128. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (McFarlane) to Secretary of State Shultz, Secretary of the Treasury Regan, Secretary of Defense Weinberger, Secretary of Commerce Baldrige, Secretary of Energy Hodel, Director of Central Intelligence Casey, and the President’s Science Adviser and Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy (Keyworth)1


  • Control Data Disk Drives for Assembly in Romania (S)

In the matter of the Control Data Corporation proposal to assemble 200 megabyte disk drives in Romania, the President has approved the safeguards plan as prepared by the Department of Commerce with the following amendment:

“In addition to the ten other enumerated safeguard provisions, responsible Western representatives of Control Data will be assigned to be at the facility to ensure constant control and monitoring of the assembled and unassembled 9780 disk drive units. They will submit written reports every month to OEA concerning the fulfillment of all of the safeguard provisions.” (S)

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With this amendment, the safeguards plan and the license for the Control Data transaction are approved. This approval does not constitute approval of the sale of the assembled disk drives to Romania. (S)


Robert C. McFarlane


Paper Prepared in the Department of Commerce2

Proposed Safeguard Conditions for The Export License Authorizing Assembly of 200 Megabyte Disc Drives by ROM/CDC in Romania

The technical data shall:
include nothing related to the design, manufacture, or repair of magnetic heads, servos, or magnetic surfaces, actuators; and
be limited in content and quality to that necessary and appropriate for the manufacture of 9780’s, as described in CDC’s applications.
This authorization relates to the export of the technical data, associated parts, and tools as described in the submitted applications.
Within 30 days following the issuance of an export license to CDC, CDC shall submit to OEA a written statement, signed by a responsible representative of ROM, and certifying that:
The technical data will be used only for the production of 9780’s in Romania. These drives may be shipped to Country Groups T and V only.3
The technical data will not be transferred to a third party, or otherwise disseminated or disposed of, without written permission from OEA;
ROM’s production facilities will not be moved outside the territory of Romania, and responsible Western representatives of CDC will have the right of access to ROM’s production facilities during normal working hours;
Within 30 days following the end of each calendar quarter after issuance of an export license, ROM shall report in writing to CDC, for [Page 353] both such calendar quarter and also cumulatively since the issuance of the export license:
the number of 9780’s produced by ROM;
the number of 9780’s transferred to Country Groups T and V;4
the number of 9780’s remaining at ROM.
CDC will be promptly notified in writing of any significant change in the facts on which any export license for the technical data has been based.
Any 9780’s produced by ROM:
may be transferred only to transferees in Country Groups T and V.5
shall, both before and after any transfer by ROM, remain subject to all U.S. export laws and regulations, except only as herein otherwise provided.
may be reexported to the PRC, but only on a case-by-case basis, and with prior approval of OEA and COCOM.
A responsible Western representative of CDC shall visit ROM each calendar quarter after issuance of an export license and, within 30 days following the end of such quarter, shall report in writing to OEA whether the technical data have been used for anything other than the purposes herein authorized, whether the technical data has been transferred, disseminated, or otherwise disposed of, whether ROM’s production facilities have been moved outside Romania and whether the shipments made here under have been made to and received at approved destinations. From time to time a USG representative may visit ROM to examine ROM’s books and records to verify that the terms and conditions of the approved licenses are being adhered to.
CDC shall promptly submit to OEA a copy of anything CDC receives pursuant to Condition 3)e) above, and CDC shall promptly notify OEA in writing of any significant change in the facts on which any export license for the technical data has been based, or of any significant change in the terms of any contracts or agreements upon which CDC’s relationship with ROM, as described in CDC’s application, has been based.
Within 30 days following the end of each calendar quarter after issuance of an export license, CDC shall report in writing to OEA, for both such calendar quarter and also cumulatively since the issuance of the export license:
the number of 9780s produced by ROM;
the number of 9780s transferred to Country Groups T and V;6
the number of 9780s remaining at ROM;
the number and identity of parts,7 read/write and servo heads, and actuators exported to ROM during the quarter covered by the report, and the number and identity of parts, read/write and servo heads and actuators that were incorporated into disc drives during such quarter; and
a description of that part of the technical data exported to ROM, indicating whether it was exported orally or through written documentation.
A list of all end-users should be submitted to OEA at the time of delivery along with the number of disc drives delivered to each end-user.
Parts provided by CDC, directly or indirectly, will remain under CDC control, and the quantity of parts on-site will be limited to that necessary for supporting the production of 9780’s for the following six months;
Read/write and servo heads as well as the actuator mechanism (including velocity transducers) will be exported preassembled and tested by CDC. Technology of these items will not be exported.
  1. Source: Reagan Library, Paula J. Dobriansky Files, Romania—Landsat (8). Secret.
  2. For Official Use Only.
  3. See paragraph 4 (c). [Footnote is in the original.]
  4. See paragraph 4 (c). [Footnote is in the original.]
  5. See paragraph 4 (c). [Footnote is in the original.]
  6. See paragraph 4 (c). [Footnote is in the original.]
  7. “Parts” is defined as anything other than read/write heads or actuators. [Footnote is in the original.]