89. Letter From Secretary of State Vance to Frank Stanton1

Dear Frank:

Just as your letter of August 292 reached me, the President announced his decision to combine the functions of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and the US Information Agency into a new, single agency, which would also include the Voice of America.3 I understand Peter Szanton of the President’s Reorganization Project called you shortly thereafter to inform you of the President’s decision.

I believe the President’s decision provides a rational and workable approach to the management of our international information and cultural programs. I believe, too, that some of the important philosophical concerns raised by the Panel under your chairmanship will be met in the reorganization plan. For example, the plan will include measures to insure the independence of the news function of VOA. We also intend to make sure that the integrity of educational and cultural exchanges will be fully protected in the new agency.

I intend to do all that I can to help bring into being a new organization that has credibility in this country and abroad. I look forward to your help and advice in the crucial period ahead.


  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, P770154–1420. No classification marking.
  2. See Document 86.
  3. See Documents 85 and 88.