169. Telegram From the Embassy in Romania to the Department of State1



  • Romanian Invitations to President and Secretary of State.
Confidential—Entire text.
Americas Division Director Besteliu called in Chargé 12/31 to reiterate the message conveyed by Ambassador Stoichici 12/30 to the Deputy Secretary.2 Besteliu recalled that in June 1985, President Ceausescu had invited the President to visit Romania and, in view of the likelihood that the President would visit the Soviet Union in the first half of 1988, said the GOR wanted to reiterate the invitation. Besteliu said the GOR would be happy to have the President visit either on his way to or from the Soviet Union, and said such a visit “would be a cornerstone for developing relations between the United States and Romania.”
Besteliu said Stoichici also had discussed the GOR’s desire to have the Secretary of State visit Romania. He noted that the Secretary generally travels to Europe two or three times a year, and said the GOR hopes he could come to continue the dialogue between the two Foreign Ministers on one of those trips in 1988.
The Chargé thanked Besteliu for keeping the Embassy informed. He noted that, while he had no information on the travel plans of either the President or the Secretary, he would report the GOR’s interest to Washington.
  1. Source: Reagan Library, Rudolf Perina Files, Subject File, Romania—Bilateral 1987 (4). Confidential; Immediate.
  2. Minutes from this meeting were not found.