83. Backchannel Message From President Nixon to Brazilian President Médici1

Please bring the following message from President Nixon exclusively to the attention of President Medici.

There are indications that Venezuela and Ecuador may seek to have sanctions against Cuba lifted when the General Assembly of the OAS convenes in Washington in April. President Nixon wants President Médici to know that he strongly opposes such a move and that the United States will take vigorous action in opposition if such a proposal is made. Anything President Médici is able to do in support of the United States position will be deeply appreciated.

  1. Summary: Nixon informed Médici he strongly opposed an effort by Venezuela and Ecuador to lift OAS sanctions on Cuba.

    Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 772, Country Files, Latin America, Brazil, Vol. IV, 1973–1974. Top Secret; Exclusively Eyes Only. On April 18, Scowcroft informed Kissinger that Nixon had “reacted strongly to an item [text not declassified] regarding Venezuela’s and Ecuador’s efforts to remove OAS sanctions from Cuba. Scowcroft attached a copy of the item with Nixon’s handwritten note, “K[issinger]—inform State now—we are to vigorously oppose this move—get our position in the private channel to Médici.” (Ibid.)