171. Telegram From Secretary of State Vance to the Embassy in Egypt1
Secto 12073. Subject: Discussions With Israelis About Cairo Conference.
1. In course of first formal meeting between Secretary and his party and Israeli side morning December 11,2 Begin and Dayan raised number of questions about Cairo Conference. Israelis have asked that we convey to Egyptians their views on number of points and also to seek clarifications on others. Believe it best to do this with Boutros Ghali, but you might also suggest, when you request appointment, that Foreign Minister seek to have Abdel Meguid present when you talk with him.
2. On procedural aspects, Secretary reported that Egyptians suggested U.S. chair meeting or as alternative, that Siilasvuo chair. Making it clear they were not motivated by ad hominem considerations as they liked and admired Siilasvuo personally, Begin said he did not like this idea since it would convey “wrong image” if military representative were to chair an essentially political meeting. Begin said his first preference would be to have U.S. chair meetings. Secretary said he was not enthusiastic about this alternative since it might establish undesirable precedent for Geneva Conference at later stage when Soviets might seek to use it to justify prominent Soviet role. By process of elimination we recommend to Egyptians what Begin and Dayan agreed was acceptable alternative, viz. that chair should alternate between the two countries.
[Page 826]3. Second point was Egyptian desire to have at first public session empty chairs for invitees who are not showing up. Israelis do not like this idea, and Begin made same point that Secretary did when he was in Cairo that televising scene of empty chairs might convey sense Conference was failure rather than scoring propaganda gain for Egyptians. Both Secretary and Israelis agreed that in addition problem of nameplates could bog whole Conference down before it even opened. Begin suggested as alternative that all parties in their opening speeches make the point that the Conference was open to all the Geneva participants and those not present were absent of their own accord. We agreed to put this suggestion to Egyptians, saying also, that it is agreeable to us. You should make further effort with Boutros Ghali to dissuade him from proceeding with empty chairs scenario which Israelis made clear could cause real problems for them.
4. Israelis agree, as do we, with suggestion that no formal minutes be kept of proceedings, and that there be only one agreed statement to press after each meeting to describe what happened.
5. In discussion about possible Palestinian representatives attending in future, Secretary in response to request promised to seek confirmation from Egyptians that for this initial series of meetings no Palestinians are expected to attend.
6. On final point of procedure Israelis asked that we convey to Egyptians their preference that opening session which will presumably be open to press and television be confined to opening speeches by each of four delegates. There would then be adjournment until next day, when first closed working session would take place.
7. Moving to question of Conference agenda, Dayan said Israel would like this agreed before Wednesday.3 From their side, Israelis would like to see meeting concentrate on: (1) the general nature of the matters that ought to be included in an Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty and (2) the nature of peace. Dayan asked if we could get from Egyptians some idea of subjects they wished to take up and Secretary agreed to do so. We understand from our talks in Cairo that Egyptians want agenda to include statement of principles governing a comprehensive settlement. We would also like to know whether Egyptians plan to have Cairo meeting take up unresolved procedural problems of Geneva Conference and if so in what terms.
8. Ben-Elissar suggested to Atherton and Secretary subsequently agreed it was good idea, that Abdel Meguid convene informal get-together of participants at Mena House4 late Tuesday evening or early [Page 827] Wednesday morning so as to go over procedures and mechanics of opening meetings to assure matters go as smoothly as possible. Would appreciate your sounding Egyptians out on this.
9. We will be meeting with Israelis again this afternoon to go over this ground once again. We will send you immediate report of any additional points we want you to take up with Egyptians.