17. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Guatemala1
278704. Subject: Belize Negotiations. Please pass the following information to Foreign Minister Molina.
1. After the British informed him of the agreement on territorial cession, Price met with Ambassador Andrew Young and Secretary Vance.2 In both conversations he opposed cession of territory and said he had four alternatives:
A. Panama’s Torrijos would help him win Latin support for independence without territorial cession. Torrijos advised Price he would get a better settlement from the next Guatemalan administration.
B. Mexican Foreign Minister would help find a solution but cautioned against cession to Guatemala since Mexico would revive its claim.
C. Price asked the U.S. to press Guatemala to give up its claim.
D. If none of the above worked, Price said he preferred the status quo to territorial cession. Ambassador Young and Secretary Vance told him that we believe now is the best time for a negotiated settlement [Page 50] and urged him to give the Anglo-Guatemala agreement serious consideration.
2. In an effort to help persuade Price to go along with the proposed settlement, we gave Torrijos our assessment of the situation and asked his help in convincing Price to accept a settlement. Torrijos said he would help in any way he could and will probably be speaking to Price in the very near future.3
3. We instructed our Ambassador in Mexico to seek assurances that Mexico would not pursue its claim to Belize.4 The Secretary plans to see Foreign Minister Roel on November 25 to discuss Belize.5 Although we do not know the final Mexican position, we believe Mexico will not revive its claim if Price agrees to go along with a settlement.
4. In view of the importance Price attaches to Latin support, we have instructed our Ambassadors in Caracas and Bogota to request their host countries’ support in the effort to convince Price.6 We have also asked the same of the Canadians and Jamaicans.7 In no instance have we provided details of the proposed settlement.
- Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, P840077–2402. Secret; Priority; Nodis. Sent for information to London, Belize City, Mexico City, and Panama City. Drafted by Pfeifle; cleared by Shelton and in S/S–O; approved by Habib. Telegram sent unchanged to the White House on November 22 with the same telegram number. (Ibid.)↩
- Telegram 4720 from USUN, November 16, reported on Price’s November 10 meeting with Young. (National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, P850067–1497, N770007–0671) No memorandum of conversation was found for Vance’s conversation with Price.↩
- In telegram 269577 to Panama City, November 10, Habib instructed Jorden to inform Torrijos that the chances of reaching a negotiated settlement regarding Belize “are best now” and that “we hope you will use your considerable influence to persuade Price to accept a negotiated settlement now.” (National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, P840076–0816, P800020–1927) In telegram 272047 to multiple posts, November 12, the Department repeated the text of telegram 8104 from Panama City, November 12, in which Jorden reported to Vance and Habib that he had met with Torrijos to discuss Belize and that Torrijos had promised to “cooperate in finding a solution.” (National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, N770007–0510)↩
- Telegram 270626 to Mexico City, November 11, Habib instructed Lucey to inform Roel that the “the chances of arriving at a settlement which would give Belize self-determination are greater now than they will be for a number of years” and that it would be “particularly helpful” if Mexico would “not pursue its claims to territory in the north of Belize.” (National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, P840001–2269)↩
- Telegram 283180 to London, November 26, reported that Vance spoke with Roel about Belize by phone on November 25. Roel announced that, rather than meeting with Vance, he would seek “fresh instructions” from Portillo. (National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, P840081–2044)↩
- In telegram 277168 to Caracas, November 18, Habib instructed Vaky to ask Consalvi to support a negotiated settlement regarding Belize. (National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, P840086–1019) In telegram 277166 to Bogotá, November 18, Habib instructed the Chargé to ask Lievano-Aguirre to support a negotiated settlement regarding Belize. (National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, P840084–2194)↩
- In telegram 277167 to Ottawa, November 18, Habib instructed Enders to ask Jamieson to “convey to Price that a settlement now, involving minor territorial cession, is the best opportunity likely for a number a years for Belize to achieve self-determination, and that Canada supports a negotiated settlement.” (National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, P850056–1906) In telegram 278703 to Kingston, November 21, Habib instructed Irving to ask Manley to support a negotiated settlement regarding Belize. (National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, P840081–1856)↩