306. Editorial Note

In telegram 230159 to Managua, August 31, 1979, the Department of State requested that the Embassy advise regarding the feasibility of using International Military Education and Training (IMET) program funds in Nicaragua during the remainder of fiscal year 1979, considering that the earliest the funds (not to exceed $23,600) could be programmed would be September 20. The Department required an Embassy response no later than September 4. (Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Staff Material, Freedom of Information/Legal, Kimmit, Arms Transfers/Country File, Box 27, Nicaragua: 5/77–10/80) U.S. Ambassador to Nicaragua Lawrence Pezzullo responded in tele [Page 740] gram 4193 from Managua, September 1, that the Embassy was aware of the funding restrictions and delay in the availability of IMET funds but still wished to utilize funds during the current fiscal year. As a part of a larger program, he proposed a brief visit by two or three Sandinista National Liberation Front military officials to selected U.S. training bases. (Ibid.) In telegram 4252 from Managua, September 6, the Embassy reported on a September 5 meeting between United States and Nicaraguan military representatives, indicating that the Nicaraguan Government of National Reconstruction had accepted the “idea of sending a small number of junior leaders to the Canal Zone for training.” (Ibid.) In telegram 2866 from Managua, September 22, the Embassy reported that Sandinista Army commander Humberto Ortega had notified the Embassy by letter that the training visit was cancelled due to “political difficulties with using a facility which previously provided training to the Nicaraguan National Guard.” The telegram noted that the cancellation “obviously represents a political decision overriding pragmatic considerations.” (Ibid.)