452. Memorandum From Robert Pastor of the National Security Council Staff to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Brzezinski)1


  • U.S. Policy to El Salvador (C)

Muskie’s decision to hold a rump meeting without DOD today in order to change the SCC guidance has set us backwards for at least a day. On Saturday, the Government of El Salvador was significantly restructured, and reaffirmed its commitment to the reforms.2 Moreover, the Armed Forces agreed to act “within a framework of legality and justice to investigate, to fine, and to punish all of those who are found responsible for acts of violence and terrorism, especially for the criminal actions occurring during the last two weeks. . .”. These are important words, which require some positive response from us. However, until these words are seen in deeds, we should not turn on all of our aid. This was pretty much the outcome of the Muskie meeting this morning. (Instructions are attached.)3 I agree we ought to support those instructions, but I think that DOD will have real problems with them, and to my knowledge, they have not yet cleared the instructions. (S)

I would recommend the following:

(1) We need to get the instructions out immediately, and for Bob to inform the Christian Democrats that we are announcing the continu [Page 1161] ing of economic aid, but that the military aid should await actions taken by the military. (S)

(2) State should announce at noon that we are resuming economic aid. (S)

(3) With regard to the initiative by the left for a dialogue with us, I believe we ought to inform the Christian Democrats, but not follow up until the current crisis is resolved. Bowdler is eager to respond to the left, but I think this would be a serious mistake. We are engaged in a major struggle with the Armed Forces to get them to purge several leading military officers. If these people knew we were beginning a dialogue with the left, they would unify and resist our efforts to purge the right. We need to take one step at a time—starting with the transfer of Carranza and Moran. (S)

I suspect that an SCC meeting will be necessary on this, both to get DOD on board on the instructions at Tab A, and to get the State Department on board with regard to delaying in responding to the initiative from the left. (S)

  1. Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Staff Material, North/South, Pastor Files, Country Files, Box 22, El Salvador: 12/13–19/80. Secret. Sent through Aaron. A stamped notation reads: “DA has seen,” and an unknown hand wrote: “12/23/80.” An unknown hand also wrote “URGENT” and “12/16” at the top of the page.
  2. December 13. For more information about the December 15 meeting, see Document 451. In telegram 8717 from San Salvador, December 13, the Embassy reported that the PDC and the military had reached agreement and that “the military admitted its responsibility for errors and pledged to correct them.” The telegram also noted that the new JRG would have four members with Duarte as President, Gutierrez as the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, and Majano as Ambassador to Spain. (National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D800593–0713)
  3. Tab A, attached but not printed, is a draft copy of a telegram instructing White to inform Duarte that, in light of the successful PDC/military negations, the United States was resuming economic assistance and would continue to deliver military equipment “in the pipeline (principally trucks) which has not been subject to hold.” Further military aid would be subject to three conditions: that the JRG carry out the military transfers of human rights violators; that the level of violence by the security forces be reduced; and that the investigation of the deaths of the four U.S. missionaries continue to progress rapidly. This draft copy contains Pastor’s handwritten comments. The Department sent the final version as telegram 333735 to San Salvador, December 18. (National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, P880136–1967) See Document 453.