92. National Security Decision Memorandum 2751


  • The Secretary of Defense
  • The Deputy Secretary of State
  • The Administrator, Federal Energy Administration
  • The Director of Central Intelligence
  • The Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission


  • COCOM Position on the Return of Depleted Uranium (Tails) from the USSR

The President has reviewed the report of the Under Secretaries Committee on Tails Disposition and has noted agency views. The President has decided that we should seek to maintain our position in COCOM requiring the return of tails. If significant opposition develops in COCOM, however, we should reexamine our position with a view to finding an acceptable compromise. The President authorizes a compromise requiring the return only of tails above 0.2 percent uranium-235 content. If a satisfactory compromise cannot be achieved, the options for a revised U.S. position should be submitted to the President for his decision.

In view of the importance of securing the cooperation of other nuclear suppliers in implementing our nonproliferation strategy, we should maintain a cooperative atmosphere vis-à-vis nuclear matters within COCOM.

The Department of State should inform the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy and other interested congressional committees in advance of the approach being taken in COCOM and any changes that may prove necessary.

Henry A. Kissinger
  1. Summary: Kissinger communicated President Ford’s direction that the United States maintain its position in the Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls concerning the return of depleted uranium tails from the Soviet Union and underscored that the United States maintain a cooperative atmosphere regarding nuclear matters within COCOM.

    Source: Ford Library, National Security Council, Institutional Files—NSDMs, Box 55, NSDM 275—COCOM Position on the Return of Depleted Uranium (Tails) from the USSR. Secret. Copies were sent to Brown and Eberle. Scowcroft signed for Kissinger above Kissinger’s typed signature.