81. Telegram From the Department of State to all East Asian and Pacific Diplomatic Posts1
172357. For Chiefs of Mission from Holbrooke. Subject: U.S. Public Diplomacy in East Asia and the Pacific.
1. As you may already know, Mort Smith, formerly the Director of the East Asian Bureau Press Office, has assumed duties as Assistant Director of USIA for East Asia and the Pacific. I consider Mort’s appointment to be a unique opportunity to establish an especially close working relationship between State and USIA in developing a public posture for our diplomatic efforts.
2. Within the next few weeks USIA Area Directors will ask all PAOs to take a new, tough look at their country plans; particularly in light of the PARM process and USG objectives. They will need your help and the help of your Mission in making their programs address U.S. foreign policy goals more clearly and directly. Your personal attention and positive guidance will be a vital element in this process.
3. I would welcome any comments that you, in collaboration with your PAOs, might have on the future role of public diplomacy in support of our policies in Asia.2
- Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D770263–1068. Limited Official Use. Drafted by Kenneth Quinn and Morton Smith; approved by Holbrooke.↩
- For a response from the Embassy in Jakarta, see Document 83.↩