241. Memorandum From the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (Iklé) to Secretary of Defense Weinberger1


  • Materiel Support to the UK (U)—INFORMATION MEMORANDUM

The attached paper contains summaries of new requests for materiel support, requests outstanding, and requests recently completed.

Fred C. Ikle2


Paper Prepared in the Department of Defense3

[Page 503] [Page 504]
(TS) 12 NESTOR (KY–8/KY–28) Equipments with spare sets (Secure Voice Encryption Device) In Staffing Unknown—10 NESTORs previously delivered on 21 April.
(TS) 1 AN/ALE–40 Chaff Dispenser for trial installation on a Sea Harrier Approved Air Staff working
(TS) 15 AN/ASQ–81 (v) Magnetic Anomaly Detector (MAD) Sets plus spares and auxilliary equipment In Staffing Unknown
(TS) 15 MJU–7 infra-red flares Approved 7 May 82
(TS) Temporary two-day loan of 3 to 4 UK shipwrights employed by the USG (Administrative leave) in the UK to assist in retrofit activities Approved 7 May 82
(TS) Direct relay of weather satellite information to Sunnyvale AFS, CA. Requires a demodulator to be shipped from the Global Weather Center to Sunnyvale. Approved 10 May 82
(TS) Request for quotation for 20,000 SSQ 41B Sonobuoys In Staffing Unknown
(TS) 3 CV 3333 UHF secure speech (SATCOM, units plus plugs, handset and vocoder In Staffing Unknown
(TS) Diversion to the UK of the first available RD–433/SSH Receiver under FMS case UK–P–BGO In Staffing Unknown
(TS) 2 VOE–82C Antennae for WSC–1 (SATCOM) Approved Expect mid-June 82 delivery
(TS) 10 AN/PVS–5 (Night Vision Goggles) Approved Expect 7 May 82 delivery
(TS) 50 Maritime Limpet Mines (Hand-transported Underwater Anti-Ship Demolition Weapon) Approved JCS considers availability to be uncertain
(TS) 350 exhaust valves for use on helo-launched MK 46 Torpedoes (MK 46 is a semi-active anti-submarine torpedo with 5–6 mm range) Approved Manufacture expected 11 June 82
(TS) 2 Vulcan/Phalanx Close-In Systems (Vulcan/Phalanx is a point defense system against an anti-ship missile threat. UK will mount the weapon on the aircraft carrier ILLUSTRIOUS currently undergoing sea trials.) Approved Expect mid-May 82 delivery
(TS) 200 MK 46 Mod 2 Torpedoes (Semi-Active ASW) In Staffing Unknown
(TS) 200 MK 535 Containers (Torpedo Transport) In Staffing Unknown
(TS) Availability of 600,000 sq. ft. AM–2 airfield matting In Staffing Unknown
(TS) 1:250,000 scale maps of the Argentine mainland developed by US and Argentina (Bilateral agreement requires both countries approve release) DMA, OSD and State recommend disapproval. (See Tab A)4 Awaiting decision
(TS) 10 Crypto Support Kits 4 May 82
(TS) 16 Lightweight 60 mm Company Mortars and 1600 rounds 5 May 82
  1. Source: Washington National Records Center, OSD Files, FRC 330–86–0042, UK 1982. Top Secret; Eyes Only. A stamped notation at the top of the memorandum indicates that Weinberger saw it on May 10. At the bottom of the memorandum, Weinberger wrote: “Fred. Please let me know when all the ‘In Staffing’ is completed. We should not require longer than 36 hours to act on any UK request.” Another copy of Iklé’s memorandum bears the handwritten date of May 7. (Ibid.) Smith returned the memorandum to Iklé under a May 13 note, which reads: “Can you please respond to SecDef’s question by COB today?” (Ibid.) Additional summary papers tracking the status of British military requests were regularly produced by the Department of Defense until the end of June and are ibid.
  2. Iklé signed “Fred” above his typed signature.
  3. Top Secret; Eyes Only.
  4. Tab A was not found attached.