271. Telegram From the Embassy in the German Democratic Republic to the Department of State1



  • Asylum Seekers in Embassies: Talks With FRG.


  • State 126765.2
I have nothing to add to the many words we have already sent in on the subject. We’re comfortable with the existing US/FRG coordinating procedures and current US policy. I would simply underline that at the end of any given “asylum day,” US and FRG interests may not always be the same, thus arguing against “agreements.” As for current problems which can serve as examples, the recent East German intruder into our attic provides one, and the reported continued residence in the FRG Permanent Mission of an East German soldier provides another. Frankly, I see no basis for a “common formula” or “agreement” of the sort that would meet Foreign Minister Genscher’s real objective, [Page 829] and there is every reason to believe that such a “common formula” or “agreement” does not exist even among West Germans who deal with the matter.
Please pass to Bonn USBerlin Prague Moscow Warsaw Belgrade Budapest Bucharest Sofia.
  1. Source: Reagan Library, Executive Secretariat, NSC Cable File, Europe (State) NODIS IN (04/24/1984–11/30/1984. Secret; Immediate; Nodis.
  2. Telegram 126765 to Bonn, April 1, proposed U.S.-FRG consultations regarding asylum seekers. (Department of State, Central Foreign Policy File, N840006–0412)