Simons, Thomas W., Jr., Director, Office of Soviet Union Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State from September 1981
- Sinclair, Ian, Legal Adviser, British Foreign and Commonwealth Office
- Small, William N., Admiral, USN; Vice Chief of Naval Operations from 1981 until 1983
- Smith, Carl R., Major General, USAF; Military Assistant to the Secretary of Defense from May 1982
- Smith, Keith C., Office of Northern European Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State until July 1983
- Smith, N. Shaw, Director, Office of Southern Cone Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Relations, Department of State from June 1982 until August 1983
- Smith, William D., Rear Admiral, USN; Director of Naval Communications, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
- Smith, William F., Attorney General from January 23, 1981
- Sorzano, Jose S., Representative to the United Nations Economic and Social Council from 1981 until 1983; Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations from 1983
- Sotera, Alfredo, General, Argentine Army Intelligence
- Stanford, John H., Colonel, USA; Department of Defense representative on Interagency Group
- Stockman, David A., Director, Office of Management and Budget from January 21, 1981
- Stoessel, Walter J., Jr., Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs until January 26, 1982; Deputy Secretary of State from February 11, 1982, until September 22, 1982
- Streator, Edward J., Jr., Deputy Chief of Mission, U.S. Embassy in London until August 1984
- Taft, William Howard, IV, General Counsel of the Department of Defense from April 2, 1981, until May 2, 1984
- Takacs, Esteban Arpad, Argentine Ambassador to the United States from August 1981
- Thatcher, Margaret H., British Prime Minister
- Thomas, Charles H., Director, Office of Security and Political Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
- Thomas, David, Assistant Under Secretary for the Americas, British Foreign and Commonwealth Office
- Thomas, Derek M.D., Minister, British Embassy in Washington until 1984
- Thompson, Herbert B., Deputy Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States
- Tobin, Thomas G., Brigadier General, USAF; Deputy Director for Operations, National Military Command Center
- Train, Harry D., II, Admiral, USN; Commander in Chief, Atlantic Command until September 30, 1982
- Ulloa Elias, Manuel, Peruvian Prime Minister until January 3, 1983
- Ure, John, British Assistant Under Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
- Vessey, John W., Jr., General, USA; Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from June 18, 1982
- Videla, Jorge Rafael, General, President of Argentina until March 29, 1981
- Viola, Roberto Eduardo, General, President of Argentina from March 29, 1981, until December 10, 1981
- Waldheim, Kurt, Secretary-General of the United Nations until December 31, 1981
- Wall, J. Stephen, First Secretary, British Embassy in Washington until 1983
- Walters, Vernon A., “Dick,” Ambassador at Large from July 22, 1981
- Watson, Thomas C., Rear Admiral, USN; Deputy Director for Planning and Resources, Office of the Director J–4 (Logistics), Joint Staff, Joint Chiefs of Staff
- Weinberger, Caspar W., “Cap,” Secretary of Defense
- Wenick, Martin A., Director, Office of Northern European Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State from November 1983
- West, Francis J., Jr., Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs from April 4, 1981, to April 1, 1983
- Wheeler, Michael O., Colonel, Member of the National Security Council Staff from January 1982 until March 1983
- Wheelock, Jaime, Nicaraguan Minister of Agricultural, Cattle Development and Agrarian Reform
- Whitelaw, William, British Member of Parliament, Deputy Leader of the Conservative Party
- Whitney, Ray, British Foreign and Commonwealth Office
- Whittemore, Clive, Private Secretary to the British Prime Minister
- Wick, Charles Z., Director, International Communication Agency from June 9, 1981
- Williams, Anthony, British Ambassador to Argentina until April 1982
- Williams, James A., Lieutenant General, USA; Director, Defense Intelligence Agency from September 1981
- Wright, Sir J. Oliver, British Ambassador to the United States from September 1982
- Young, Janet, Baroness, Leader of the British House of Lords
- Zakheim, Dov, Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy
- Zambrano Velasco, Jose Alberto, Venezuelan Foreign Minister
- Zellnick, Bob, Deputy Washington Bureau Chief, American Broadcasting Company
- Zinn, Ricardo, Argentine businessman