138. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Romania1



  • Presidential Correspondence: Reply to Letter From Romanian President Ceausescu (S/S 8523478).
[Page 382]
C—Entire text.
The Romanian Embassy in Washington has delivered to the Department a letter to the President from Romanian President Ceausescu. Unofficial GOR translation is as follows:

Begin text.

Dear Mr. President,

Starting from the present stage of the Romanian-American relations and from the desire to give a new impetus to the ties between our countries and peoples, I have the special pleasure to address to you and to Mrs. Nancy Reagan, on my part and on the part of my spouse Elena Ceausescu, the invitation to make an official visit to the Socialist Republic of Romania, at a date to be established with one accord.

I take this opportunity to express the satisfaction at the ascendant course of the Romanian-American relations, which have developed steady, in the spirit of the understandings reached through the exchange of messages established between us.

I am convinced that your visit to Romania, the conversations and understandings, at which we will reach together, will contribute to the development of the bilateral Romanian-American relations, to the intensification of the cooperation of our countries on the international arena, to the wellbeing of the Romanian and American peoples, of the policy of peace, disarmament, collaboration and international security.

Finally, I would like to convey to you my warm greeting and the best wishes for health and success.

With the best sentiments,

Nicolae Ceausescu

His Excellency

Ronald Reagan

The President of the United States of America

The White House

Washington, D.C.

End text.

The White House requests that Charge present the following reply to appropriate Romanian authorities ASAP: Begin text.

Dear Mr. President:

I appreciate very much your kind invitation to make an official visit to Romania. The Government of the United States has valued opportunities to consult with your Government on both bilateral and international issues, and we look forward to further meetings.

[Page 383]

Although my travel schedule is uncertain at this time, please be assured that I will keep your invitation in mind.


Ronald Reagan

His Excellency

Nicolae Ceausescu,

President of the Socialist Republic of Romania


End text.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Foreign Policy File, D850573–0818. Confidential; Priority. Drafted by Lang; cleared by Kuchel, McKinley, Pearson, and Timothy Collins (S/S–S); approved by Palmer.