128. Memorandum From Secretary of Defense Schlesinger to Secretary of State Kissinger1


  • ACDA Proposal on Nuclear Proliferation (U)

(S/SEN) I have studied the ACDA memorandum for the President on nuclear proliferation, dated February 18, 1975.

(S/SEN) Although I am in basic agreement with the ACDA proposals, I would consider the possibility of using somewhat more forceful means of persuasion with the Japanese and Italian governments to obtain timely ratification than are suggested in the ACDA paper.

(S/SEN) With regard to other countries which are leaning toward gaining nuclear capabilities, we should initiate the “country studies” as recommended in the response to NSSM 202. These studies would investigate all the factors affecting potential nuclear weapons decisions in key non-nuclear weapons states and the preferred strategy for deferring such decisions. The situation in South Korea is particularly important and it is proposed that all possible policy alternatives be examined on an urgent basis.

(U) The Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, concurs with me on this proposal.

JR Schlesinger
  1. Summary: Schlesinger indicated to Kissinger that he agreed with the ACDA proposals on proliferation that ACDA Director Iklé had broached with President Ford but added that he would “consider the possibility of using somewhat more forceful means of persuasion” with the Japanese and Italian Governments.

    Source: Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Schlesinger Papers, Box 20, Action Memoranda, March 1975. Secret; Sensitive. The date is hand-stamped. A copy was sent to ACDA. A copy of Iklé’s February 18 memorandum to Ford, Document 120, is not attached. Ellsworth and Ginsburgh’s memorandum, attached as Tab B, is Document 125.